
Friday, September 06, 2013

The royal He

I'm still on my CAS run this time I used this style for a Mo's card. When I saw the cute The Royal He I knew I had to have him so love Mo's babies.
This actually started as the Sketch and Stash sketch but as you can see I went right off track with the added spotty banner.
The hearts are Memory box I did try them as dotty ones but it didn't look right. My biggest problem I had run out of fun flock, I had the pot of the fun flock and flower soft mix which I have already mixed and ready to use. But I was sure I had some fun flock on its own to make the ermine on the cloak.
So I had to put my mixture on it so I got fluffy bit rather than a smooth finished and yes since making this card I've found not one but two jars of fun flock.
The sentiment is Stampin Up Petite pairs which was lined up with the stampin me jig.
The saga of the burst pipe continue through the day has a hole appeared about two foot wide but about 4ft in depth, deep enough for a small child to fall in. And water attracts them like a moth to a flame.
So I rang 3 times, my neighbour rang the same, several other people rang including the Councillor for the area. I spent most of the day answering the door and asking children its probably best not to play with it. I was exhausted.
At 1am they arrived to fix it, 3.30am 24 hrs they started to fix it. Now I have an even larger hole with proper barriers round it and it should be filled by the end of Monday. And no I didn't get a good night sleep but I will tonight.


  1. Gorgeous Royaal card Debby....hopefully you'll get you water probelm sorted out one in your garden I mean..lOl...lOL.


  2. Wooowww is all i can say.... you make the most beautiful card. Hug

  3. This is an adorable card Debby, your cards are always so beautifully crafted.
    I hope you get your burst pipe completely sorted soon.

  4. What a darling little Royal you have created Debby. I am always amazed at the finest of details that you manage to never overlook.

  5. Oh my goodness!! So super fun and adorable!

  6. what a wonderful image - love it Debby xx

  7. Fantastic card. Love that image! So glad your hole will now be fixed. I understand how frustrating it can be to get help for a problem like that!

  8. LOL!! He's so adorable!! Fabulous coloring and layout Debby!! :)

  9. Fantastic card, Debby! Love the clean style and the darling image! Terrific coloring!

  10. Fabulous card! So, so pretty! I love this new CAS style of yours ;)
    xoxo Anita

  11. Gorgeous card Debby, that little fella looks like he is the boss already. x Susan x

  12. Fabulous Debby, adorable image.
    Wendy xx

  13. Oh yes...I also love Mo babies =) Seems we have about the same Favourites!! =) Love your card....fantastic job!

  14. Mo's babies are just wonderful and you've made a super card with this one, love the colours and design, Kate x

  15. awwwwwwww Debby this is just soooooooo adorable... I love everything about it.... you are just so talented :) Have a great w/e darl :)

    love n hugz Angie xXx

  16. So adorable Debby, love his fluffy trim..gorgeous card.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  17. So cute Debby!!
    XXX Heidy

  18. Another beautiful card Debby.

    Deborah A

  19. A fab card Debby! I've just been catching up on the cards you made this week, they all are gorgeous and the CAS cards are so elegant! Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Marlies

  20. Gorgeous card Debby, love the sweet image and fab design.

    Donna x

  21. Gorgeous card Debby. I love the cute image, wonderful colouring and fabulous design
    hugs Sue xx

  22. Hi Debby, this sure put a smile on my face, how cute is this image. Love the design and colours.
    Have a super weekend.
    Hugs Sue W.

  23. So funny this time, lovely card ☺

    Have a nice (creative) weekend ☺
    Hugs and greetzz Erica

  24. so gorgeous debby.fabulous image and i love your design :D

    xx coops xx

  25. OMGosh this is so super cute, fabulous detailing and design. Love it.

  26. What a gorgeous new baby card. Super image and great layout.
    What a saga with the water company and how slow were they to respond. Good job none of the little ones actually fell in.
    Beryl xx

  27. Hi Debby, gorgeous card. Hope your water is soon sorted.. S xx

  28. Gorgeous baby card Debby, he is so adorable.
    Hope your water problem is soon sorted.
    Hugs Mau xx

  29. Love your card, he's so funny! Jo x

  30. Beautiful card!
    Still love the hearts, gonna see if I get a hold on them.


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