
Friday, December 04, 2015


Yes its not been a good week on the card making this week but at last my craft order for My Favourite Five finally arrived. Above is for My Favourite Five Christmas Cards of 2015.  Which starts on Christmas Eve. I know a lot of you are very busy but you can schedule you post. Also I won't be choosing a random winner till after the new year. If I can do two Mr Linkys it will stay open till then if not it will finish before.

My Favourite Five Makes of 2015 candy this includes cards and any other crafts. This starts on the 30th January and will finish on the 7th January.

I will include some gems and ribbons just haven't got round to sorting them out yet.


  1. Great to see these both back Debby, thanks for organizing really is a great way to end the year. Lovely candy too...enjoy the countdown to Christmas and I look forward to joining in the fun in a few weeks xx

  2. Always looking forward to My Favourite Five. Every year it's a joy to see everyone's favourites and it's also nice to look back at my own cards from the past year!
    Grtz Janette

  3. Can't wait to see all the cards. I love Christmas cards. Thanks for offering the candy as well. Hugs, Robin

  4. How lovely of you to organise these two challenges again Debby and really great candy too! I am so looking forward to entering these and to seeing what everyone else comes up with. x

  5. Oh Debby so looking forward to this. I love to see which cards people pick as their favourites from their makes. Thank you for organising this every year.
    Deborah A

  6. As always I shall be joining in with the fun this year :)
    Thank you for the super cute Christmas card hun, it arrived safely today. Hopefully yours from myself will arrive tomorrow for you! xxx

  7. Fabulous prizes Debby, thank you for organizing these fun challenges, looking forward to seeing everyone's favourites.

  8. Looking forward to it Debby.

    Kath x

  9. Fabulous treats for some lucky person!

  10. Hi Debby,
    Looking forward for AWESOME cards!!! Fabulous prizes too!

    María Alba

  11. Fab prizes Debby! I always love to see everyone's favourites :)

  12. You've been on my fav bloglist for years and now that I'm staring to re-enter blogland I'm glad you're still up and running. Need inspiration for my Christmascards and boy did I get it :)


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