
Friday, December 11, 2020

Reindeer Trio

Finally my last three cards for 2020 all made for money or cheque rather than actually Christmas cards. They are exactly like my reindeer card but without the fir leaves just used the sentiment strip to stop the fact my reindeer have no bottoms.

It possibly won't be the last of my Christmas card making but I will be tagging them for 2021. I seen so many cards using images that I have but haven't used this year and since layering takes time I will able to have time now till at least September when the panic sets in again.

 I'm now ready for Christmas, presents brought and wrapped, card written, posted with just a few waiting to be hand delivered. Which is why I've been missing for a bit, I've noticed that as each year past things are harder and take longer to do. Whether thats my joints being a pain of whether I just have to accept I'm getting older.


  1. Lovely makes Debby....well done fir finishing your Christmas shopping,,,,I’m nearly there


  2. Ooh what fabulous reindeer’s love the scarves and kraft card x

  3. These are just so lovely Debby, beautiful reindeer and fabulous design, Kate x

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  4. They are fabulous Debby xx

  5. These are so cute. I know what you mean about images, I have so many I want to use especially some beloved older ones. I also know what you mean about getting older, take care x

  6. The reindeer look great on the white snowflake embossed kraft card Debby and love the three different patterned papers you have used for the scarf and background of each, and the match sentiment strips too. Three pretty and fun cards. x

  7. Beautiful cards! I love that deer image. He looks like he was caught unawares in the woods and is looking up to see who has disturbed his reverie.

  8. They are a gorgeous family!! Cute deer. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  9. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm stalking your blog for ideas, Debby. And this might be just the idea I was looking for. These are super sweet! Hugs, Lesley


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