Saturday, December 30, 2006
Trash Book

Thursday, December 28, 2006
Little Bear
Here's my take on the little bear that was in this month Papercraft Inspirations. He is such a cutie and easy (well it must be I can do it) I have been itching to make him since I saw him. Jo Kill is the designer she has a blog too here hope the link works but look at the slide show some fab cards.
Yesterday got dragged down to Mums to pack most of her kitchen for the big move today. Her flat is looking great the boys have worked really hard to get it finished. She's not looking forward to going but Dad can't wait he's never been happy in that house since the bogus gasmen stole from them. They've got a brand new fridge/freezer so David is having the old fridge and freezer plus the washing machine has the new place has a laundry room, I hope he's house goes through soon I'm running out of space.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Andrea's parcel hasn't arrived I've a horrible feeling that it will arrive after christmas, which is lovely to have something to look forward after all the fuss of one day passes but I know she will be disappointed.
Well tonight I'm off to stay at sis tonight and being dragged up to town on Sat (yuck) to get the mounts for Jake sampler, so I need to give it a wash and iron.
Just remembered had to make a special christmas card for DS to give to someone cause the ones I had left weren't good enough. Since when did that bother DS, and who is this mystery person that had to have a really nice christmas card!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
No craft photo
Well no crafty photo have to settle with a pic of Santa. I've been having a proper tea with a couple of work friends it was lovely. Homemade eggy sandwiches with homemade scones and don't forget the jam and cream, swallowed down with cups of tea and a piece of homemade victoria sandwich cake Mmmmmmm.
Well its not long now and I'm still waiting for a couple of parcels one from amazon, one from USA, hopefully one from mod scraps, lets hope they come tomorrow.
Haven't made any cards or photo that LO from the other day, pressing on with the Bear cross-stitch sampler for Jake my sis thinks I can have it finished by Sat, then we can pop up the road to get a couple of mounts apparently they cut them while you wait, she hoping it will be finished for boxing day, no comment but I have done the outline nearly so it will be his name and the DOB to do. Guess I won't be finished unless I get off here. TTFN
Monday, December 18, 2006
Running late
Sorry no pics but this is a bit of a rush job.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Away till next week

Well my list is nearly finished all thats left is to actually pack. This is my LO for comp that was on Mod Scraps, you had to use 3 different patterned papers and heartfelt jounalling. I used Romani Basic Grey. The jounalling is round the circle explaining how I going to miss Andrea when she leaves for Orlando. The little pic is a close up of the butterflies. I would say this is my best LO that I've done. So thats it for now back next week.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Christmas Window

Well the tree is up but haven't had time to decorate, but have managed to do the window. The pic was taken a couple of years ago but it will be the same this year. Mum had brought me and my brothers and sister a Father Christmas for many years lucky we have now convinced her we really don't want any more. It was a case where do you put them. I decided to put them in the window and have done so for a few years, so much so that I get told that it isn't Christmas till the Santa's are in the windows. Discover one set of lights are broken so we need to go and get some more.
I have a really long list to complete by Friday morning and just has I feel I'm getting on top of it so I add some more it shouldn't stress me out but it does, I should have plenty of time especially has I'm not working, trouble is I can't do it all in one fell sweep I have to pace myself or I won't be able to do any.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

OH had the day off so we could go to the Farmers Market, shame it rained and the wind did blew, but managed to get some nice cheese and do some shopping that we needed to do.
We went out for Lunch unfortunately the food was fab but the service was rubbish, so won't be going back there. The good thing was beening able to talk about OH father who died on Sunday. OH was brought up that men don't show their feelings which is no help to me when I've got a crabby miserable man.
OH fathers funeral is Tuesday next week so we will be going up there on Friday and come back Wednesday.
So to cheer up this sorry tale of a blog is the Iris folding Christmas Tree that was in my Sis Making Cards mag of course in real life it is straight HONEST
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Here's my new great-nephew isn't he a cutie. Between my sister and myself in a short space of time we have about 100pic of him 'sleeping'. Can't wait to scrap him but I think I need some special stash.
Yesterday had a great day at Mod Scrap One day event, the lovely Kirsty Wiseman showed us how to do her trash book, Hils a lovely glass pendant and a smashing little christmas book using fruitcake papers with Giselle.
Friday, December 01, 2006
twice in one day

Blogging again cause I'm going to Bristol to Mod Scrap 1 day event.
Here is my Baby card, lacking inspiration today but I used the colours that is in the curtain that my sis made for the baby.
Must remember that Mum wants a christmas card for Doreen. So that will be an OTT lots of ribbon, glitter and peel offs !!!!!!!!
Sending double deckers to Andrea in the US is one of the things she can't buy. She's hoping to get a laptop so she e-mail her friends
December Baby

Well I could get used to this blogger letting me load pictures, it was one of the reasons I stopped blogging. This is my fav card of the moment, used scraps of patterned paper with star punches, printed greeting on the computer. I've done several b'day cards and a retirement card. Still have another male type card to do and now I have a birth card to do.
My nephew's wife gave birth to a little boy this morning, we waited all day yesterday to hear news but this little chap wanted to be a December Baby.