
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Hunny Bear

I thought I posted this chap but he was in my drafts so I think he hasn't been posted. He is from Mo Manning called Honey obviously.

I can't think where I got the sketch possibly just looking through my Cards Sketches Board on Pinterest. The bees are a stamp from Simon says Stamp but is now retired.

The papers I believe are Christmas ones from Reverse Confetti.

I finding it really scary that some people are not following the rules for Social Distancing especially people without underlying health problems are dying some in their twenties. Both hubby have health issues maybe not the really vulnerable nonetheless we don't want to become a statistic.


  1. Gorgeous card Debby and such an adorable image beautifully coloured


  2. Such a cutie Debby, love the image and great design.
    I agree about the distancing, just had a load of boys pass the house certainly not distancing!
    Keep safe and well.
    Faith x

  3. This is gorgeous, great layout and colours and cute bear. Stay safe x

  4. What a cute bear and love the blue toned papers you have used Debby and love the sweet bees you have added. A wonderful card. We only go out to shop as little as possible, and around our village which luckily is surrounded by some fields and a bit of open countryside, for our once a day walk, and if as many of us as possible keep to this things will not get any worse. It is unsettling and I am just not feeling like creating much at the moment, have only just done what I have to do for friends and family birthdays and anniversaries. I just hope that gradually they will be able to lift the strict regulations and we will get more freedom back. I only listen to the expert news and advice about once a day as a lot of the other stuff you read and hear is inaccurate information, so better to ignore it I think. Take care. x

  5. Beautiful card with an adorable image.

  6. Wonderful card. I love the banner and bee embellishments. They add so much to your card. I, too, wish people would just follow the advice of the pandemic experts and distance themselves from others. They're only prolonging the agony by not following the rules!


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