Monday, January 27, 2014

Grandad's Hat

People moan about FB but without it I wouldn't get to see what a gorgeous chap my GT Nephew is growing up to be and I'm also thankful for the Iphone cos the camera isn't that bad either.
In my diary this is week 5 of 2014 but this is only number 3 scrapbooking of this year so I may add a few more layout posts this week to bring them up to date.
This turned out so well using Bo Bunny papers that I've had for ages and some were only scraps, also I have to thank this layout from Pinterest which inspired this layout.
The stars are Spellbinders though I did use the dies to draw round the make the star mats, the buttons were in my stash and they had to be sew on cos its not right otherwise. I place them where I want them, then use a poking tool to make the holes so that when I move them away to thread on the needle I know where they're going.


Becky said...

OH My word, Debby, what adorable photos, beautiful page.

Debbie said...

Another beautiful Layout Debby.
Have you tried making buttons by cutting about 6 nestie or punch small circles, punching two holes in the middle, stacking them together and then sewing them, looks nice and you can do them in matching papers, just a thought.
All that saying I wouldn't change this LO it's fab. Debbiex

Crafting Queen said...

WHat a super layout, love the photos.

Chrissy said...

What a gorgeous little chap Debby..fabulous layout,the stars really stand out...gorgeous.


Pat said...

What a sweetie, and the layout and colours are lovely Debbie. Love the stars and the buttons properly done with thread. x

Lynsey said...

Hi Debby what an adorable layout! Love your stars and button embellishments!
Hugs Lynsey x

Sandra H said...

Ooooh sooo cute

Debs said...

Fab LO Debby and adorable photos.
Debs xx

Linda Simpson said...

Gorgeous layout and your GT Nephew is gorgeous too.

Linda xxx

cheryl said...

Oh gosh how cute hun so love the pictures and the colours and layout is just perfect hugs cheryl xxx

Sue said...

Oh my goodness, your GT Nephew is adorable Debby. They are fabulous photos and I love your layout.
Hugs Sue xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Trying to catch up after my hol and what a fab page, great pics too x

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!!!

Cheryl W. said...

Adorable layout!

Dangina Martinez said...

He is so handsome and that hat was made for him. We didn't care for FB much either but it just recently brought me back together with my Fathers family. Which was pretty awesome after 20 years.
Your scrapbook page looks amazing. The stars Dp and image made for a perfect layout.
Tons of Hugs, Dangina

KraftyKaren said...

Fab layout - he is such a cutie. I know what you mean about buttons I have to stitch mine to the layout too but I secure them with a little drop of glossy accents first and then when that has dried I actually add the thread.

Bonnie Weiss said...

OMG ... that little fellow couldn't BE any cuter and you have certainly done him great justice with your wondering layout.

Стокли said...

What a cute boy! Nice color scheme.

Mau xx said...

What a sweetheart, and a wonderful picture to treasure.
Love the papers and layout.
Hugs Mau xx

Debbie Adams said...

How totally cute your grandbaby is in his granddad's hat. :D
I like the layout and colors they are so pretty.