Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Favourite Five Christmas Cards of 2014

I love Mo's Valerie so perfect for quick cards and easy to colour but still allows me layer the image.

I love how this card turned out, I used normal Prima papers and some dies, can't believe it turned out so well.

Although the die was really tricky to use, I was really proud how lovely this turned out, so much I still have it couldn't bear to be parted from it maybe next year I will be able to give away.

When I discovered that the stamp set from Simon Says Stamps Be Joyful had a snowfalling stamp I was over the moon and quick cards like my leftover tree suddenly was made much easier than using embossing paste.

My favourites have to include a  Penny Black somewhere and this one is that pipped the post.

You may have noticed that I have 6 cards this last one although not 'my' favourite it needs a special mentioned. First of it was a DT card for Simon Says Stamp which was for a Shaker card
I don't like making shaker card they usually end up leaking. What was amazing that this card was pinned 1946 just from Simon Says Stamp Pinterest Board and it was view 1873 times on Splitcoast Stampers. So I reckon this must be my most sucessful card I ever made.

To win my candy just add to Mr Linky your post of your favourite Christmas Creations, one rule they have to be made by you and in 2014.

Thank you everyone for being patience with me this year, I haven't been a good blogger this year, I promise to try my best for next year.


Jane said...

All 6 are gorgeous Denby. I loved seeing all your creations this year. Thanks for running this again and I look forward to linking up soon. Merry Christmas to you and yours hugs xx

Jane said...

Grrr predictive text Debby. .lololol xx

Unknown said...

Morning Debby I must say I love all your Christmas cards but I just love your work. You are a wonderful crafter. And I'm looking forward to seeing what you have for us in the new year.
Have a wonderful Christmas Debby xxx

Debs xx

Debby I'm having trouble entering my blog with mister linky. Xxx

Unknown said...

Wonderful cards Debby - no wonder you posted six, I would have had big troubles choosing only 5 (or even 6) of your cards as favourites. You really are an inspiration! I managed to narrow my own favourites down to five, so they are posted and linked. Thanks for running this candy!

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!


NGCARDS said...

A gorgeous selection hun :) xxx

Sue said...

Such a stunning selection of cards Debby. Your designs are always so inspiring.
Sending you good wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
hugs Sue xx

Jules said...

Hi Debby

Loving your Christmas card choices .. .. can't believe that shaker card isn't amongst your favourites though .. .. it is gorgeous!!! I'm not surprised it has been pinned and viewed so many times.

I hope you have a really happy Christmas and wish you all the best for 2015.

Thank you for inspiring me to look back over the Christmas makes this year.

Love Jules xx

Kathleen said...

Wonderful choices Debby must have been a hard choice, that shaker card is lovely too.
Glad you are all prepared and a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy 2015.

Love Kath x

KraftyKoolKat said...

You must have had a terrible job chosing your five as everything you produce is awesome.
Happy Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.

Julie B said...

A great set of cards Debby.How do you decide?
Thanks for running this fave 5 again this year.
Merry Christmas. :)

Sandra H said...

Wow Debby your selection of 5 Favourite cards are amazing as are all of your creations this couldn't of been easy for you to pick but l do like your choice!!............Simply gorgeous as always wishing you and yours a lovely festive season xx

Pat said...

A really lovely selection Debby. I think it must be difficult to choose just five as the cards you make are all beautiful and you have some really lovely dies too. I will definitely be joining in. x

scrappyjacky said...

Such a gorgeous selection.

Carol L said...

Every card you make always inspires me, and I'm probably a bad blogger too as I visit all of your posts, but skip off without commenting too often myself. Life is sometimes too hectic to do all we'd like to do! I love this collection, and can certainly understand the shaker card being repinned so many times! Count me among those numbers - I pinned it too :) Thanks for your generosity and I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!l.

brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
brenda said...

I'll try again Debby, just wanting to wish you A Happy and Peaceful Christmas and thanks you for your friendship and inspiration in 2014.

B x

francesca said...

beautiful card! :) Merry Christmas!

Stamps and Paper said...

Fabulous cards Debby.....wishing you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful new year


KraftyKaren said...

Love all your choices - thank you for all of your inspiration through the year - Merry Christmas!!

Tami B. said...

That last card was pinned a lot too I'm sure. (You have some of the most pinned cards on the internet.) Merry Christmas!

Andreja said...

aaaaaaaaadorable cards :-))
I wihs you Merry Christmas!
Hugs, Andreja

Suzi Mac said...

Fabulous Christmas makes Debby, love them all for different reasons. I like you have not been a great blogger this year, (life got in the way) but I'm so pleased to be able to join in your sweet tradition and to wish you and the family a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Hugs Suzi x

Unknown said...

Your cards are sooooo pretty and amazing, I love when you make and post another card, I look forward to it. I'm going to make the card for my niece for Jan. Winter. Thanks for taking the time to share your creavity with us. Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Looking forward to more of your beautiful cards!

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Great choices, although green isn't mpy fave colour by any means I think the green one is actually my favourite. I have mine chosen and scheduled for Boxing Day so I shall be back to link up then. Merry Christmas and you haven't been a bad blogger at all. Thanks for all your lovely comments and your friendship x

Kath said...

Fabulous cards Debby. It's so hard to choose my favourite as they're all so different but if I had to - then it would be the white poinsettia, it's stunning!
Have a very Merry Christmas.
Kath x

Whisper said...

Oooo what a super & varied collection of Xmas cards.

Wishing you a very Happy Xmas & new Year, luv Sam x

Anonymous said...

I enjoy visiting your blog with your lovely cards (and LO's), but often forget to leave a comment. I love your 3d use of the stamps and dies, it gives the cards just that bit extra!
Wishing you a merry christmas and I'll try to pick just 5 of my favourites of 2015 (I didn't manage on the christmas cards).

Helen said...

Love them all Debby - thanks for such wonderful inspiration!
Merry Christmas!
Helen x

Carol S. said...

Gorgeous selection of cards. Love them all. Have a wonderful Christmas and Healthier and Happy New Year. Hugs, Carol S.xx

cotnob said...

A fabulous selection Debby, I don't know how you manage to choose so few from all of you beautiful cards. I don't think you have been a bad blogger at all, you often visit and leave lots of encouragement.
Thank you for hosting the Favourite Five again this year, it's fun to look at everyone's cards.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Helen said...

Love your cards, Debby and I can see why that shaker card was so popular. I've just linked up my choice too.

Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year too.

Helen x

Lorraine said...

A gorgeous selection of cards Debby. I always love to visit your blog.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.
Lorraine x

Tracy said...

Fantastic mix of styles and colors Debby. Thanks for the chance to play along. Merry Christmas!

Margaret said...

I'm off to pick my 5 favorite cards but I will never be able to compete with your lovely offering.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Margaret M

Nikki said...

What a fantastic collection so glad you held this again it's fun to look through everyone's faves :)
hugs Nikki and Merry Christmas

Janette van Otterlo said...

Wonderful collection! Have a lovely Christmas!
Grtz Janette

Mickymunchkin's little space said...

Great collection, beautiful cards! I wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for 2015 :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous cards Debby, Happy Christmas..xxxx

Céline said...

fab choice, thanks for the idea
merry christmas

Desire Fourie said...

Wow a stunning series of Christmas cards again, Debby. Thank you again for annual linky. I will link up soon. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed festive season and a 2015 filled with tons of love and joy.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Paper Panda said...

Gorgeous selection of Christmas cards! Merry Christmas!
Mandy x

Janice said...

Great choice of cards Debby and all so different, love them all. Merry Christmas, Jx

Di said...

Wonderful cards Debby! And I do so look forward to this annual event :) Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day!


Di xx

Paulette S said...

Debby, I love all of your People and Critter cards, where you fussy cut and layer them. It makes for such magical cards. Thank you so much for adding email subbing to your blog, so I can see them every time you post. Somehow google has me embedded at blogger and won't let me use my wordpress identity! paulettesprettypapercrafts at wordpress dot com, I can not be reached at my daughter's gmail address.

Debs said...

Merry Christmas Debby - every year I wonder how you can choose just 5 of your fabulous Festive Makes to share as your favourite - all your cards are always so gorgeous and so inspirational - thank you for sharing and for hosting this fabulous event.
Looking forward to lots more of your gorgeous cards in 2015.
Have a fabulous day.
Debs xx

Michelle said...

Thank you for the link up - your chosen five are beautiful - Michelle x

Rebecca Bradshaw said...

An absolutely stunning and inspirational top 5 Debby! Thank you so much for the chance to take part. Hope you're having a very Merry Christmas!

Sandra1968 said...

Beautiful cards!

Marieke said...

Oh i love youre cards! Totally different then mine lol! I know the feeling wenn you think it's a card that youre not totally happy with others seem to love it!


coops said...

stunning selection of cards again debby. i do love the dimension in your images and fabulous designs as always.
thanks again for a fun challenge.


Chrissy said...

Love your favourite picks Debby and remember them all..thanks for having your great challenge again this year..such fun to look back at everyones work.


Little K Smith said...

Wonderful work Debby, my fave has to be the little hedgie though! ;D
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas :)

Nonni said...

Thank you for a fun linky! And such beautiful cards... I especially love the third card, all white and with red gems... So elegant!

Sarah G said...

What a beautiful set of cards - a real treat! The designs are so varied but all elegant. Great idea - I shall try to link up :)

Kim M said...

Your cards are gorgeous! It was fun looking at my top 5 fav cards this year! :-)

Kelly Lloyd said...

All your cards are wonderful debby, and congrats on the success of of the last one too.., it really is beautiful... I'm off to choose my top 5 cards now ;-)

Hope you had a great christmas
Hugs kelly

José said...

I love all the cards you have made, these 6 are lovely. especially the white one, she's gorgeous.
I have made my top 5, please stop by and take a look at them.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas time.

Stamping Bubbles said...

Gorgeous cards Debby.

Janette said...

Gorgeous selection Debby, found it quite hard to chose mine, but managed in the end....hope you had a good Christmas..xx

Carol said...

Your cards are all gorgeous Debby, especially like the white one and can see why your 6th one was so popular. I finally made my top five and managed to stick at five! Carol x

Tineke van der Linden said...

Je hele top-5 vind ik supermooi. De kaart met Penny Black vind ik heel lief en de shaker card vind ik prachtig met de glanzende pailletjes erin.
Op mijn blog plaatste ik mijn top-5...of eigenlijk top-6 omdat ik niet kon kiezen.
Groetjes Tineke

Sarah said...

It's a wonder that you could choose 5 Debby as your cards are ALWAYS wonderful and so inspirational!! Thank you for inviting us to share our own favourites (it was tough!!) xx

KT Fit Kitty said...

Your cards are gorgeous! I can see why you chose them as your favourites! This is a wonderful thing to do, to look back and pick favourites! I remember joining you last year. I will see what I can do for this year. Thank you for the opportunity!

Ellibelle said...

Beautiful creations Debby, and congrats on your most viewed creation ever. It's gorgeous too, just like the others!

Sally H said...

Gorgeous cards, Debby! Love them all. I ust remember to pop back for Christmassy inspiration in 11 moths time! Thanks for hosting this wonderful event again. I am really struggling to choose between my fifth and sixth, lol!

Laine said...

Stunning creations Debby and a fun Christmas event. So pleased to join in.

Lynne in NI said...

Beautiful choices Debby! It's always a pleasure to pop over to your blog see what you've been creating :)

Sue said...

Fabulous cards Debby first time I have joined in this great event huggles Sue xxx

Jessi Fogan said...

These are all absolutely fabulous! So hard to pick favourites but I can see why all of these made the cut! I read about your event at Carol's blog & had to come to see if I can pick 5!

Christine said...

Awesome cute crimbo cards Debby it must have been a hard choice for you..thanks for the fun .

smiles Christine x

julie said...

Beautiful cards, Merry Christmas !!

Linby said...

Gorgeous cards and fab inspiration as always, really like the tree with the strips - must try that.
Interesting about your pins too - I never check how many pins I get!
Lynn B x

mamapez5 said...

I love your choice of cards Debby. I wish I could make a white on white one that I am pleased with! Yours´is beautiful. I´ve never though to check my pins either. Must have a look! Thanks for this challenge. It´s good to look back before we look forward! Kate x

JD/ Jill said...

They're all fabulous cards!

Unknown said...

Hi, I read about this challenge at Loll`s. The idea is great ! Time goes so quick and the chance to look back do I love to take. Your cards are wonderful ! Anita

Wendy said...

Gorgeous selection of cards Debby, love them all!.... thanks for hosting this fun event again this year.
Wendy xx

Lee-Anne said...

Wow...such gorgeous cards, Debby! I'm new to this event and was introduced to it by Loll. What a fabulous idea...thank you!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Wow - what an awesome turnout! And to think I haven't seen your [gorgeous] creations before! I am now following you on Bloglovin! You do amazing work!

Joan said...

Your cards are just fabulous, I've just found your blog and I will be back to browse some more !

Ann Lancaster said...

I just found your blog also. Looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful cards.

Kylie said...

Love all your cards! I love this idea to showcase our favourites xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

It was really interesting to read your post Debby and to see which five you picked or rather six on this occasion. As get your posts o my email read them all.. and the one you could not give away is one of my fav.
Also when realised your holly die (one of my fav.) was here was over the moon and thought wow what fab prize.. thank you so much, you are so kind...and I pray whoever wins is especially worthy..

I actually found when doing mine have not posted some of my fav. weird huh??
I must re-mediate that :D thanks again for having such great blog and being such a lbessing even if dont comment much, Shaz in oz.x

Juls said...

Loved seeing a review of your year, so many beautiful cards, can't wait to see what you inspire us with in 2015 :-) xx

Sammy said...

Such a fabulous selection Debby! I tried to pick a favourite of the above, but failed. They're all so lovely! x

Jane said...

Back again Debby, I have now linked up! Hugs and thanks again xx

Georgiana said...

5 perfect picks! They are all so beautiful.

Hettie said...

Great choice of cards Debby. I came via a certain Miss Di after seeing her post. Great idea to look back at what you and we have created.
Happy New Year to you.

Tanya S said...

I have no idea how you just pick five..I love every single one of your cards :) Happy New Year !

Lee Ann Barrett said...

Thanks for a fun look back on Christmas 2014, Debby. Your work is gorgeous! Love your coloring!

Colleen Dietrich said...

Hi Debby :)
My friend Vicki Dutcher raved about your cards, so I came over to take a peek m'self. I love your work and different styles! Gorgeousness, pure gorgeousness. Happy New Year!

Viv said...

Such beautiful cards Debby,wishing you a very happy New Year too ;) Viv xx

Bonnie said...

I love your picks, especially Santa's clothes with the "fur" and the beautiful shaker card. I may have to CASE that one! Happy New Year!

Pat said...

Well, I have just linked my entry Debby, very late in the day and very late at night! I do love your five choices but I think my two favourite cards - I couldn't pick just one - are the lovely young lady in green with those gorgeous die cut flowers as she is just a little different, and the wow card with the same die cut poinsettias on which is really so elegant. x

Jennifer said...

For some reason, Debby, I had trouble linking up, and my name appears x 2. #98 is correct, but #97 links back to your blog??? Would you mind deleting it (#97) sorry for the confusion.

Your cards are ALL lovely, so how did you manage to choose just 5?? I adore the 'Santa Hedgy' card, and the 'green lady' card is so elegant.

Wishing you and your family a very happy New Year.

Jennifer. x

Miria said...

Hi, Debby. All your creations are stunning, no doubt you had trouble choosing just six amazing ones. Thank you for another chance. Hope you don't mind if one of my pics is not a card.
I wish you all the best for 2015
Hugs, Miria xx

Melissa S. said...

Beautiful cards. I love your style. I have to say that my fave is the poinsettia and I would hakept it also. What dies did you use for the flower. It is just beautiful.My cards that I linked to are so the opposite from these.

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Wow what a smorgas-board of glorious cards Debby lol! Thanks for sharing. Have linked my blog to yours. Happy New Year hugs Heidi xxx

Diane said...

Gorgeous cards Debby, boy did I have trouble choosing mine !!

hugs Diane xx

Jo said...

Beautiful selection of Christmas makes, each has it's own unique twist *claps*
Thanks for sharing, and for all your inspiration.
Jo xx

Loll said...

Hi Debby. LOVE all of your beautiful Christmas cards. I love this time of year with your favourites highlights. Thanks so much for doing this!

Mynn xx said...

These are all amazing, Debby! I will have to think long and hard and hopefully get my post up soon! Yours are just brilliant! :) HUGS! Mynn xx

KalySto said...

It is always a pleasure to be inspired from your marvelous creations,Debby!
Happy Holidays and Exceptional new 2015!

Karen P said...

As always Debby it is an honour and a big kick of inspiration when I look at your stuffing cards.
Hope you are having a fabulous time with family and friends and I look forward to seeing what the 2015 New Year brings. Thanks for sharing Karen x

Lyndal said...

Fabulous cards Debbie, I'd love if you could link up here too

Danielle Vincent said...

LOVE all of your cards but the first one is my very favorite!! Thanks for a fun idea and the chance to win some amazing blog candy. Happy new year!!

XxJULESxX said...

STUNNING COLLECTION Debby!!! i love them all!

peggy said...

love your cards .What stamp is the girl you used on the 24th that has the girl /
I love the girl and need it bad .

BożenA said...

Deeby Hello, I wish you a happy new year.
I am very glad that I can take part in your play. Who prepared a great prize for the winner. I fear that it will not come to me, but I'm glad that I'm with you.

Поли Христова said...

Wish you love,inspiration and all the best!