I have to report I was disappointed with the Make it show and I really have to think hard whether next year will be worth its ticket price. It is possible we've just got too much stuff and we've been crafting for a few years so we not easily impressed but I still manage to buy some stuff and most of my list was all brought.
So I managed to buy glue, dst, chalkpads, acylic blocks, new home sentiment stamp and not on my list some PB stamp two of which were in the £2 off baskets and a couple of A5 set of stamps from Jenny of HobbyArt and a large pad of Bazzill paper which I now wish I brought more.
Then we popped down to the Art of Craft which is only a hop, skip and jump away from the show, they were having a second hand craft sell, where they sell your unwanted craft stuff and 20% goes to the charity sorry I forgotten which one it is. So I managed to buy some stamps most were PB and Cricut pens so maybe a successful day after all.
If you're planning to go to the Make it Show today unfortunately they've cancelled because they're expecting strong winds.
One thing we did do was to book ourselves on a Copic class with UK Copic Certified Tutors on the 25th April at Farnborough Hants in fact its at the Holiday Inn or the Queens Hotel if you're local. It being arranged by Stamps and Memories so hopefully I will be able blow the dust of my copics.
I've waffled enough now signing off.
Oh just wanted to Wave to Sarah aka Crafty Little Minx, lovely to meet you.