
Sunday, May 06, 2018

Now I'm 2

I realised there were no scrapbooking in my draft although I remembered photographing loads, found them eventually on my camera probably should have looked there first.

All the layouts from the Scrap Cafe Retreat was there and I feel I need to apologise for them, most are quite simply done. I'm was recovering from flu and struggling with the awful cough you're left with. Even today I'm still struggling with tiredness.

Anyway but to the layouts, the papers are Pebbles, it was a kit I had no idea where I got from but it is a few years ago when I got.  In the first one I used the Poppystamps Caterpillar die to help bring a bit of colour.

The little chap is my nephew and hubby was peeling a satsuma for him, he waited so patiently. Not sure why I bothered with the stitching. I also stuck to many t's in my waiting, luckily the letters were kind to me and came off easily.

Can you believe this little lad is now 5 and he as such a lovely temperament until he doesn't get his own way then he like he's Dad or maybe it could be his Mum


  1. Beautiful layouts, Debby, love the papers. xx

  2. Gorgeous subject and layout. You always have such beautiful papers! Smiles. Jan.

  3. Ah what super pages, they are lovely, Love Hazelx

  4. Gorgeous photo's Debbie and lovely page layouts
    Lorraine x

  5. Wonderful layouts Debby and great photos of this sweet little boy. So sorry to hear you are still suffering with the after effects of the flu, and hope that this lovely warm weather, and more to come we hope, may help to send the nasty cough on its way. x


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