Saturday, September 26, 2009

Candy time

Blogcandy now Closed

So as a Thank you for following my blog, to the wonderful bloggers who leave me fabulous comments, to the wonderful new friends I've made through blogging.
Some Blog Candy
The pics are the stamps that are in the candy so you can see them better and the candy stamps weren't used, sorry but there is no way I'm giving away stamps I don't have so I brought two of each one for the candy and one for me.
Bellies'n Whistles, Belle with Teddy
High Hopes Meowy Xmas
High Hopes Fishing Santa
High Hopes Froggy Gift
Basic Grey 6inch pad of Eskimo Kisses
Various ribbon
Roses from Wild Orchid

I would use Mr Linky but it sounds to technical for me, so just leave a comment. Candy will close on Friday 25th September
Because I'm off to Ally Pally on the 26th, I've extended my candy till them and will draw the winner of Sunday
Drumroll Please

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-09-28 08:10:19 UTC

So will Martina please e-mail me, my address is in my sidebar.


1 – 200 of 383   Newer›   Newest»
pinky said...

How bad does this look,first!! Well maybe it just means I'm your number 1 fan Debby. Thanks for the chance.

Birgit said...

Hello Debby, what a wonderful Candy.
Thank you for the chance to win!

Best wishes,

Louise F NZ said...

Fabulous candy Debby.... Thanks for the fanatstic comments you leave on my blog, it is such an honor that someone as talented as you calls me a blogging friend.

Margreet said...

Hi Debby,
What a great candy you have. Thanks for the change to let us win this great candy. I was allready following you. I love to come and see what new things you made. I put your candy on the side on my blog.

Margreet xox

Hillie said...

Hi Debby,

The Candy is gorgeous. I love the stamps and paper. Every day I look
on your Blog for seeing the beautiful cards you make. They really are.

Kathleen said...

Ooooh fab goodies. Already a follower and have linked your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win. Kathleen x

Berni said...

I would love to win this candy - please count me in!!

Helen said...

Wow - fabby candy Debby!
I've just become a follower...I thought I already was...but now I'm official! lol
Thanks for the chance to win!
Helen x

shortyrose said...

Hi Debby,

you do a wonderful work and I often look at your blog.

Greetings from Germany

Annie said...

wow Debby! what fabulous candy and those stamps are simply fabulous - and the paper pad looks fab too! I will get around to linking up to your candy at the weekend as I have things scheduled for the next few days - and some exciting news too!
hugs, annie x

Nancy said...

OH WOW Debby:O) This is some lovely blog candy you are offering, thank you sooooo much for the chance to win your Sweets.
It is always nice to come by your blog to look at your amazing work.
Hugs, Nancy;O)

Poppy said...

great candy have added you to my sidebar thanks for the chance to win.

Jessie said...

Ooh, what cool blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Suzanne said...

oh Debby what gorgeous candy so many lovely stamps and this paper is lush. Thank you for the chance Sue :o)

Unknown said...

Wow!! This candy is so gorgeous, I'm with you I couldn't give those stamps away!! lol You can never have too many stamps, thanks for the chance to win,
hugs Angela x

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Yummy candy Debbie, these stamps are adorable, they could definately come stay at my house. To look at your fabulous creations is always a pleasure. janex

Caroline said...

Amazing candy Debby! I will keep my fingers crossed. Caroline x

Sharon said...

Wow . . . fab candy Debbie. Thanks for the chance to win.


Sharon x

Unknown said...

Wow, love to win some of this sweet candy! Always like to visit your blog, I think you make great cards!

Lorraine A said...

OOhh I love this candy Debby :-) I would love to win this so will be keeping all my fingers and toes crossed :-)
Lols x x

Desire Fourie said...

Oh wow Debby this candy really is yummylicious ... thanks for being so sharing. I will post about your candy in my sidebar as well.
Thanks for being such in inspiration.

Tonje said...

Oh what a generous candy. I've linked in the sidebar on my blog.

I really enjoyed looking through your blog. You make beautiful cards.

Debs said...

Hi Debby, I'm doomed first one never wins, never mind someone has to be first, I love that fishing Santa I'll have to get that for my hubbies xmas card, well done on all your followers, I'm not surprised though your cards are amazing, so inspiring. Thank you for the chance to win such generous yummy candy, so sweet of you.
Hugs Debs

Eva said...

Am I the first commenter?? Well, sign me up for the candy! Love the stamps, and I'm a sucker for the BG paper pads... ;) I've linked to you in my side bar. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chantell said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this lovely candy. Maybe I will be the lucky one. Have a great day.
Chantell - South Africa

gina g said...

Hi Debby Gorgeous candy, does it mean if I won it I'd make cards as good as yours lol. luv gina xx

Andrea said...

Ooohh! Please count me in for your gorgeous candy! Thank you for giving us the chance to win!
Love, Andrea xx

Ann-Marie said...

Oooh what delicious candy, would very much like a chance of winning it. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Take care Ann-Marie xxx

Anita said...

What a wonderful candy Debby. Thanks for given it away and give us a chance to win!! Such beautiful stamps.
xoxo Anita

Tracy said...

Wow Debby, what great candy, keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for a chance to win. I'm a follower anyway but i'll pop a link on my blog for your candy.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Tanya said...

Oh Debby!!!!!
Fantastic candy!!!!! Love it!!!! Really want to win it!!!! Gteat stamp! Beautiful paper!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs and welcome to my blog...

Cheryl said...

Hi Debbie ,
Thank you for leaveing a comment on my blog :)
I have become a follower of your blog and have made a link in my sidebar about your candy :)
Thanks for the chance to win .

Angelique said...

wauuw what a lovely candy you give away!! Love the stamp so very much! Thank you for be a bloggerfriend and thank you for the change to win this great candy!

hugs angelique

Anne said...

Ooh what lovely candy Debby, thanks for the chance to win! I do enjoy looking at your creations :)

I've also got blog candy at the moment, doubled up on buying the stamps so I could offer new ones, hope you'll enter the draw

SemSee said...

Hee, hee, that's EXACTLY what I did for my candy!! LOL! I could never give away anything that I didn't own, as I know once I'd received the stash to giveaway, I would want to keep it all for myself!!

Fabulous candy, Debby! Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win it. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes, as I don't have any of it but would obviously LOVE it! LOL!

I've popped a link onto my Candy Bar, plus pic-linked this in my sidebar.

Hugs, Sem xx

Anonymous said...

coming to your blog every morning, anxious to see what beautiful card you made. Its because of you that I found Summer Driggs DP and Mo's digital stamps, I love working with it. Thanks Debby for all the beautiful cards and for the inspiration it brings me. (even in the darkest hours I'm going through lately) Your candy looks delicious. Hoping that someone gets lucky!!
Love, Marja Rolfes, Vlaardingen, the Netherlands

Nilla said...

Great candy, Debby! I have linked it in my sidebar! Hugs Nilla

Ida / Little said...

Hi Debby, I love following your blog and seeing all your gorgeous card! :) And who can resist a little bit if candy when fall is setting in? :)

Have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs Ida

elly said...

hello debby
what a nice candy have you
enjoy the candy

greetings elly

debbies said...

Having discovered your blog a few months ago Debby, it now has become a "must have" for a great way to start my day. Thanks for the chance to win!

Beth R said...

I love all your cards , you are one talented lady. thanks for the chance to win .

Keep It Sweet and Simple said...

Fabulous candy. I love to visit your blog and see all your wonderful creations.
I will put a link to your candy in my side bar.
Caroline xxx

Anne said...

Wow Debby what fab candy and thanks for the chance to take part. I've popped you into my Candy Jar. Hugs x

sueincanada said...

I recently found your blog and have to say your cards are fabulous. I will now be looking every day. Wonderful candy too.

Marina said...

What a fantastic candy Debby!...
Lovely stamps and beautiful papers.
Thank you very much for the chance to win.

Have a nice day,


Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Lovely candy Debby! I have linked it on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance hun.


Kathy said...

Congrats on all your hits Debby!! What a fabulous candy!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win it!!
Have a great day :)Kathy

Kati said...

Wow, Debby,
what´s a great Candy. I hope i have luck...

Hugs Kati

Kelly Schelske said...

Super goodies Debby!

Lorraine said...

What super candy Debby thank you for the chance to win

Annelie said...

Oh it´s been far too long since I visited your blog I see.. What beautiful cards you´ve made lately, and so many!! I´ll think it will take me the hole afternoon to catch up ;)

I´ll think that your amazing candy would be a terrific birthdaypresent for me, as it is the 26th, so I´ll keep all my fingers crossed and wish for big luck :)
Thanks for the chance to win,
greetings from Annelie in Sweden

Liza said...

Fabulous candy Debby, thanks for the chance to win.

Liza x

Lisa Lou said...

Oh wow, fabulous candy! I'm linked and would love to give it all a home! :)

Alenka said...

Great candy!Thank you for the chance to win it. I linked your candy on my sidebar on my blog.

stephanne said...

Oh yummy in my tummy, this looks scrumdidilly-umptious!! Those stamps are too cute for words, kinda thinking I should stay away from new-to-me companies, as even now, my wallet is empty, but I suppose if it's through a candy that I obtain them, does that make it okay? I'd give them a good home, count me in ;)

Penni said...

Hi Debby - What super Candy you have, had a super blog too. I love your creations and have added my name to your follower's list.

I've put a link to your Candy on my sidebar.


Myzdamena said...

What a fantastic candy! Thanks so much for the chance to win it. I only just found your blog and became a follower (and linked to you on my blog) but you make such gorgeous cards! I have yet to find someone who has a blog who makes cards as bad as me *lol* ... I'm not going to give up looking!!!! hehe xxx

Myzdamena said...

(please delete once you have read) lol I misread that I thought you were sending the stamped images I am *sooo* bad at stamping....guess I'll get better but I had a 'lol' when I just realised...awww I have to stamp myself hehe xxxx

daisy said...

o debby what a lovely candy! wauw thanks for the chance to win! wauw........ i'm inking them up in my minde hihi.


Unknown said...

Hi Debby
what a yummy candy.I love your cards and come every day to see what`s new.

Martina said...

Ein supertolles Blog Candy!! High Hopes rubberstamps habe ich erst einen und da muss ich hier doch glatt mein Glück versuchen!

Judi said...

Congrats on 500 followers. That's amazing. I know I love checking out your blog everyday. Your cards are inspirational. Thanks for the chance at some candy.
Cheers, Judi

Martina said...

What a lovely Blog Candy! I will try my luck as I really love all the stuff yopu offer! =)

Anonymous said...

hi Debby,

what a wonderful Candy again!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Daniela from Germany

Dawn♥ said...

Good day to you Debby. What a fabulous candy for a chance to win. WOW. I love coming to see what you've made for the day. You are such an inspiration and the eye candy you give in return is just out of this world. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

agnes said...

Hi Debby,
I enjoy your creations everyday. Your blog is on my list of favorites for a very long time and everyday I am curious to see what you made. Keep going on!!!
And of course, thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous candy!

Mary said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy!


Sew This N That said...

OOOOhhhhhhh you do spoil us, hun, what a wonderful candy :0)
I will keep my fingers crossed :0)
*hugs* Heather x

Niina said...

Lovely candy Debby. Thanks for this change :)

Chrissie said...

Such scrumptious candy Debby, just had to join in for this!
Thanks for your generosity, those stamps look wonderful so I'm keeping everything crossed that I'll be lucky.

Lil Daffodil said...

Hi Debby,
How generous of you to offer this. Please count me in. Thanks,
Fiona x

dolcreations said...

First off...I love your Dragon card. I love those white daisies with the little bit of colour on the tips! I love how you coloured it as well! Always stunning cards!
I would LOVE the chance to win some of your blog candy! That would be like Christmas for me! No one buys me something like this and wraps it all up!
Have a great day,

Gail said...

Hi Debby,
Fab candy thanks for the chance to win.
I'm an avid follower of your blog, just love all your creations.
Take Care
Gail x

Алена Кинчерова said...

Hello! I'm from Russia. I love all your project, you are my teacher))
My link HERE

Tricia said...

What a fabulous candy, Debbie!! I love it all!!!

designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

Hi Debby, thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely blog candy. I have added it to my sidebar :)
Now I'm off to check out your latest creations!

Alicja said...

Hello Debby,
what a wonderful Candy!
Thank you for the chance to win! :)

Marlou McAlees said...

ooooh thanks Debby, this looks fabulous!!!! thanks for chance to win and your cards are fabulous, you are one talented lady :) ♥

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! What's a candy!
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!


Anonymous said...

Fantastic candy Debby, thank's for the chance x

Gracie said...

Wow - I would love a belles and whistles stamp especially!
Thanks for the chance to win

Donna said...

Fab candy you've put together Debby and I love the idea of one for the candy, one for me lol! Thanks for the chance to win such scrummy stash :) Donna x

Christine said...

Hi Debby great candy & so kind of you to offer it for your stalkers...ooops followers.. thanks for the chance ..

hugs Christine xxx

Linda S. L said...

What an amazing candy youre offering, thanks for the chance to win. I really like those images you've put in. And to get the chance to win something I know you also have and love is an amazing thought :))))
thanks for all your inspirational crafting!
hugs from Linda S. L

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, Debby what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar.....


Anonymous said...

Hi ya great candy I am already a follower and have linked here
candy link here

Good luck to everyone entering and thank you for giving me the chance to win,

THanks for leaving lovely message on my blog to about my card :0)

Sue said...

Hi Debby What a WOW candy this is. Sue hope I can win this one. Sue

tracy said...

Hi Debby
gorgeous candy from a very talented lady thats gives me lots of inspiration and leaves me lots of love comments too which I very much appreciate.
love following your blog
tracy x

Tara Godfrey said...

Oh this candy is so super yummy, Debby! I absolutely love the Eskimo Kisses paper and can't seem to get my hands on it yet here in Canada...thanks for this wonderful chance to win such great goodies!
Big Hugs,t

kaylou said...

Hi debby
wow gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance to win.
hugs Kaylou xoxo

Kiki said...

Such a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies.

Hugs, Kiki

Sheila said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tracey said...

oh i love your candy i can give this little lot a great home.
thank you so much for a chance to win.

angel wishes tracey

Liola said...

Hi Debby,
Fab candy thanks for the chance to win!!!

Terrica said...

Hi there, I just started following your blog, and I have to say, this is the first one I visit when I log in to my computer. Your cards are FABULOUS!! You are so talented, you should share them on Split Coast Stampers!! I don't have a blog as of yet but you sure inspired me!! I would love to send you some goodies in exchange for viewing all of your great creations, you can send me your snail mail address so I can mail you some things you may not be able to find over there in the UK. is my email. Thanks again for sharing your great work!! Terrica

Hayley said...

Hi Debbie. Fantastic candy. Thanks for the chance to win. X

Diamond Doll said...

what yummy candy Debby, those stamps look fab, thnx for the chance of giving them a home.
Trish (-:

Mina said...

wow lush candy Debby...I have posted a link on my blog
Mina xxx

jojoscraps said...

Hi Debby, what a generous candy pkg you have put together! Your blog is the first I check each morning to see what you have been up to. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brenda said...

we should be thanking you for all the fabulous inspiration you share with use. Thank you for the chance to win.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Thanks for offering such FAB candy. YUMMY. Love 'em all! I also browsed through your blog, and love it.


What a wonderful an big candy. Thank you for the chance to win!

Raquel said...

Great candy!! Your creations are amazing, keep it up.


Tracey said...

Fantastic candy Debby! Thank you so much for the chance to win!! xx


What a wonderful an big candy. Thank you for the chance to win!

Charlie said...

Fabulous candy ... thanx for the opportunity to win!

Alex (Paper-and-More) said...

Hi Debby,
it´s a wonderful Blog Candy! I link it on my Sidebar, thank´s for the chance to win!


Polla said...

Fantastic candy!
Thanks for the chance to win....
Linked this candy on my blog and I'm a follower.

annemarie said...

wauw what a great candy and som generous. thanks for the chance Debby. I like your card sa lot and there doesn't an day go by that i didnt look at your blog

hugs Annemarie

Anonymous said...

Yummy blog candy--you're sweet! I love your comment about buying two of each. Thanks for this chance.

Mickymunchkin's little space said...

Wow, such a nice Candy! And a nice blog, by the way! I'll just try my luck...


Martine said...

oooooo yes please, count me in for the draw hunni, and i had a giggle when you said about buying 2 of each stamp, one for you and one for the candy hehe, i am exactly the same, if i am having a candy i make sure to buy goodies i already have cos i couldnt bare to part with the candy prize lol, i have added a link and piccy in my sidebar, and now i have my fingers and toes crossed :)



Spyder said...

Oh wow fantastic candy, cute images, lovely ribbons and roses. I've been following you for ages, but no, it isn't me hiding in those dark corners! Love your blog and every card is stunningly beautiful! Thanks you for tiny chance to win some lovely crafty candy!
P.S. I've added your candy picture to my side bar.

Benedicte said...

great candy!
thanks for the chance to win!

hugs, Benedicte

Aina said...

Oh, this stamps are so cute. I would love to win them :O)

Rach said...

a beautiful candy sweetie, thank you for the chance of winning i have posted a link in my sidebar.. hugs rachxx

Nicola said...

Thanks for ther chance to win your gorgeous candy Debby, have linked you on my side bar.
Nicola -x-

Gosia said...

Hello Debby!
Thank you for this candy.I love them.
Greetings from Poland

Sheila said...

Hiya Debby, Fantastic candy & a beautiful blog to look around, I love my daily visit, I'm never disappointed either!! hun.
Thanks for following me too :).
Sheila xx

Anastasija said...

** Line** said...

Oh what a wonderful candy...I try my chance :-)
Thank you for this...
hugs LIne

Anonymous said...

Hello Debby!!
I adore your beautiful works. thank you for chances of the receipt of splendid candy.Hugs Basia

Anonymous said...

Hello Debby!!!
I adore your beautiful works. thank you for chances of the receipt of splendid candy.
Hugs Basia

Mandy said...

What gorgeous candy Debby, thanks for being so generous and offering the chance to win
hugs Mandy xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Debby!,I adore your beautiful works. thank you for chances of the receipt of splendid candy. Hugs Basia

Katrine said...

What a wonderful Candy!

Thanks for the chance to win it!


Karen said...

Hiya Debby. Wow what fab candy thank you for your generosity, it all looks absolutely scrummy.

I've put you in my sidebar here.

Love Karen x

JB-Crafting Supplies said...

Hello Debby!
Lovely candy, thanks for a chance to win.
Have a look on my blog, I also am giving away candy!


SARA said...

hi debby wow it's beautiful your blog e sweet blogcandy!!!!!!!!!!!thanks for the chenge to win
un saluta dall'italia!!!!!!!!!!!sorry for my english

Fran said...

I would be sooooo happy to win the Blog candy. I'm new to your site and have been enjoying it immensly!

Anime Girl said...

I love candys!!! :)
I love your cards debby ^.^
They are beautifull, everytime i go to your blog i wish i made cards like you. :)
Thank you for the chance to win, realy easy to just post a comment. ^.^

xxxxx best wishes

nessy said...

oh debbi what a wonderful gift for someone ~ you are so thoughtful!!
thankyou for a chance to win such amazing goodies
vanessa xx

Carole said...

Wonderful candy Debby. Will leave a link in my sidebar for you.
Carole x

Minni said...

Hi Debbie,
You have a very yummy candy. Thanks for giving the opportunity to win!

amanda stokes said...

Fab candy debby thanks for sharing i think your cards are fab and inspiring :)
hugs amanda x

Sam said...

What a lovely blog and such fantastic cards. Thanks for the chance to win fabby candy.

Dragonlady said...

Hi Debby, what fantastic candy and thanks for the chance to win.

Ali x

Cathy said...

Fab candy Debby, I would love to win this!
Cathy xx

Fern said...

Hi Debby,
Fab candy, thanks so much for the chance to in. I'll pop a link in my Candy Bar for you.

Fern xx

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Hi Debby. I'm a hge fan of your cards and now you offer candy too. How great. Glad you spoilt yourself as well. Marianne x

Danielle said...

Gorgeous candy selection Debby - thanks for a chance to win this!
Hugs, Danielle

Sian said...

Gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance to win :)
I've put a link on my blog.

Jolanda said...

What a great Candy Debby. You are so kind so I thank you for the chance we all have to win such a lovely candy.
Hugs Jolanda

Melinda said...

Hiya Debby, this is so awesome, thanks for the chance to win some candy!

Val said...

Wow Debby - what wonderful candy. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Paola said...

Hi Debby,

thank you for the chance to win!

Hugs, Paola

Pattie G said...

Hi Debby, I saw your candy on Danielle's blogsite so I decided to take a look. I would like to be added to your list. I also started looking at your creations and I must say they are beautiful.
I will be back...


Anne H. said...

Such a lovely candy! - Thanks for the chance to win.
You also have a gorgeous blog and beautiful paperworks.
Take care xx
Anne -:)

Sharon said...

Fabulous candy Debby. Thanks for the chance to win these goodies.

Gry-E. said...

A great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I do like to look at your lovely cards.

Lisa said...

wonderful candy thanks for the chance to win

helencreaty1 said...

waw your candy looks so yumy yummy, i hope to wint it =P, thanks a lot for the chance you give us ,and i ve linked your candy on my sidebar, thanksssssss debby
hugs and kisses from peru,have a nice weekend

megline said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Hugs, Line

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, this is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Willy's creations said...

What a lovely Candy to give a way.


Swaantje said...

Oh Debby,
I can join?
I live in Germany..

Your Candy is wonderful..


craftypagan said...

Gorgeous candy Debby! I've popped you in my candy bar! These stamps are tooooo cute! Huggles, rowena

Erin- said...

Debby, I love your blog. Your cards are gorgeous. It's so much fun to see what you're up to. And if that weren't're offering US candy!! Thanks Debby...for everything!!

Unknown said...

Hi, Debby, what a lovely blog you have! And what wonderful candy... looks like fun to play with. Thanks for the chance to win!
Just also want to say that your cards are really lovely too.

Tara said...

Gorgeous candy Debby and thank you so much for the chance to win! I love your beautiful cards and I am already a follower ;o)
Will go and add a link to my sidebar now, good luck everyone!!
Hugs Tara xx

Andrea said...

Hi Debby, what a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I posted on my blog.
Hugs Andrea

Pink Dandelion said...

Wow, blogging world has gone candy mad at the moment. Many thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy and thanks for the lovely comments you leave on my cards. Debs xx

Elaine said...

lovely candy Debby...thanks for your generosity and fingers crossed!! Elaine x

shire said...

I like your work.
Greetings from Germany

ScrappingHappy said...


Vivi Casale said...

great candy!
thanks for the chance

Jill said...

gorgeous candy Debbie, thanks so much for the chance to win hugs Jill xx

Sun_Shine_ said...

Wonderful Candy! Would really like to win it!


Nannieflash said...

Wow that looks absolutely gorgeous, I hope I get a chance to win it. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

mamof9 said...

Love your blog candy, thank you for the chance to win,
love Paula x

Michelle said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

Bente said...

Oh my - what a wondeful candy - thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs, Bente

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

Hi Debby! Thanks for the chance to win your sweet candy (the stamps would be great even used!!!).

I've linked a post on my sidebar and I've signed on as a follower (your cards are so pretty!).


Annie said...

Such a wonderful collection of blog candy. I am glad I discovered you and will return to see your latest creations.

Thanks Annie

Shelly said...

Hello Debby! What a lovely lot of candy you have hear, such pretty stamps! I'd love to be in with a chance to win this, I shall put a link on my blog for you. I love popping by your blog, you make so many wonderful cards which are just a joy to look at! I don't know where you get the patience to do all the 3D work, you're so good at it too! Thanks for continuing to inspire me!
Love n hugs, Shelly xx

Esther van Zijl said...

Great candy! Thanx for the chance to win :D

sandyvint said...

love your blog and love the candy.

Lynne in NI said...

Ooooh Debby - gorgeous candy! High Hopes stamps are my all time favourite and those roses are scrummy!
hope the Postie brings them to me!

Wilma said...

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy Debby - have put a link in my sidebar:)

Dorrit said...

Oh thanks for the chance to win. It is wonderful!

kelly ledder said...

Hi Debby the best candy, thanks for your genorosity xx

Mette said...

WHat great candy and thank you so much for offering this to 1 lucky person.
I do not have a blog currently but can be contacted at

Hugs, Mette

Kat said...

That's great candy Debby. I have been looking at all your latest cards and they are just amazing. I haven't managed to check out the blogs I follow recently cos of work so it was a real treat to catch up with yours just now.

Kat x

camilla said...

Thanks so much for a great chance to win a GREAT candy!! And thanks for showing the image of the stamp. You are a mind reader.

Anna Zaprzelska said...

Hello! What a great candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Kolorowe Candy".

Iskra said...

Linking you on my blog. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Alma said...

Fabulous Candy!! Thank you so much for the chance to win. Choose me!

HazelQ said...

Fabulous candy Debby, thank you for the chance to win :) very nice blog by the way ;)

Unknown said...

hiya great blog ;)

thanks for the chance to win :)

have a great day

tc from mel :)

Net said...

A woman after my own heart! I couldn't give away a stamp I don't have either lol

Fleur said...

Hi, I have become a follower of your gorgeous blog. i have placed a link in my side bar for all to see
Love Fleur

Carolyn said...

Wow such amazing candy. I just love your work. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Hugs xx

Nikki said...

Thanks Debby For a chance at your
Candy It's so Sweet of you
Have a great day And I'll link you in my sidebar hugs Nikki C

Marisa said...

Hi Debby, fantastic candy! Thanks for the chance to win. Love your cards, always inspiring!
Marisa xx

Claude said...

The stamps look great, thanks for the chance to win!

Sabine said...

This is a very sweet and generous candy you got there - thanks for the chance :)

Meretekj said...

What a lovely candy.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! What gorgeous candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ewik21 said...

Oh what a wonderful candy...I try my chance :-)

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