
Friday, November 13, 2015

Crocheting Update

No card today but an update on crocheting, I've just realised I'm a bit OCD and have to finish what I start before I start something else. Which means I'm not making animals or minions till I finish the granny square blanket but then I start another because I can make the squares in the car journey to MIL. I suspect when I finish the new one I've just started the last time we visited MIL, it will be time to visit again and new one will be start for that journey.
The pattern is out of the 200 Crochet blocks for Blankets and I joined using SC.

I was experimenting with a frilly border not sure I acutally like it and I had to alter it slightly so it would lay flat but have Hubby said you not making it for anyone you know and it looks fine so I left it but will do a different edge.
I'm now making a baby's blanket and my squares are quite a bit smaller but I shouldn't have to make it quite so big.


  1. Beautiful Debby and love your colours


  2. This is so pretty - your colour choices are beautiful and sit so harmoniously alongside each other. Beautiful.

  3. Beautiful, love the frilly border and great colours

  4. A very detailed design in those squares Debby, you are so clever. I think the frilly border looks great.

  5. This is beautifully made Debby and I love the lighter and darker tones of each colour you have used together with the white and that frilly edge is really pretty.

  6. Gorgeous colours Debby and the frill looks

  7. What a lovely colour combo Debby.
    Toni xx

  8. Debby this is beautiful. I love the design of it AND the frilly border! I desperately want to learn to crochet but with this flipping tremor in my right arm I can't keep my arm still enough lol. One day....x

  9. How beautiful this is Debby, the pattern and colours are wonderful, Kate x

  10. Gorgeous! I like the fancy edge and I love the color combo!

  11. Gorgeous colours, pretty squares and I love the frilly border - so pretty.
    Lorraine x

  12. So gorgeous, love the color combo, fabulous, and so neat!!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  13. I love the colors, the pattern and the frilly edge - all of it! Soooo pretty!

  14. Crotchet always reminds me of a Dear MIL who gave us a few of her crotchet blankets, I know this will be a treasured heirloom as ours have become.

  15. Crotchet always reminds me of a Dear MIL who gave us a few of her crotchet blankets, I know this will be a treasured heirloom as ours have become.

  16. Great way to pass a car journey! Love the different shades you used, soooo pretty :)

  17. Very pretty, Debby! Looks warm and cozy and perfect for cold weather.


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