
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Christmas Bells

I've been experimenting with different colour backdrops so I'm trying Kraft card difinity helps to show up white cards.

I was inspired to used the old Memory Box Merry Christmas die by Heidi the owner of Simon says Stamp who e-mailed me a Christmas Card I had sent her. I hardly use this die and its quite striking but you do need to layer it a couple times to help the white Christmas to stand out.

My decision to used the small sleigh bells was I was going through some Christmas Challenges and one was The CAS Christmas Card Challenge is for Bells and these ones are the only ones that really worked  with the word die. Simon says Stamp Stitched Rectangles to give the white background a finished look.


  1. So beautiful love that die sentiment and the 🔔 simply gorgeous card x

  2. A beautiful CAS card Debby. I just adore the snowy laden letters on the sentiment, and the pretty sparkly gold jingle bells strung on to the baker's twine look great. x

  3. This is a very effective and beautiful card Debby.
    Take care
    Faith x

  4. This is super sweet, love the simple design, Hazelxx

  5. This is a great card, but I especially love the Merry Christmas die-cut. It looks perfect on your CAS design.

  6. Gorgeous Christmas card! Love the snowy 'merry'. Stay safe. xxx

  7. Beautiful Christmas card Debby the kraft bells look great against the white


  8. I love this, the words look so so cool, hugs Pops x


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