
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Single or Double Layers

 Rather than show yet another James Christmas card I thought I’ll post a couple of CAS cards. I brought the Waffle Flower poinsettia didn’t to realise they had holes in their leaves but they still look pretty. 

 I was trying to work out if I need to double layer the sentiments, the top card was a single layer of gold for Creative Expression sentiment. The bottom one is a Sizzix die but was doubled layered. Which do you prefer unfortunately I prefer the double layer. 


  1. Both are beautiful Debby and the CAS design is so elegant, and particularly with the softer tone of the gold card to go with the pretty red poinsettias. I think the single layer works well on the top sentiment with it being a more closely arranged group of words, but I agree that the double layer makes the bottom more swirly open sentiment on the bottom card stand out more strongly. The double stitched rectangle gives a very crisp look to the finished cards. x

  2. Beautiful and creative x

  3. What beautiful CAS designs Debby, I love the large lettering and the gorgeous poinsettia, Kate x

  4. Two beautiful CAS cards Debby. Love them both. Hugs, Carol S. xxx

  5. These cards are beautiful! I love the red/gold combo. I prefer the double layering of the sentiment.

  6. Both are beautiful Debby x

  7. Gorgeous card with great designs, which do I prefer? doesn't matter each is beautiful.
    Faith x


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