Friday, March 30, 2007
Sis showed me TV craft telly where this lady made a mini book of cd mailer envelopes and used a luggage clasp to secure it, both things on my list to buy.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Here's my paperbag book from ModScraps crop on Saturday taught by Ellie. Used pics from Sis computer of her DD. If she finds my blog she could have a bit of a surprise. It is now 13 days to go before we fly out to Orlando and I've been thinking of getting a cricut but worried about its guarantee in this country but OH said we could get one in this country when we get back and buy the cartridges cheaper over there. So have check the website now have a list of what I want to get.
Monday, March 26, 2007

Hurrah at last Blogger likes me again and now I can upload Jake. Saw this picture and knew this Mod Scraps Kit was waiting for just that pic. Had a great weekend, Sat down to Bristol for Mod Scraps Crop made a fantastic paperbag mini book by Ellie met CrazyDaisy who helped by my Sis twisted my arm and I'm now doing a CJ. I also joined a team on UKS and joining into challenges they include Daffodils and Rabbits!!!!!!
Sunday while the boy were cleaning the Lido Sis and I got out out Scrap Stash and I made a couple of LO and Sis went bonkers and made load with my help of course.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
blogger bother
Monday, March 19, 2007
The saga of the Missing Battery Charger

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy Days
Meanwhile we have some nice new blinds in the rooms at the back of the house, we have a blind for the dining room patio doors but due to being a storage company can not get to the doors to put them up. In fact my house is a tip, the dining room is a tip, sorry Andrea you room is a tip too, lets not even talk about David's room and if you ever go into the bathroom after DS that'll be a tip too! Hopefully DS will move soon and things will be back to normal.
Friday, March 16, 2007
At the moment I'm waiting for paint to dry and keep popping on the computer and being sidetracked.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
A bit late

Anyway this LO is about Andrea's pressies she sent us.
Yes I did turn left yesterday, well there was a full loyalty card burning a hole in my purse so I had to spend it, brought a couple of small punches (suitable for cardmaking) and some more catseye chalks, I wear them out with all the inking I do.
Also popped into town, mothers day presents, banking and bits and bobs from partners. I now have a file case to file all my family tree findings, a binder for all my pagemaps and a notepad for things I have, things I want and what sizes I need, for when we are in the US.
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Weekend
We are all set now for Florida in four weeks, seats booked, resort rang to arrange a ground floor apartment and hopefully I've booked the wheelchair (yuk but it has to be done).
Unforturnately we went to a crop yesterday and they had the Cricut (have been trying to convince myself I do not need one) and yes I do need one now. So the plan now is to see how cheap we can get one over there and I promised to JPD to look out for the new disney cricut cartridges.
The Crop was arranged by JPD, Fairy and Valelady at Mychett (spelling) it was good fun, I shuffled papers for about 3 hrs then managed half a LO, Sis just gave up and interferred with everyone elses scrapping. There was no shop has it really was all about likewise people scrapping or making cards. Hopefully I will finished my LO for posting later.
Friday, March 09, 2007
That's it
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wings and Flowers
Monday, March 05, 2007
29 years and counting
Finally finished this LO, have been really stuck for a title so I settled for a take on toys r us which is where you go if you got kids for christmas presents.
Have a nice new printer which has been working hards a printed off some pic of Jake and Tim under the sea. Tim has some great photos of his trip to Oz, skydiving, some more under the sea and snow, all of which I've asked for.