Monday, April 06, 2009

New Home

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2009-04-06 12:19:44 UTC

Each time I double checked the comments to make sure I counted to the right person I kept getting some one different. So I printed them out and gave each person a number and crossed out dupicate comments.

Finally I worked out that the home the Gorjuss Girls are going to


If you can e-mail me the address is in my side panel under the Scrapbuddies dates and I'll get them sent out ASAP. If by Friday you haven't e-mailed I'm going to have to offer them to someone else on my comment list.


Tricia said...

Congrats Kelli!!

clare said...

congrats Kellylouj xx

and thanks Deb for giving me the chance xx clarexx

Donna said...

Congrats Kelli and thanks again Debby for the opportunity to win your gorjuss girls :) Donna x

Diane said...

Congrats to Kellylouj!!!

Lauretta See said...

congrats Kelly, you lucky girl..
bouhou!!! :)

Ayelet said...

Congrats Kelli! U are a lucky winner!

kelly ledder said...

Wowee!! Boy was I suprise never won on a blog before and it is such a generous giveaway, have emailed you my details.

Thank you so much K xxxx