
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Slimline Gnome

When I brought the Woodware Slimline Angel this gnome fell into the basket too. I've found last years Doodlebug Christmas papers to paper piece him.

I didn't paper piece the beard, nose, hear or the holly. Blast I've just noticed I forget to make his hat bobble fluffy can you imagine he has and I'll change the photo later once I fluffed him.

I kept the card fairly simple just some Martha Stewart punched holly.

I started to panic I don't have a card everyday but I've had to give myself a talking too. This is my blog it wasn't for putting pressure on myself just a way to keep a record of the things I make. At the time in 2006 I was scrapbooking more with an occasional card and sometimes cross-stitch. At the end of the day this is my blog to record my makes of the things I enjoy doing.


  1. Such a lovely Christmas card. Greetings Marja

  2. This is gorgeous,love the

  3. Fabulous card Debby love the gnome


  4. Absolutely gorgeous Debby, beautifully designed and your colours are fabulous, Kate x

  5. This certainly is your blog to do with as you please and it really doesn't matter if you don't put a card up every day Debby. I have never put a card up every day, I could never keep up with that, and it is lovely to see the other things you do too. I do love your cards though, and this gnome is so sweet and such fun and love the fairly simple look with the paper piecing and and the pretty added holly to go with the holly and berries in the background paper. A beautiful card. x

  6. Love to see you makes Debby, whatever you do. I love this Gnome, he doesn't need to be layered, he's great. But, I know that is your "thing" and it always looks wonderful.
    Faith x

  7. Ahhh what a cute wee guy, love the colours and what you did with him. Its most certainly your blog to do with what you want. I get in a pickle at times too though that Im not posting or commenting too much but life cant just be on the computer, Take care, Hazelxx

  8. What a great card! I love your gnome with his very tall hat. I can see why you purchased him when you bought the slimline dies. He's a perfect fit.

  9. Ooh fabulous card love the image beautifully presented x


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