
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Girly Bear

For the first time in about in about 13 weeks I actually went out other than sitting in the car telling my husband how to pay at the pumps for petrol or sitting in the car while he went into the pharmacy and I watched the doctors coming to the door of the surgery in full PPE to collect a patient waiting outside in the car park.

I went to the Nationwide Building Society it was OK once I stopped feeling sick and there were a mixture of people some wearing masks and others not. I then rang my sister to see if she was in to social distance in her garden she was so excited to hear we were coming around I felt like crying. Got over that and had a good chinwag catching up. 

Enough rambling I do have a card to post, my card making as been almost non existence over the last few weeks. To be honest its difficult for my brain to creative something unique so if I casing another card and it makes me happy then so be it.

Oh dear off again, the papers on my cute cards is Echo Park Spring Fling and I managed to buy another 6inch pad from Papermaze along with some Doodlebug pads. My cute girly bear is from LOTV, I saw here being used on their facebook group and simply had to have her, could have coloured her dress better. The sentiment is one of theirs even though I brought them digitally I'm still used my old stamps. The flowers are My Favourite Things except the dot in middle that was a punch that just about still working.


  1. Such a sweet card Debby you’ve coloured her is very scary after being locked up for so long and like you we social distanced with our eldest daughter...just hope people are still sensible when the 1metre rule comes in.


  2. What a wonderful card all you have done image and papers along with the design is stunning x

  3. This is beautiful Debby with this sweet bear and some pretty papers layered in this interesting way, and I love the wonderful stitched flowes and a lovely sentiment too. I too have been feeling that my mojo has been in hibernation, but have picked up over the last week or two. We can still go out and be sensible in what we do, and great you managed to see your sister for a catch up. x

  4. Love all the layers of pretty paper and that adorable bear image. A great card Debby. TFS

  5. What a lovely card, I love the little bear shes so cute, hope alls well, Hazel xx

  6. Good to hear you got out and how lovely to see your sister. Your card is so cute, love her. Take care x

  7. How lovely to go and see your sister, she sounds as excited as you were. It's strange times going outside now isn't it? Love your card, such a sweetie bear.
    Take care
    Faith x

  8. Beautiful card Debby..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  9. Your card is very sweet . The papers are perfect.

  10. Love the color combinations and the way your use your papers is so creative. Another beautiful card as always!

  11. Your stamped images always look so dimensional, do you stamp and cut them out or can you give any tips? They always look beautiful


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