Sunday, April 05, 2009

A Good Home

This Draw is now CLOSED
This isn't a blog candy just some Gorjuss girls who need a good home. Its not that I don't like them and I love all the fabulous cards made with them but if I have a choice between these and other cute stamps I choose the latter. So apart from a couple that have seen ink they've not been used and they are already have EZ mount on. So can you find a space in your craft stuff for them if so just add a comment and I'll randomly pick a name on Monday.


Jackie said...

Debby, how could you part with the little darlings, I'm pleased you are going to though, and would love to be included in the draw for them.

Thanks for the chance of adopting this little beauties.

Helena said...

Oh, I could definitely find a space for those adorable stamps!

annemarie said...

oooh my I have a very good home for these girls. I'm a beginner so there is plenty space for them

hugs Annemarie

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Debby I would love to give these gorjuss girls a home.janex

Crafting Diva said...

Wow Am i the first wow how kind I would love to going into your draw to win these wonderful stamps thanks so much for the chance. I have put a picture link on my blog for you.

Ayelet said...

Oh my, oh my, oh my! I have PLENTY of space for those cuties!!! PLEASE pick me!!!
Thanks for giving us the chance to have them!!!

Lorraine A said...

Oooh Debby put my name in :-) I have been desperately trying to buy these, I've been kicking myself for not ordering these !!! Ooo hope my name is picked:-) Will keep EVERYTHING crossed x x x x

Stacey said...

Oh my word, what an amazing giveaway! I've been after these babies since I first saw them but funds are tight at the mo (dreaded MOT time!) so I'm having to be good! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I'm lucky! ~♥~

Hozzan said...

Hello Debby!
I´d be very happy if the gourgeous girl would move in to my home. Only one question is if they like snow beacuse its in the north of Sweden....
I love your Blog and what you do. Its magical what you create!

Sarah xx said...

ooh put me in the random generator please Debby - would love these to try to make some stunning cards like yours!! Thank you xxx

Hayley said...

Hi Debbie, I'm not having a fun time at the moment. My boyfriend has had to go to France for the weekend (it's his job) and I have to stay here with loads of paperwork (it's my job). Decided to have a wander around the internet (before settling down to work) and discovered your site. I have spent ages reading your past messages and they have certainly cheered me up. You have now been added as a favourite. So I'm going to forget the paperwork and go and play in my craft room. The weekend is not all that bad after all.

Your new friend

Michele Roos said...

Oh me me me pleazzzzzzzzzze Debby. I've been trying to get my hands on these little beauties and no luck yet. Hugs Michele x

Amanda said...

Ohhh I absolutely love the gorjuss girls but missed out on the first set. I would love to be considered.

Many thanks


Hildegunn said...

I`d love to have these stamps in my stampcase!
You are really nice giving them away.

Have a wonderful day!

Caroline said...

Ohhhh I would gladly give these Gorjuss Girls a home. I have plenty of room for them & will will even share my extensive collection of shoes with them!!!!

Naoual said...

Oh, I would love to win these, I'm still kicking myself for not pre-ordering them, just didn't have enough money at the time and couldn't afford them.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE these stamps, thanks so much for the chance dear, I'm sooo keeping my fingers crossed!!

xx Naoual

PinksyDoodles said...

Wow Debby, how kind to give us a chance to have these. I haven't got any Gorjuss girls and love the cards made with them.
Fingers' crossed!
Clare x

Beth said...

Ooh, Debby, I'd love to take them off your hands if you're sure you won't want them! Such a generous offer! I hope you're having a lovely weekend! xx

Mummylade said...

I don't really have the space now but I would sure make some for these little cuties =)

Suzanne said...

Debby are you kidding me how could you bare to part with them. They are not for me as I already have them but I have a very good friend who doesn't have a blog who I know would love them. Sue :o)

Alison said...

I would love to give these little girls a home. Thank you soooo much for the chance to own them.


Jayne Hayward said...

These would definately look great in my my Sugar Nellie stamp box. Can' t believe you want to part with these they are oh so gorjuss!

Jayne xx

Kimbo said...

I'd welcome these little beauties with open arms! Thanks for the chance to win Debby.
Kim x

Lena Katrine said...

I looove these Gorjuss girls!
I just have a few stamped images of them, which I got from a dear friend...And now their sold out, so it seems like I'm not gonna get these in a while :(
You would really make my day, if I'm the lucky one to adopt these georgeus stamps!

Thank you so much for this chance!
I wish you a really happy easter!

Big hugs, Lena Katrine

Leann said...

Oooooooh, I'd make room for them Debby!!!!

Hugs x

Liza said...

Debby, I would love these, please include me in the draw. Thanks for being so generous.

Liza x

scotspanda said...

oohhh me, me, me pick me lol I have just reveived one of these lovely girls and I am in love!!! I would love to win them so please add me to the draw.


Amanda xxxx

Carla D said...

Hi Debby,
Here's the best place for the lovely ladies :o) lol
They're very adorable...

Keep my fingers crossed...


clare said...

OMG not feeling well these are just Gorjuss..i would so love to give them a home..i dont own any of the stamps only stamped images that have been so kindly given to me.
thanks for the chance hun
hope you have a lovely day hugs clarexxx

Anonymous said...

How generous are you? I would be able to give them all a god home, they are so cute!

Caroline said...

Wow1 Debby how kind of you. I would love to give these little darlings a good home and some TLC.
Please include me in the draw. Caroline x

Kim Dellow said...

I reckon I could find some space :) They are so ickle and cute, I'm sure their adoptive mother will love them :)

SemSee said...

You're so very generous, Debby! I decided not to pre-order Gorjuss set 1 (or set 2) as I couldn't afford £32 in one go. Even though SN have released them as singles, one of the stamps that I really want (called 'sitting') is out of stock (again!) at Funky Kits - typical! If I won, I'd keep 2 and then send on the other 4 to some of my crafty friends who I know love these stamps, but are strapped for cash at the moment. Thank you soooooo much for offering us the chance to own these adorable stamps - you are sooooooooooooo kind. Hugs, Sem x

amanda stokes said...

Oooh i could find a loving home for these little beauties.What a very generous thing for you to do Debby.Thankyou!!!
Hugs amanda xx

Julie said...

Hi Debby, would like to be included please.

Kit said...

I would love to be in with a chance of adopting these lovely girls.
I have seen them used on many cards and they really do live up to the name of Gorjuss

Thanks for this lovely and generous offer, Best Wishes, Kit x

Wendy Swenne said...

Oh my oh my, I just can't believe you are giving this girls away.
They look so cute!

I have some space left to give them a good home :D


Teri said...

These are just beautiful stamps! I don't know how you could part with them! I can give them a very good home : ) Not for me this time, but for my lovely sister who is bursting to get hold of them ..

Teri xx

Sonia said...

My goodness me Debby are you sure you want to part with these??
Always space on my craft room for some sweet stamps :)
Hugs Sonia x

Anja said...

wohoooo, gorjussssssss!!!!!!!!!
oh debby, be sure that they will look extremly good in my shelf. i promise, i´ll hug and snuggle them every day and sing a lullaby every evening.... :O)))


Anja said...
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Annelies said...

Wow, thanks for this offer! I am sure I can find a place in my stash where they can stay!

ella bella said...

WOW thats so generous of you. I would love to give them a new home :) thanks for the chance.
have a lovely day
Tracy x

Mandi said...

Oh you are so kind...
Id love to be added
Thank you
mandi xx

Jilly said...

Oh Debby I have wantd some of these for so long they are so cute. I don't now how you can bear parting with them. Thank you for the cance to win them, I'm sure I can give them a very happy home

Evgenia Petzer said...

I will be the best mom for these girls! Promise to take a good care of them!

Sue said...

Oh Debby
please may i be added to the pot, i would luv to give them a new home, thank you, sue.x

Ida / Little said...

When I saw the post I thought you were happy to get these into your home, but to give them away, my gosh you are one crazy girl ;) I don't think there is anyone out there who doesn't want to gives these gorjuss girls a new home! :)

Thanks for the chance of adopting like Jackie said! :) Hope your weekend has been wonderful! Hugs Ida

Anonymous said...

Hello Debbie,

I love that gilrs so much but I don´t have them yet.
I love your blog!

Daniela from Germany

Diane.W. said...

Hi Debby!!!
Any of the girls would be made v welcome at my house,lol!!! ;O)x

Unknown said...

Wow Debbie, what a great gift.
I can offer a very nice house, I have not so many stamps so there is always a place for these sweethearts.

Love Suze

tracy said...

oohhh Debby this is really kind of you! You would have to prise them out of my hands.
Thanks for a chance to win
Tracy x

Desire Fourie said...

Oh Debby, this is so generous of you. I have never owned a stamp from this range and are always adoring all the card creations I see with them, just being able to drool. So I do hold thumbs for myself as well as the other drooling bloggers here. Hugs from Desire

DillyDilly said...

Home available in sunny Gloucestershire! Fantastic giveaway. Thank you so much for the opportunity

Karen said...

Oh, I would love those girls fur-sure! ; ) All I have is boys so I need some girls in my life! What a sweet thing for you to do! TFS! {{love}} your blog!

Alenka said...

I can not believe. I read one more time, and I think you are too generous.I would like to have one or two of those stamps. One I have ordered on Friday .
Thanks for the chance to win beautiful stamps.
I still can not believe.
Big hugs

Anonymous said...

I could definitely find a space at home for those adorable stamps!

Joey said...

Oh My Gosh Debby, how generous of you, I missed out on the first set of gorjuss girls, I am sure everyone could find space for these. Thankyou so much for the chance hun someone will be so fortunate!.

NGCARDS said...

Ooh as if your giving these away, you must be mad! lol Im not complaining though Il keep my fingers crossed!! lolx xx

Anonymous said...

My mother tried to buy this gorjuss girls for me. She was to late. I am 17 years old and just love those stamps.

Greeting from Hymke from Holland.

Diane said...

Oh Debby
How generous of you. I have a lovely home waiting for these little babies, if I am the lucky one!!

Silli said...

Debby, the stamps are so sweet. Love the little girls... Happy sunday...big hugs from Silke

Danielle said...

Wow Debby, how can you let these beauties go!! I've been holding back buying some but I would love to have the chance to have some! You are incredibly generous!!
Hugs, Danielle

Monique said...

Oh, I would love to be included in the draw, I wanted to buy these but they are sold out for a long time now...

Malin E said...

OH I would LOVE to have theese ones.I hope I win,otherwise I would have bought them from you or swaped them with hanglar stamps or anything.Now I cross my fingers as hard as I can , SO NICE of you I must say!!We can´t buy them in sweden and I think they are really adorable!
Hugs Malin in Sweden

Zielona said...

Beautiful stamps!! :)

Lauretta See said...

OH DEAR!!! i would just love these really.. I am waiting a baby girl in june ( i have 2 boys already.. one of almost 21 and 1 of 4 1/2 ) and everything ( thats girls.. or girly ... i want) hehehe
They would be taken care for i promesse.. they would be of good use in my home and hart :))

thanks for the chance of winning the draw!!

Lauretta, Qc Canada xx

Sandra said...

I know a special someone who would be thrilled to house such a Gorjuss Group of Girlies.
Thanks for the chance :o)
Sandra xx

Toni said...

oh Debby how could you part with them your a star for putting them up for a new home though
( please dont count me in the draw as I have all the girls I need and dont want to start a fight lol)

hugs Toni

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

WOW, I would be thrilled to own these lovelly ladies and give them a loving home. Thanks so much for the chance. Hugs, Robin B.

corinne said...

I have a very good place in my scraproom to have these little girls ... I love these stampsand I hope to win.

MarieL said...

Oh wow Debby, you don't have space for a home for your gorjuss girls? After all the remodeling...hehehe.

How generous of you to let one of us have them. You need to tell us which stamps get to stay at your home.

I love your blog and yours is the first one I check every morning.... "A" Scrapjourney...start before everything else.

Thanks for letting me have a chance

Brenda said...

Oh, what sweet girls. How can you part with them? I have room for them and would love to have them.

GabrielaD said...

I would so love to have these stamps. I promise to give them a good loving home, with lots of ink!

You are very kind to give them up to someone else. Thank you.

Tricia said...

How fun! I love the ones with the little animals, especially!! :) Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

HI Debby! Thanks for the chance of win.

Julia said...

OMG - I've been waiting to get my hands on thses little cuties! My home would definitely be a good one for these little girls.

Алена Кинчерова said...

Hello! i'm from Russia, I like Scrapbooking fnd I'm very-very want this stamps!!!

neonredhead said...

Hi Debby! These stamps are nice! Thank you for chance to get them.

Tracy said...

Wow! These girls are so cute! I can't believe you can part with them! I would be happy to provide a loving home for them. Thanks for the chance to adopt them!

Samantha Carlton said...

Hi Debby

I really dont know how you could part with these, but they would sure have a good home with lots of love and use with me!

Great blog, added you to my favourite, and look forward to seeing your new creations.

Sam x

Stressed Mother said...

there is enough room left for me to add them to my stash!!


Donna said...

Crikey Debby, I had to read your post twice before it sank in that you were giving these lil babies away lol! I've deffo got room for these in my craft box and would love the opportunity to take them off your hands, thanks Debby for the opportunity to win these gorjuss girls, I've got everything crossed lol! :) Donna

Pink Dandelion said...

I am sure I can find a corner of my drawer to fit in these little darlings. You are so generous. Debs xx

Sue said...

As I don,t have any children of my own I love to adopt and these would be most welcome in my home with lots of love xx

Nannieflash said...

Im sure Debby someone will love to give your girls a home, its a good job they are not real ones but only stamps, but they are gorguss anyway. love and hugs Shirleyx

Nicole Bailey said...

OMG! I HAVE space for them for sure! I totally missed the kit and now they never have them in stock anywhere!

Daisycat said...

Cannot believe that you don't want these lovely stamps. I have just recently found your blog so don't know whether I am eligible to go into the draw but if I am I would love to be in it. I have had a look at your cards and they are all fab.

karen said...

oh wow how can you possibly not want to play with these cuties.
Please include me into the draw.

Anonymous said...

Hi Debby I found your blog by clicking on the sweet boy card you made's a delight and to find stamp candy when I arrived.... hurray! DD

Martine said...

wow it is so kind of you to give these away, i would be happy to offer them a loving home :)


Drea S. said...

Oh, they are sooo cute!!! They would have a great, great home in my big crafting room. Oh, I wish, I could be the lucky one to give them a home...

Drea S.

deifen said...

Wow Debby-what a kind and generous offer!I'd love to take in these beauties!
Dei xx

Tracy said...

Oh yes i can find room as i haven't got these, actually don't have many stamps. Only beek cardmaking a short while and trying to build a stash of stamps up.
Thanks for being generous
Happy crafting
Tracy x
P.s. put a link on my blog

hotpotato said...

ooh would love to get my hands on these....what a lovely RAK you are doing.

hotpotato said...
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hotpotato said...
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kelly ledder said...

Oh wow I definately have room for these as I do not have any real crafting goodies yet!!!
Thank you for such a kind donation and good luck to everyone who posts a comment xxxx

kellylouj xxx

Anonymous said...

WOWZER Girl!! How generous of you!! I would love to get a few of these cuties as I don't have ANY!! ;) Thank you so much for the chance!!

Jo Nevill said...

Oh my goodness, are you mad ? May I take advantage of your mad moment and tell you that I have a lovely little home waiting for these beauties and I will look after them for you and they would be joined by their little friends very soon as I have just ordered set 2 as I was so disappointed I didn't buy set 1.

Thank you so much,


Jo x

Katy said...

Thanks so much for the chance of "adopting" these girlies. I would love to be included in the draw!! :)


jenny said...

WoW Debby :0) I am sure they would be very happy in Bonny Scotland!!
They would be loved and well used x
Thanks for the chance to win these cuties,

Jenny xx

Bryndís said...

I am sure of that they would have a very good time here in Iceland with me, we would play togeather and make all the other icelandic stampers green of envy hehe :)

tanja said...

hoi debby Ik like theme verry match . I make for 1 year stamp cards en my blog is 3mnd old or young haha and whote like show you there you wat I made with thoss pretty girls by by dutch girl tanja

Craftyjin said...

wow would love a chance to be entered into this very generous draw.Don't know how you can bear to part with these gorjuss girls!

Rajinder x

Craftyjin said...
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Craftyjin said...
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Diane said...

Oh gee,I'll give them lots of LOVE!
Thanks for a chance at them!!!

Debbie said...

Wow, Debby how generous of you. I would love a chance to be entered into the drawing. Thanks so much

Kelly Schelske said...

Oh Debby they are so sweet and I haven't had a chance to get any yet:-)

Hugs, Kelly

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Well, I don't have many stamps, so I'd gladly give these a new home!

redstamper7 said...

These girls need a good home and I have just the digs! Just my two sons, my two pooches and myself, so they would fit in beautifully.

Thanks for the chance!a

Becky T

Shannon said...

Please, oh please! Pick me, pick me! hehhe I LOVE these Gorjuss girls and I don't have any! Thanks for the chance.


Anonymous said...

Debby i love these little darlings so please include me in your draw for them,
love fairykaren.x

Sue said...

Hi Debby, I would love to be able to get my creative hands on these little beauties, although I already have two of these, I would then offer those two to someone else! Sue xx

Bubbles said...

Oh Debby I'd have bought them off of you. I was so sad to have missed out on them with the pre-orders. These are so cute, still can't decide on the new designs would far rather have this set.
I could definately give them a nice welcome home!!!
Joanne x

Julia Wimbush said...

Those stamps look fab Debby :) Love your blog :)luv, Julia W

Silvia "OrkaLoca" Dell'Aere said...

Hi debby... I'd like to give a good home to these little girls.
I promise to give them a large room, healty food, nice colour dresses, and a lot of embellish-toys to play with ^_*

thanks for the chance!

sunshine65 said...

Oh, these stamps are so cute!!! I would love to give these stamps a good new home........
Many thanks for this chance!

Poppy said...

hope I'm not too late.I could give them a good home.thank you.

Fern said...

OMG! How could you give these away???? They're fabulous!!!

Fern :O)

jackie said...

Not sure if you got my first not on your stamps.I would love to give these also as a gift to my sister Patti in Idaho as she has been taking care of our mother for several years now and I know she would love the gift.Thank-you Jacqueline

annececile said...

je viens juste de finir de ranger ma scraproom, je suis sûre qu'il y aurait une petite place pour un de ces joli petit tampon !!!

annececile said...

je viens juste de finir de ranger ma scraproom, je suis sûre qu'il y aurait une petite place pour un de ces joli petit tampon !!!

Anonymous said...

I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. They are very convincing and will definitely work. Still, the posts are too short for beginners. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.