
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Bride's Mother

I managed to almost finish all the Wedding layouts at the Charity Crop with the Scrap Cafe, just one left to do. Using Pinterest I had roughly decided the sketches I would use but with the holiday in between they turned int something completely different.

I kept it very simple using the Kaiser papers, the black and white trim was the company name that you cut off but have a border on the back.

 The flowers are Asters from Memory Box cut several times for each flower to make the daisy. The leaves are Birch Leaves Memory Box and the leaf swirl is Cheery Lyn.

 I've probably mentioned it already but the little wooden hearts were on the dining tables that found their way into my handbag and so far added to all the pages.

What was really interesting was that the bride was born in the hospital where my husband was living as a child and that they used to live in the same town where he came from, small world.

The Charity Crop was a huge success and over £900 was made but the venue was a bit too far for me to go on a regular bases, not to worry, have a crop this Saturday coming and the retreat is less than three weeks away.


  1. Another fabulous page Debby. Great shade of green xx

  2. A gorgeous page Debby, the pretty layout really shows off the photo.
    Lorraine x

  3. A beautiful layout and love those added white daisies and the little wooden hearts are so pretty Debby. x

  4. Gorgeous layout, Debby. Your flowers and delicate, leafy stems are perfect for framing the lovely photo.

  5. Fabulous page, Debbie. They both look so happy and your page is so lovely. The flowers and leave clusters are pretty.


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