
Sunday, April 10, 2016


Two random scrapbooking pages I made at the retreat last month, the first one I used scraps left over from about 3 boy papers kits from Echo Park and amazed how I can make a layout using them.

Although I didn't plan to use this layout for a challenge, Kath came over and counted the different papers and told me if I put hidden journalling it would fit a challenge. I hadn't planned for that either but I had taken the Simon Says Stamp Stitched Dress Up tag which gave a more interest look than just a plain tag. I used on the next layout.

My nephew brought the most adorable chocolate puppy although it was obvious from the way it played with the cat he thought he was a kitten instead.

This time is was a sketch challenge using the brilliant pagemaps. I also love that I can use my card making dies like the paw prints from Paper Smooches and I think my Love is theirs as well.

I had a brilliant day yester manage four, yes I know four layouts and that means I've finish Mum and Dad's renewing their vows and still have loads of Carpe Diem from Simple Stories left. My next big task I think will be Mason's first birthday, tomorrow he will be three. Where does the time go.


  1. Wow, such beautiful and fun layouts. He is so cute on that lawnmower lol.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Gorgeous LOs Debby, I'm glad you had a good time yesterday. x

  3. Two gorgeous layouts.
    Deborah A

  4. These pages Debby are always so lovely x

  5. Two great layoits, lovely bright papers and fun photos on the first and sweet second page. I also have a layout today

  6. Hi sweetie, this is so pretty and such gorgeous colours, I do love the cat and dog one made me go awwww hugs Pops x

  7. These are wonderful!! That pup and cat are so cute!! xx

  8. Oh Debby, I love your scrap booking ! Mason is
    a real cutie on the lawn owner. Think what the years
    go quick. also love your second page xx

  9. Your layouts are great Debby and Mason is so cute sitting on the mower, and then the cute puppy and cat, they both make fabulous subjects. x

  10. fabulous layouts Debby, lovely bright colours on the first one.

  11. Two fab page layouts and gorgeous photos
    Lorraine x

  12. Loving your pages!! So fabulous!! xx

  13. OMG just love the puppy & kitty being friends, love your layout!
    Hugs Shell xx

  14. What lovely layouts Debby. I've been planning to start a scrapbook for my granddaughter for when she is older. I thought if I started now, all the memories would be fresh in my head. I love the 'boys will be boys' colourful. Amanda x

  15. Oh my goodness--so, so sweet! The pictures are so cute!


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