
Monday, January 04, 2021

Crackle Poinsettia

 Welcome to 2021 although I haven’t played in my craft room yet here’s a card that was in my drafts ready for this year’s Christmas.

I’m sure it’s based on a challenge sketch no other reason to have three strips at the top. The crinkle stamp Simon says Stamp and so is the sentiment. The fir leaves and poinsettia are again SSS but no idea for Holly leaves, I try to keep them in original packets or mark the back with a sharpie but found a few with nothing.

I have to stamp and print out some images ready to colour, I need to make a few thank you cards.


  1. I think red and white is so elegant and love the white embossed crackle on the red and the red on white sentiment on the lower of the three strips which really work, especially with the white poinsettia and foliage, and love the little red beads in the centre. A beautiful card Debby. x

  2. Hi Debby and Happy New Year! What a very stylish card, the red and white together is so beautiful, a lovely design, Kate x

  3. What a very sophisticated card Debby, so very beautiful in the red and white.
    Faith x

  4. Oh this is beautiful, what a striking make, love the red and white, hope you have a safe and happy 2021, Hazelx

  5. A gorgeous card Debby and love the dies and design. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  6. Nossa Mãe Santíssima, interceda por nós para que fiquemos em paz, sem a perturbação de pessoas que não nos querem bem.

  7. That red and white is seriously eyecatching Debbie xx


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