
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Gnome Santa

It’s been a strange week did manage to go out and about a bit but my mind wouldn’t settle on card making so I decide to take some time out but I do have a few draft posts waiting to be be posted.

I had to buy some of the Gnomes from Mo Manning including this Santa one. Did struggle to merge the images I lost all my links including the one for merging on You Tube and it didn’t help that the software wasn’t playing ball so I did a restart on the Pc and luckily it worked.

Yes you may get tired seeing that sentiment die from Creative Expression but I absolutely love it. Holly by the way my very old Martha Stewart punch and some red pearls.



  1. A gorgeous card Debby uskng the Santa gnome by Mo, and beautifully embellished with the holly and pearl berries, and also that great die cut sentiment. We all need a break sometimes, and unfortunately going away is not so easy at the moment, which is normally when I take a break so we have to take a staycation x

  2. Love that gnome and with your treatment of him, a delight.
    Faith x

  3. What a wonderful card, the gnome image is fabulous, beautifully designed and coloured, Kate x x

  4. He is adorable and love the detail on his coat. A beautiful card Debby. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  5. Love the gnome! This is a great card. The pretty sentiment looks fabulous.


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