
Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Balloon and Bow

 I brought this balloon die, I thought it would be handy. Now I knew it was large but didn’t realise how big and my brain went blank so I cased a DT card.

So I cut out the ballon with the stripes paper then I discovered I needed a bow which I didn’t buy. I hunted out my Avery Elle bow die and used that instead. The sentiment was a new MFT set that I though would fit the itty bitty die but it only just made it.

Well I thought I could make it to my craft room today but I feeling a bit yucky today.


  1. This balloon looks great die cut from striped paper Debby and I love the added bow and perfect with the coordinating red matted layer, and the white highlight on the balloon works really well. A beautiful card Debby, and I hope you are feeling better tomorrow. x

  2. Gorgeous card,love the crispness of it.

  3. A Wonderful die and a gorgeous card Debby, I love the bright colours, Kate x

  4. Yucky or not, your card is a glorious die of colour. A super card Debby. Hope you feel better soon.
    Faith x

  5. Love you colourful balloon card Debby


  6. Love your balloon card!!!!! It is perfect!


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