
Monday, November 02, 2015

Xmas Cheers

Hope I recover from the trip to MIL quickly I noticed there's not much in my drafts but this CAS was in there.
This is me at Christmas although my leggings will be black and not elf stripes but there definitely be a glass of red wine with my name on.
So first of all I used Doodlebug, well I was pretty sure it was SugarPlums but I can't find this stripy paper in it. I used the Bundle of Stitched Shapes and Stitched Rectangles.
Before I started layering and adding the flower soft and fun flock I added the sentiment. The stamped part was using Simon Says Stamp Christmas stamps and the die also from Simon Says Stamp.
The fun image is of course from Art Impression called Cheers to You.
I did add the glossy accents to the glass before the fluffy stuff and I had to wait till I was sure it dry and not tacky.
I think this card may find it way to Hubby.


  1. Lovely card to start the week Deby, apols for the brief comment but struggling with blogger issues on computer so using my tablet which is not ideal for less than nimble fingers.

    B x

  2. Fabulous fun card Debby, Kate x

  3. Fabulous debby X

  4. A fun image and fabulous card Debby and I love the flowersoft, glossy accents and also the pearls on her corsage, and the die cut sentiment works beautifully here. x

  5. Ha! Brilliant image Debby... it really made me smile! I look like that on Christmas day too!!

    Christine x

  6. What a fun card, great image.

  7. The image is so cute and your card is adorable.

  8. Great fun design Debby, love it!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  9. Fabulous and so much Fun..
    LOve this image.

  10. She looks fabulous! A gorgeous cas card
    Lorraine x

  11. Brilliant image and card Debby.

    Kath x

  12. Fabulous and fun card for the holidays! love the fur on her coat!

  13. A fabulous card Debby, such a brilliant image.

  14. Great card Debby love the Art Impression stamp!

  15. Great card Debby, love the fab image.

    Donna x

  16. so stunning chrissy.fabulous fun image and i love your striped papers and rich colours :D

    xx coops xx

  17. I love these AI stamps, they are such great fun images. Brilliant colouring and a fab card. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  18. Love the image! I will have a glass of red wine with my name on it at Christmas, too! After all, what's a holiday without a little wine. he he


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