Monday, July 20, 2009

Bunnies and Candy

Blog Candy Now Closed

The challenge on Penny Black Saturday was for soft and sweet, well what can be softer than bunnies and they are sweet too and it means I could use this stamp. Since I was struggling a bit yesterday and was banned from using punches, a very simple card. A bit disappointed the fluffy stuff came out a bit too thick.
Finally I've put my candy together, I was waiting for the Lemonade pad, usually when I order they come withing 48hrs but it all went pear shaped but at least its here.
This candy is to say Thank you for the 100,000 visits and all you have to do it leave a comment, everyone is welcome. I shall close it on Monday 27th July first thing in the morning.


fairykaren said...

hope you feeling better Debby, love your card, and i want that candy please.
love fairykaren.x

cats whiskers said...

What a fabulous card again dear, this is one of my fav PB stamps just love what you have done with it, thanks for a chance with the candy dear
Hugs Jacqui x

Sparkle and Flourish said...

Gorgeous card the fluffy bunnies!! I think the tails looks fab! Count me in on the candy..would love to win! Thanks for offering all these lovely goodies! Hugs Judy xx

judith@poppy cottage said...

Love your Bunny card, the fluffy tails are really cute, and I love the dotty background. Your blog candy looks awesome! Judith x

Diane.W. said...

Gorgeous card,the fluffy tail looks sooo cute!!!
I will post your candy on my blog now,it is fab :o)x

Suzette said...

Lovely card Debby simple and nice, congrats on your many hits. I have put a link on my side bar about yor wonderfull candy.


Lorraine A said...

Oohh gorgeous card Debby :-) Those bunnies are sooo cute :-)

Love the candy too !! That is a very generous bundle you have there !!! I would love my name to be drawn !! :-)

Lorraine x x

deifen said...

Hi Debbie - I love those little bunnies and the little fluffy tail is hilarious! Yummy candy too- you're too kind!
Dei xx

amanda stokes said...

Hi Debby
Gorgeous card as always and thanks for the chance to win
hugs amanda x

Pati said...

Hi Debby

First of all congratulations to the 100'000 visits. Wow, what an unbelievable number! Your bunny card is definitely too sweet. I never won before, so this would be really great if it worked out this time. Let's keep fingers crossed! :-)
Thank you for this wonderful candy!

BIG hugs & have a great week!

Leonie said...

Congratulations on your 100,000 hits! Your blog is amazing and really an inspiration for me!
Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win this great candy you're giving away! I would love to win it!!

Leonie xx

Trudy said...

Stunning card Debby!! the papers and the colours are beautiful.
Hugs Trudy

PinksyDoodles said...

Hi Debby, I love your cute bunnies - they are difinitely soft and sweet. Sorry you are off the punches - I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
Your candy is wonderful - lots of things on my wish list there. I will keep my fingers' crossed.
Clare x

Lena Katrine said...

Wow! What a cute card - love the sweet little bunnies!
And what a great candy! Congrats on your 100.000 hits - that's a magical number ;)

Have a great day! Hugs, Lena

PS! I'll link to your candy in my blog ;)

Diane said...

Oooh, am I first?
Congrats on your 100,000 visitors. May there be many more - your blog is super
Hugs -x-

Tara said...

Such a cute card Debby and I love the bunny tails, sooooooo sweet! xx

* Üla * said...

Dear Debby,
Thank you for sharing all you lovely talent with us and also for offering up such generous CANDY!
Your cards are beautiful and jewels each piece so there is still much to learn.
I'm a loyal follower of your blog. ;-))
Thanks for the chance to win!!!

The bunnies-card is certainly and again beautiful and sweet and soft:-))
Good luck with PBSC !
Hugs Ula

Crafting Queen said...

Love the bunny tail!:-) Adorable card. Have a nice day. Anesha

Nannieflash said...

Oh youve certainly spoilt us with that blogcandy Debby, it looks gorgeous as does your beautiful card, you definitely one talented lady. with love and hugs Shirelyxxx

Kort og Søm said...

Congratulations whit 100000 visits!! :o)
Super cute card you have made,
Fredrikke :o)

Anonymous said...

Hiya Debby lovely card and blog candy too!! 100,000 visits CONGRATULATIONS xx jo xx

Linda said...

The bunnies are so cute Debby. I only found your blog via Bev's a few weeks ago and am loving your daily inspiration. Your 3D work is beautiful. Congrats on the
100 000!!

Anne said...

What a really sweet card Debby, love it. Thanks for the chance to take part in your fantastic candy draw - it's mine!!! xx

Crafting Andy said...

Love all your work. Love the way you do your 3D, must give it a go. Thanks for the chance to win some fab candy.

Sue - said...

Gorgeous card Debbie and some lovely candy there- hope you're feeling better soon.

Willy's creations said...

So cute!


Annie said...

ooo Debby I love the fluffy tails on your bunny rabbits! hope your wrists are feeling rested today. And of course, fabulous candy I'd love to win too!
hugs, annie x

Beth S said...

Love your card. The bunnies are just too cute and the tail is perfect. Great giveaway. Thanks for a chance to win.

Pamela said...

Hi Debby,

I love your cards. I have seen your Tutorial on the Just Magnolia Tutorial Blog and I decided to try your kind of cards.

Lovely candy, thanks for chance to win.

Hugs Pamela

Lynne in NI said...

Gorgeous card Debbie - I have that stamp in my stash too, I must look it out and have another go with it!
And the 'fluffy' tails look fab!

Safo said...

Дебби, ваши зайцы просто прелесть, какие смешные и милые!Очень красиво! Ирина

Di said...

Oh Deb this is soo cute, its so plain but beautiful and the bunnies are just! well you,ve made them brill agosin.
I also love your Sarah Kay one below and the flowers look fab. This is a stunning card!

Hugs Di

P.S i have linked your candy thanks for a chance to win hun


Cathy said...

Gorgeous card Debby - loving those ickle bunnies!!
Thanks for the chance to win your candy.
I will put a link on my blog for your candy.
Cathy xx

Amanda said...

Adorable card! Those bunnies are so cute. Thank you for the chance to win your fab candy!

Danielle said...

The most perfect 'soft and sweet' card ever - those bunnies are so adorable!! Wow, what wonderful candy you have up there on offer Debby - thank you so much for the chance to win this!
Hugs, Danielle

Kathy said...

Adorable card Debby!! Love this image as well and there tails look adorable!!
WOW what a candy!! Congrats on all your hits!! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

OH WOW! Fantastic candy! I love your blog and have you linked in my sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Love the card - so cute and fluffy! And thanks for offering that fab blog candy :) Hugs Louise

Martha said...

Beautiful card Debby!! The bunnies are so cute :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Debby, how sweet!! Bunnies and candy always go good together!! :) I will be sure to put you in the candy jar on the side of my blog!! HUGS Your creations are ALWAYS fabulous girl!!

Karen said...

Gorjus card. Love those cheeky wabbits.

Will put your candy on later.

Love Karen x

Michelle said...

Debby you have a beautiful blog...your creations are gorgeous! No mystery why you've had so many visitors!! I will definitely be back....thanks for the chance to win some great candy!

Donna said...

Gorgeous little card Debby and such cute little bunnies, love the embossed background too! Your candy looks scrummy and big thanks for giving us the opportunity to win it, someone will walk away very happy on the 27th July :) Donna x

Fern said...

Gorgeous card Debby, i just love the bunnys, and the pom-poms you've added to their tails.
Fabulous candy- congrats on so many hits! thanks for the chance to win, i'll post a link in my Candy Bar for you. :O)

Fern xx

Riet said...

What a beautiful card Debby,l love the image and colours.

Hugs Riet.x

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hi Debby
Gorgeous card! Thanks for the chance to win

Eva said...

Congratulations on all the hits! I've had you on my blog roll for a while now, and always find something inspiring here.

stephanne said...

Their tales are adorable and I rather like the simplicity of the card, although that's a bummer that your shoulders are still hurting. Very cute. Soft and sweet indeed!!

Congrats on 100,000 visits, but mostly, THANKS for the great creations you share that keeps that hit counter climbing sky-high. Sign me up for the yummy candy, haven't got my hands on that Lemonade pack yet, but it looks divine!!

StampinCathy said...

Congrats on 100,000 hits! Wow this is some sweet celebration candy. I just love that bunny card. Great texture, colors, and stamps. Thanks for a chance.

Anonymous said...

Awww Debby, what a cute little card! I just love that fluffy little bunny tail! Soooo cute!
Thanks so much for stopping by on my blog!
Thanks also for the chance of winning your candy, its so yummy! So much of it too!
I will post your candy on my sidebar!
Erin x

charlene said...

What an adorable card ! thanks for the chance to win such awesome gifts

Kelly Schelske said...

Super cute card Debby!! Love the fluff!

Fabulous candy too!!
Hugs, Kelly

Karen said...

Debby I've left something on my blog for you.

Love Karen x

Anita said...

What a lovely way to say thank you!
I like the bunnycard very much its sweet!
I put your candy om my sidebar.
xoxoxo Anita

Marja said...

Hey Debby, love the blog and love your cards. I have CFS, spend a lot of time on the couch, with laptop, reading your blog. Love it.
with love, the Netherlands

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Awww - those bunnies are so cute! I love their little tails. Your card is gorgeous hun.
I'll add your candy link to my sidebar and so a post about it in a mo. You're very generous.
Sharon xx

Tracey said...

Love your card Debby! Those bunnies are too cute!! And thanks for the chance at the candy! It's fabulous! xx

Alenka said...

Very beautiful card!Bunnies are cute.Congratulations on your hits!Great candy, thanks for the chance to win!

Sew This N That said...

Oh Debby! Those bunnies look adorable, I love how you have fluffed their tails :0)
Thankyou for the chance to win your wonderful candy and congratulations on your hits :0)
*hugs* Heather x

tracie said...

Oh your card is adorable Debby, love the sweet bunnies ~ gorgeous.
Congrats on 100,000 hits and what yummy candy.
Thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC
hugs Tracie :)x

DawnMarie said...

Hi Debby, the bunnies are so sweet, I love their tails. Thank you for the chance of winning some fabulous candy. Hugs Dawn Marie.xx

Wendy K. said...

Oh, I would love to win this. It looks like so much fun! Thanks for the chance.

Alex said...

Congrats on your 100,000 hits!

Great blog candy...

Alex x

Kimbo said...

What a lovely card Debby. Would love to win your sweet candy.Kimbo x

Lynsey said...

Hi Debby, your card is so sweet! I love those bunnies! Well done on all those hits! Thanks for the chance to win such great candy!
Hugs Lynsey:)

Unknown said...

What a sweet card Debby with cute bunnies.
Congratulations on your 100.000 visitors, I love all your beautiful cards.
What a magnificent candy you give away.
I'll link to your candy in my blog

Hugs Suze xxx

Helen said... cute are those bunnies?!
Love the fluffy tails!
Yummy candy too - thanks for the chance to win!
Helen x

Tasha said...

What a gorgeous candy, i love coming on your blog the cards always blow me away! Loads of hugs, Tash xxx

Brenda said...

Adorable card!!! Thank you for the chance to win such yummy candy!

Carol said...

Seriously delicious candy Debby and seriously adorable the cute bunny tails :)
Big congrats on 100,000 hits....not suprised though, all your cards are works of art....all that cutting & layering, you deserve a medal!!!!

Popped your candy in my side bar :)

Carol x

Kim said...

Cute bunnies hun! Hope you are feeling better! Sorry I have been is taking its toll on me! :( I shall be back in blogland soon! Only 2 weeks left of school! :) Thanks for the chance to win some yummies!
Hugs~ Kim

email: said...

Glad you are better Debby ;) Great candy!

Where do you get your BG stuff?

Much luv,

Suzie Q said...

What a super sweet card those bunnys are so cute - love their little fluffy tails!!
thank you for the chance of winning such fab candy!
fingers crossed
Suzie Qxx

Tessi`s Kramecke said...

The card is beautiful and thanks for the chance of winning your Candys.

Huhs Gitti

Sharon said...

Gorgeous candy Debby, love it!
Love the bunnies little bobs, really cute.xx

Michele Roos said...

Gorgeous card Debby. Love the cute bunnies and their fluffy tails. Gorgeous candy also and thanks for the chance to win this. I've added a link onto my sidebar. Hugs Michele x

Katinka said...

Your card (and all of your work)is sooo lovely!!

And maybe I have a little luck for the candy- I have neve won something.

Wendy Swenne said...

Cute card! Love the bunnie tales!

Thanks for a chance to win such a great candy!


Unknown said...

Hi Debby, congrats on all your hits and thanks for offering such a lovely candy.

All the best

Jan x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Hope that shoulder is better now Debby. Love the bunnies and I love the tails. Thanks for the chance to win some great candy. Will add you to my sidebar. Take care of yourself. Marianne x

Allison said...

sucha sweet card and congrats in the hits and thanks for chance of winning
Take care

Anonymous said...

Debby, Your card is fabulous. Love the image and your coloring is superb. Congrats on all of your blog visits. That is awesome!

Thank you for offering such yummy candy. I have added a link in my sidebar.

Abi Bundy said...

I love these little bunnies and their fluffy tails! really cute card! great candy too!

Sarah xx said...

You can't have too much fluffy stuff on bunnies - that's how they are!!!
Very cute card Debby, thanks for the lovely candy!

Unknown said...

What a great card with the Bunnies! And I'd love to win your fabulous candy!

tracy said...

Great Candy Debbie
I love visiting your blog and i am greatful for your lovely comments you leave me glad you had a lovely time on your recent craft trip!!!
thanks for a chance to win
tracy x

Gina said...

Congrats on your hits Debby :)
Gorgeous card, I love his fluffy tail :) and great candy too, will add a link and pic on my sidebar :)
Hugs Gina xxx

daisy said...

omg debby this looks fab! i have missed it! i'm such a bad follower! hihi

hope someone nice will get it!


Rhonda said...

I love your cards. As a new stamper your cards are inspiring, those bunnies are great. Congrats on 100,000 hits.

Gesa said...

Hi Debby!
100.000 visitors?! Wow
That is something I can only dream of!
Your Blog is fabulous


Hugs Gesa

Aina said...

I really love this card! Cute, cute, cute :O)

.:♥Marit Pettinga-Meijer♥:. said...

How generous of you to put up this amazing candy!
Thanks bunches for the chance to win!
I've linked you up HERE!

Thanks again!
Hugs, Marit.

hotpotato said...

ooo lovely blog candy. I do so loveee your card designs.

Unknown said...

OMG Debby,so many visits.Congratulation!!
I love your Blog,it`s a great inspiration.
Your Candy is so generous.Thank you!
Your Bunny Card is very cute,i love the 3-D.

Sandy x

wimbush news said...

Fab cards Debby & great blog, I check it out everyday. Julia :)

agnes said...

Hi Debby,
I just want to say I love your blog. I try to look every day for your beautiful creations. Unfortunately I don't have my own blog, but you are on my list of favorites for a long time.
Thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy and keep going on with your blog!
Greetings from the Netherlands from Agnes

Paola said...

Hi Debby,

congratulations on your 100'000 visits!

Your card is gorgeous.
I think the fluffy tails looks really cute.

Your blog candy looks great.
Would love to win!
Thanks for offering all these lovely goodies.

Hugs, Paola

Iris said...

Gorgeous creations hun. I really love all of your cards.

Thanks for the chance to win such a great candy.
I´ve linked your candy at my sidebar.

Iris xx

Tracey said...

Hello Debbie, I love the bunny card & I think their fluffy tails are just right :-)

Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy. I've linked you to my blog candy side bar.


Sonia said...

Debby i just love your cards and am not surprised that you have had so many hits.
Such sweet candy you have up for grabs to :)
Hugs Sonia x

SemSee said...

Fabby card Debbie, as always! Just love your style! Gorgeous candy, I'd love to be included in the draw please! Thanks for the chance! Hugs, Sem xx

Saskia said...

Congratulations on your great blog!!

Thanks for sharing this lovely candy! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me! :)

Sweet greetings,
Saskia :)

annececile said...

tes cartes sont tres jolies, bravo !
bonne chance a tous pour le blog candy !

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Love the card - it's so cute. Thanks for offering blog candy.

Lisa said...

super cute card, thanks for the chance to win

Lotta said...

So cute - love the bunnie tales!!
Thanks for the chanse to win the candy.

Ila said...

Your care is Super Cute!!...and the candy is Fabulous!! Congrats on all the hits...your creations are always Beautiful!!...Hugs, Ila

Annelie said...

Hi Debby!
I´ve just found your blog and I must let you know how much I like your cards!! They are really beautiful, so colourful and adorable.
Many greetings from Annelie in Sweden

Nickan73 said...

Greate candy.
Hope for luck :)


Annie said...

Debbie, I think your card is cute! Don't be so hard on yourself. Blog candy looks delish!

cheers Annie

Kath Stewart said...

beautiful card as always your sweet bunnies......thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSC...Hugs Kath xxxxxx

Nikki said...

Your Card is just Fabulous and thanks for the chance at all your yummy goodies

Marieke said...

Congrats on your 100,000 visitors! Nice blog.

Hugs Mik said...

Love all your cards !!! TOOOO CUTE ! I will become a follower and when I learn I will add you to my side bar ! lol sorry but I will.

Sherry V said...

wow 100,000 hits is good... I hope I can win your cansy this will be the first time if I do .... most others are difficult for me I don't have the supplies so thanks for making this one easy !!! Love your cards I am a follower now ! email me at

Anne said...

What a seriously cute card, love the bunnies :).

I would love the chance to win your candy please!

Tracy said...

There's some gorgeous goodies in your candy Debby, very generous and no wonder you get alot of visits, your cards are fabulous!
Thanks for a chance to win
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Poppy said...

lovely card, great candy.

Nikche said...

Hi Debbie.
Your Blog is beautifull and i become a follower.
I Put a link to my Blog.
Love, Nicole

Anonymous said...

Love your card! cute tails!

I've linked to your candy from my sidebar. htt://

Hugs Isabell

Marley said...

What a wonderfull blog candy.. Super! Thanks for giving me a chance to win. I live in Holland and I would love to win that fabulous candy!
I follow your blog..
Much love,

Sharon said...

Very generous candy. I love the Basic Grey Lemonade papers. Thanks for the chance to win.
Sharon x

Julie Temple said...

Love ALL of your work! I think the fluffy bunny behinds are adorable! Thanks so much for the chance!


Sandie said...

Gorgeous card!!

Lovely candy, you are very generous. Thanks for the chance :)

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

A fab and fun card! I think that fluffy thing looks alright!!! Hope you are free to use punches now :)Thanks for offering all that lovely candy!


Adrina said...

Wow Debby, that's a fab candy.
Congrats with all the visitors.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Adrina XX

Lila said...

Adorable card Debby.Congrats on your 100,000 visitors.Your blog is amazing and really an inspiration for me!


Sandra Paul said...

Thanks for the opportunity and nice work

Natascha´s Werke said...


bunnies a cool....

and the paper from your candy... i love it too...

thanks for the candy..


Lisa (mldesignworks) said...

Love your work, Debby! And thank you for the chance to win--congratulations on so many hits! Lisa

scrappyjacky said...

What lovely cards you make....and great candy....thanks for the chance to win it.

Mummylade said...

I'd love a ticket for your lovely candy. And btw, I think your distressing went just dandy =)

Angie said...

What a wonderful candy, and you blog is fantastic. I just stumbled upon it from Gina's. I'm so glad to have found it!

ICHELE said...

Hola desde Colombia, felicitaciones por todas tus visitas. Un abrazo

StacyC said...

Love your work.. Really nice!!! Congrats on the 100,000... That is so cool...

diana said...

what a fabulous card.
thank you for a chamce to win this fabulous candy.

love from holland

Lisa said...

Hi Debby, Such a cute card! I love the bunnies. Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous candy. I have posted a link on my blog (sidebar).

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Fabulous candy Debby, I will leave a link on my sidebar.
Congrats on your hits!
Carole x

Unknown said...

There are those who can and those who can't, and you absolutely CAN. I just found your blog and have spent a lot of time admiring your wonderful creations, thank you for sharing! I love the way you 3d the stamped images.

Georgia said...

I love your card. Animal stamps are my farvorite!

Anne said...

A beautiful card!
Thanks for the chance to win the fab candy!! =D
Hugs Anne

clare said...

Good morning Debby...WOW..100,000 not surprised hun..cause your blog and your creation are all gorgeous.
woild love the chance please...thnks and here's to many more hits.

thanks clare xx

Terry said...

Hiya Debby, wow hun what a georgous card you made, I just love the fluffy bunnies hihihh I have those om my blog, the little ones just a week old. I just love the lemonade paper pad from Basic Grey they have such nice colours. Thanks for a chance of winning this fab candy hun. I post it on my sidebar on my blog hun thanks
Hugs terry

Jean said...

I surely would love to have that candy. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

nasuha ahmad helmi said...

beutiful cards,U're sO creative!!
i wOuld really lOves tO win u'r candy!
gOod luck everyOne!!


Yaarit's blog said...

Great blog.
Thanks for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Gongratulations on your 100.000 visitors!
Love your sweet!!
You've put some yummie candy together, would love to win!


Anne-marie said...

Gorgeous card Debby love the little bunnies. Great candy you are offering have linked you to my side bar and im a follower
Anne-marie x

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blog and a lovely candy. This afternoon I've just decide to look around internet for something inspired my new hobby, and I've make a huge mistake! :D Cause I think, after so many beauty things, I'll never take the scissors and the papers again (I'm just a beginner at scrapbooking and cardmakind and simethimes I feel like I'll never be able to create such a beauty)
Greetings from Bugaria
Milena Konstantinova

gina g said...

Gorgeous card Debby i love the bunnies their so cute. Thank you for the chance of winning some lovely fat free candy as i already eat to much of the sweet stuff lol. luv gina xx

Sarah A said...

Loving all your cards!! I have spent ages browsing through your blog, it's fab!

Thanks for a chance to win the amazing candy!!

Sarah x

Annelies said...

Beautiful card! Such a sweet stamp! Thanks for a chance to win such yummy candy! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

** Line** said...

Congratulations for the 100.000 Klicks!!!
Your blog is so wonderful...I like your style...
Thank you that you give us the chance to win such a beautiful candy...

Kiki said...

Your cards are great. I like your creations very much.

Hugs, Kiki

Belyona said...

Thank you for your candy and a chance to win! :)
My link
amusing card! :)

Aud Kirsten said...

what a fabulous card.
And what a great candy!

StampingJan said...

Congratulations on the 100,000 visits! That's a fantastic milestone! Thanks for the blog candy opportunity too.

gocanucksgo said...

Hi Debby! Amazing work with the blog and congrats on over 100,000 hits... well deserved! Keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to seeing all your newest creations =) Have a great weekend and thanks!!!!

Katherine said...

100,000 hits! Awesome! I love your bunny card - so cute! I could spend hours on your blog - I love your work! And oh, what yummy candy. Thanks for the chance. I'll link you on my blog too :)

Magicflake said...

Congratulations for your 100.000 visits! My Blog is just new :-)

I love the things you do! Fantastic! And I would love to win this candy :-))


Bianca said...

what a great candy.. thanks for the chance to win!!!

your blog is lovely... i stop by very often...

my link is here

take care
xoxo bianca

Vixykins said...

Nothing wrong with your fluffy bits! (Or the distressed magnolia!)
Just spotted your candy on franmade blog, what a fab stash!

julia said...

I absolutely love your creations! They always inspire me to get into my craft room!!

Thanks for the chance at some great candy!


HazelQ said...

Congratulations on your many hits! This candy is fabulous! I hope I can win, I've always wanted a retro flower punch :P Good to everyone!!

Carole RB said...

Hi Debby
Congrats on your 100 000 hits.

You have a wonderful blog candy. Thanks for giving us a chance to win.

Your cards are so beautiful

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

I was just checking out all your cards and I LOVE THEM ALL :) This is a great blog. Thanks for the candy entry too. Hugs, Robin in NY

Donnas Den said...

Found your blog through Simon Says. Love your cards. Thanks so much for this opportunity. Have added a link on my sidebar,


Milla said...

Cute little bunnies, they look so sweet! Thank you for the chance to win your amazing candy, I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for this one ;)

Anonymous said...

Debby, your blog is great. And also your blog candy is great ... I would be soooooooooo happy to win!
Best wishes from Austria!
Nina (

Kim Dellow said...

Beautiful Bunnies. Thanks so much for giving us a go on the candy and well done for all those hits. I've put you in my sidebar. Kim

Anonymous said...

Cool cards!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Wow! The candy is fantastic! Thanks for a chance to win!


Karen said...

WOW ! Such scrummy candy. Thank you for your generosity Debby. Will add it to my side bar.

Love Karen x

Donalda said...

This is just lovely dear and so beautiful colored as always.
Thanks for the candy chance dear it looks really yummy!!!

Gry-E. said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great candy. I am checking out your blog every day - you do great cards.

Márcia Mattos said...

I found your blog through Ila.....
This is s very generous candy!
congrats on your 100,000 hits!!!
Love your blog!

Magda said...

Lovely card! Bunnies are sooooo sweet :)

I like your candy! So many fantastic goodies.
Thanks for the chance to win,
Magda x

Pink Dandelion said...

You know I love all your cards, you are so clever. I especially love your most recent froggy card. I just love frogs. Debs x (many thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy)

Penny said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks for this chance at winning such awesome candy:)

Jill said...

gorgeous card Debby, love the cute little bunnies, congrats on over 100,000 hits and thanks for the chance to win hugS Jill xx

kalleinka said...

what a beautiful candy and a lovely blog too. I ´ve linked you to my blog (

many greetings, ilonka

Anonymous said...

I love this card, the tail is so sweet! Thanks for a chance to win the blog candy!! So excited!


Scrappi said...

A great card, Debby! I hope, you'll feel better soon. Your candy seems to be beautiful.

Unknown said...

Awesome candy - I posted it on my blog, Frynologia:

Bev said...

I love the card Debby, it's just so adorable! I;ve linked you in my side bar, huge congrats on all your hits x

Kirsten...x said...

Great card Debby the rabbits look fab...thanks for the chance to win the yummy candy hugs kirsten...x

craftypagan said...

Hi Debbie! I love your creations, I always pop by reguarly. Please count me in on the candy! Thanks for giving us all the chance to win these lovely goodies:) Hugs Rowena

Katarina said...

Congrats on so many hits, it's amazing. I think your card looks very nice - the fluff on their tails looks great.

I wrote about your candy on my blog, thanks for the chance:


Anonymous said...

This card is so cute. Thanks for the chance to win. I have posted a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

The card is so cute! I love the dot embossing in the background. The candy is awesome! Hope I can win!

JayLynn said...

Such a cute card! Love the bunnies :) Thanks so much for the chance to win some fabulous candy!

Mina said...

I love your candy and dont think your 'fluffy' bits are to thick...thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy I have posted a link for it on my candy bar
Mina xxx

Michelle said...

Such a cute card! I love the tails and hope you get back to using your punches soon. Thanks for the chance to win such sweet candy.

Sinikka said...

Just wanted to look at your great candy. Never been here before. But that isn't why I want to leave a message........What a CUTE card. Loe the bunnies and such a nice idea with the bunnies tail.

Just love it.

Jenny V. said...

Beautiful card, I love that image it so cute. Amazing candy your giving away. Thanks for the chance to win.


Denimo said...

Ohhh... wonderful candy! Thanks for the chance to win!! And love your card.

Anonymous said...

wow wow wow wow WOW! congratulations on so many hits hun! very well deserved let's crack open the bubbly!

thankyou for the chance to win some lovely things!
hugs carlz xxx

gagipa said...

I love your card, and i want that candy please.