
Sunday, January 14, 2018


 That’s it I’ve decided all my cards and layouts will be photographed at an artistic angle rather then try and photograph straight. I even got a ruler out to double check my layout.

The papers are really old, Piggy Tales. The only reason for not being used they were to nice! I borrowed the football die and the stars are My Favourite Things. The letters and stickers all out my stash.

I only managed 1 and bit layouts at the last crop but I need to photo the one that I completely finished. I’m all booked in for The Scrap Cafe Retreat in March, you pay for your accommodation separately so you either choose the actual hotel, another hotel or not stay at all, some of the scrapbookers are local so they go home also apart from Friday night you sort out your food. With a decent size Sainsburys next door to the hotel no one starves.


  1. I love the layout Debby and the papers and embellishments look great with it. Your Scrap Cafe weekend sounds really interesting too. x

  2. Super LO Debby, great design. I know what you mean about checking things are straight with a ruler after seeing your project on the computer screen, when you KNOW everything is straight! The saying 'the camera never lies' is a myth! LOL! Hope you have a good time on the retreat - it sounds fun! xx

  3. A Super layout and great papers. Love the idea of "artistic" photos, I may do the same LOL.

  4. What a brilliant page Debs, fabulous layout x

  5. A fabulous lay out Debby...looks great x

  6. Great layout Debby, the football theme looks fab!
    And your retreat sounds like fun too!

  7. Great page, love the layout. A scrap retreat sounds like fun

  8. Great layout. Very "sporty" looking. Your retreat sounds like fun.

  9. A brilliant page layout Debby, fab photo and colours
    Lorraine x


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