Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rain stopped play
DS is home because of the French Open and I'm having to book an appointment to get on the computer.
I'm disapointed that I didn't do the challenge on the design collective but I had hoped to do it yesterday but we spent so much time as DS place and wouldn't have been able to finish it and I would love some Banana Frog products.
Need to finish off one of BOB LO then do UKS weekly challenge.
Friday, May 25, 2007
The Chelsea Flower Show
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I thought a couple of the LO's I've done recently should be loaded to my blog. Not sure if I like Yates & Sons the paper is cosmo cricket and is lovely but maybe I've used too much. The pic are of DS at the end of 1982 with his Grandad and his Daddy, the pics were slides so they printed out quite well.
The other LO is the challenge on UKS, use a movie title, stars, bling, old stash and green. Well forget the green no way was that going on the LO and the star I managed at last minute to find on some Junkitz extreme boy paper that I brought at Mod Scraps the other paper is rusty pickle. The title printed from the PC and loads of inky brown. Now why the monkey dressed up as a Pirate. Well thats because Monkey is a build a bear I built a few years back but I thought the outfits were so expensive and I had OH with me. So while we were in the US and the exchange rate is so good if I saw a build a bear shop I would buy Monkey an outfit. So while were in the Florida Mall picked up the Pirate outfit simply because everywhere went it was all about Pirates. Have to say my Sis and DD disowned me when they knew what I was doing.
Now for something political, why is it with all the laws about disability, how we are not to be called Disabled, how shops must be laid out so wheelchair users can get in and out etc and we should not be discriminated against, so why is it I have to ring to ask for help to use a train. I'm lucky enough to be able to managed stairs although if I have a bad day I wouldn't be going out anyway, but to go by train at Farnborough Hants I would be advise to go to another station more accessible for a wheelchair.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Saturday off to Mod Scraps crop I only did one class, I was still stiff especially after the long journey but I did do the UKS challenge for this week, but the team who set it that week some of them were at the crop and came up to see what I done which was really nice. Mandy is putting up the details of Scrapcamp on Sunday and because today is Monday I know that Kirsty Wiseman and Jane Dean are the UK teachers which is great, loved both the classes I have done with Kirsty and have admired Jane Deans work for a long time. The US teachers are Maria Grace Abuzman and Teresa McFayden whose work I've only peeked at but look great. Of course I've booked.
Sunday we spent shopping with DS, I brought him the vacum cleaner and the microwave for his new house gift and he brought everything and I mean everything he needed, the kingsize bed, the bedding, iron and ironing board, laundry box, toaster, saucepans and frying pan, glasses, telephones, clothers drier, shredder, a cuddly toy shaped like a football, a awful picture that was brought because I didn't like it, curtains that Sis hang up for him. I was shattered then we took my Dad to the Hospital to see Mum ( she doesn't seem to realise that the only person keeping her there is herself).
Today is wet and dull and I am exhausted and in quite a lot of pain but I'm glad that I managed but today is a quiet day just resting because on Thursday I need to be well because I'm off to the Chelsea Flower show I hope to take loads of pics.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Managed to get myself locked out yesterday something I won't be able to live down. Sis was taking my Dad to DS flat so she picked me up, I grabbed the elephant keyring in the bowl and shut the door behind then realising I forgot my handbag went to open the door to find out I had the carkey. I had DS flat key but its empty not so much as a kettle for a cup of tea. Sis was going to Craft & Co and I had no money but rang OH on Sis mob to meet me there and used his card.
Have brought rusty pickle pirate paper for the challenge on UKS still haven't started on BOB and realised I need to make an anniversary card.
Oh and DS he's not moving till he sorts out the telly and internet, he hoping to get Sky and broadband rather than Virgin it could be weeks but at least this afternoon I get my Dining Room back.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Here's some pages I've done in a 6 by 12 format then used a book ring to connect them. I used Shimelle's idea on the Fiskars website thingy, real pleased how they have turned out. Some of the pics I can't show cos I'm saving that for the BOB not that I have a chance and if I don't get my finger out won't have completed the 6 LO's that I vaguely want to do.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Mr Blair
Moneywise are we any better, nope because although both OH and myself are in low paid jobs we are and always have been a few pounds above the poverty line and always worse off when ever there is a budget. Minium wage is Scotland goes a lot farther up there then it does down here in the southeast.
Right off my soapbox off to hide somewhere
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Here's a 6 by 12 LO which seems to be the lastest trend at the moment. I didn't actually like it but I'm going to use the format for a book like Shimelle did on the Fiskars site but larger well thats the plan.
I lead a very boring life even before my joint probs so I don't have any funny stories of my life, my kids are grown up so they don't have a cute quarks either. The most exciting thing thats happened is it was very windy yesterday and broke some roof tiles and knocked over my rose tree.
Oh well Mandy from Mod Scraps has almost completed Scrapcamp4 and should be online soon, something to look forward to.
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Here my weekly challenge on UKS, the pics are scanned from slides. They were taken 25 years ago, gonna go all mushy and say I still remember holding DS in my arms and how well he fitted in them. Ok too much mush.
Lost points on the homemade tag it was a journal preprinted tag otherwise pleased with it. Love how the cricut does shadow cutting its going to be so useful, after cutting by hand and struggle with the pins and needles its going to be a godsend.
Well we've brought a new BBQ so in about an hour and half it shall be raining sorry about that. Also brought some cushioned chairs for outside as well as chimera which DH has been after for ages its cast iron so providing he paints it now and again it should last a while, you can put coals in too and have mini BBQ.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I loaded a pic from the Cyber Crop from the weekend, can't not show a pic