
Sunday, February 19, 2017


Yes even my scrapbooking is going clean and simple, well maybe not clean but definitely simple. I'm still doing 2014 photos and there are loads and they need to be quick. The good thing is I have several made up as kits and I think I'm only stuck on December because my Christmas papers are in another box.

So this is at Mason's first Birthday where she order bouncing castle with a ball play pen, for some reason my BIL thought about picking the balls on the lawn. Little did the bigger kids know what he was about to do with them.

Clouds and punched dots to decorate, wish I knew what I did with the punch but I haven't seen it since. The title was a bit tricky took a while to think of one but it works a treat.


  1. Great scrapbook pages Debby using some great photos. x

  2. Lovely photo's Debby, and your page layouts and colour choices really show them off.
    Lorraine x


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