
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Bouncy Castle

There were so many photos of the Family Fun Day that I wanted to use and it was tricky to work out what would work as a layout some like the first layout I decide to go the faux pocket page. I do love working this way because I can overlap titles, flowers etc. It just so happened the Lawn Fawn Spring Showers die had arrived in my craft room and worked well.

I had some really good close ups of  some of my Gt Nephews which would be so wrong of me not to use. The ratio of boys in my family are a lot higher than girls and Scrapbooking boys is just as hard as making boys cards.

I've come back from hols to find out that I need to do something about GDPR and I've added a Privacy page I hope this is enough. I have copied it from Crafting While Baby Naps but I have deleted and added what I think would be relevant to my blog.


  1. The photo's are so lovely and how nice that you can use them in this way x

  2. Great layouts, especially love the close up pics

  3. Great layouts and super photos Debby. The fun day was obviously heaps of fun. x


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