
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Die cuts and Punches

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Hi all and welcome to another week on the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Thank you for joining us last week and we hope you will all join us again this week too.
This week the challenge is Dies and Punches
We are showcasing Paperrose this week, which just so happens to be Simon says Stamp Brand of the Month. You don’t have to use them to join in but if you have some we would love to see them used.
As you may know, the  Simon Says Stamp Store is accepting new orders, but have longer shipping times for the moment due to the coronavirus. With this in mind we have made the difficult decision to suspend the $50 voucher for this challenge.

We know that many people are staying safe at home and we would love it if you would continue to enter the challenges and have fun! We are all in this together! 

Ok as soon as I soon the ball of wool die with crochet hooks I knew this die was for me, it also as knitting needle die.

I made two hooks and with a little snip I made pretty pink handles for the crochet hook. Cut a couple of slits for them to hook in my wool.

I just so happened to add to my shopping basket the Paper Rose Hooked on You stamp set so I could use the sentiment and make little ball of hearts.

Sorry for the unimaginative card but it did make me smile especially when I thought to use the image mat at a crooked angle what was I thinking!

Nearly forgot especially as I use it so often the Simon says Stamp Stitched Rectangles where would I be without it.

Do you use Instagram ?  If so please add  #ssswchallenge to your challenge entry uploads so we can see them on there too.


  1. That die and stamp set are just great Debby and love the crochet hooks and the fun sentiment and also the sweet little heart shaped balls of wool, and the colours are very pretty. There are so many knitters and crocheters out there that would love to receive a card like this. x

  2. Just wonderful what great dies.
    Keep safe and well.
    Faith x

  3. I love the ball of yarn and crochet hooks. It's a perfect die set for you!! I think your card is perfect.

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