
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Stick Frame

So this would've of been my Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge card for last week but I was still feeling very rough with this flu my Hubby decided would be fun to share. To be honest I'm still snotty and coughing constantly.

Had to check the challenge to see what it was but we had a fabulous inspiring Easter Mood Board and we were showing casing Your Next Stamp. I decided on using the Rectangle Stick die and I cut it out a few times and made the background leaving a slightly larger frame for my images.

It just so happens that the March Card Kit had arrived in my craft room although now sold out you can still buy the Simon Says Stamp stamps I used separately, the set I used is called Choose Joy. I stamped them using a Memento Inkpad and coloured in with Polychromos pencils.

Finally I used the Simon Says Stamp Stitched Banners for the sentiment which is in the stamp set.


  1. Hope you are soon over the flu Debby. I love the wellies cute and the frame is really eye-catching xx

  2. So sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly with the flu Debby and hope you pick up soon. I love that interestingly shaped die cut background which is a great contrast with the pretty blue base card, and love the beautiful boots full of flowers and the extra larger flowers which are complemented by the brighter pink die cut fishtail banner. x

  3. Love that stick die so different, beautiful shade of blue and love the stamps, everything is so pretty. Sorry you are still feeling rough, I'm told it does take a few weeks to clear, I hope it won't take that long with you!

  4. Lovely card, Debby, I love the stick die cut, it makes a fabulous background. Hope you'll soon be feeling better. xx

  5. Hi Debby, what a super card, so different, love the background die.
    Hope you'll soon feel better.
    Hugs Sue W.

  6. Awesome card. Your rectangle stick die makes such an interesting background. Hope you are over your bout of flu soon. It's no fun to be coughing all the time. I suffered through something similar a couple months ago.


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