
Monday, December 10, 2018

Mouse with Present

I can't remember where I got the sketch from but I do know I've used Penny Black Birthday Critters and I've coloured his parcel in Christmas colours. Just love a stamp set I can use all the year round.

My papers are Doodlebug Christmas Town and I used Simon says Stamp Stitched Circles to make circle frame and round my mouse. I really love the small Noel that can be found with the Simon says Stamp Christmas Icon dies.

My holly is using Simon says Stamp Holly fanfare, I cut them a couple of times in the green so I could use the small holly leaves. Finally I used Simon says Stamp Stitched Banners for my Tiny Words Christmas sentiment.

I did manage a few more Christmas cards on Saturday, helped by having a few gold and glittered snowflakes left over from other projects.

No cards made on Sunday had a marvellous Christmas Tea with all my Brothers and Sister also as many of my nephews, nieces, gt nephews and gt nieces that were available to come. My Sister and her Hubby made a wonderful Christmas spread, even though I know it was hard work it was such a lovely afternoon that she wants to repeat it in the Summer. We all got to met Thomas the latest addition to our family, no photo since I don't have their permission.

It was absolutely delightful to see all the Great Nephews and Nieces playing so well together. Starting to feel Christmassy now.


  1. What a cute card. Sounds like a lovely time, must be nice having a big family like that. We just have my Mum.

  2. What a lovely time you had and your family sound so lovely the spread look beautiful too love the card cute image and sentiment is gorgeous xx

  3. Your card is a delight, I love it.

    Isn't it wonderful to have family get togethers? I love it when we do, with large families there's always something going on. Your Sisters spread looks so wonderful, good to see it homemade.

  4. Wow, what a wonderful spread Debby, it's making me feel I'm glad your Christmas cards are getting there too. I think a big family get together is great and especially at this time of the year. I love your prettily coloured and cute mouse with his present, and the background trees dp goes beautifully. A very versatile stamp! x

  5. What a lovely card Debby. Your pre Christmas get together sounds fun xx


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