
Friday, October 16, 2015

Stars and Snow

Well yesterday was the day that Simon Says Stamp released a new set of Exclusives and I was lucky to receive some in the post.

These Simon Says Stamp SketchTrees are going to be very handy when I find my mojo or even an original thought but I'm sure the talented Shop DT will have loads of ideas I can steal.

I used Simon Says Stamps Bundle of Shapes although not an A5 card it does fit in a C6 envelope if you don't make it too bulky.
I also used Simon Says Stamp Slopes and Hills well you do have to have something for the trees to stand on. After several attempts of water colouring just where I plan the trees to be, this one was the best.

 I don't recommend to put the card together with glue then decide to use embossing powder. But I decided to use the sentiment from Be Joyful, also the snow. Can't work out where I got the stars it was a Simon Says Stamp set that had some odd stars. When I added heat to set the powder everything lifted off and the card had to spend the night under some heavy dies to make sure it restuck and laid flat!


  1. This is just fantastic hun, just love it!!
    Hugs Shell x

  2. This is just fantastic hun, just love it!!
    Hugs Shell x

  3. Love those trees.... a fabulous card Debby!

    Have a good weekend..
    Christine x

  4. Its a gorgeous effect and I love the card but thanks for that tip!!

  5. A fabulous CAS card Debby, I will have to pop over and check these out.

  6. Really striking Debby, love the brushstrokes xx

  7. Great stylistic trees from SSS Debby and I love the swipes of green with the white snowy dots behind them and the gold stars look so pretty. I love the stitched rectangle mat and slopes which give a clean and elegant finish to the card too. x

  8. Fabulous card Debby, love the trees and your design, Kate x

  9. Fabulously simple but so lovely!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  10. Gorgeous Christmas card Debby love that splash of colour behind the trees a fabulous CAS style
    lorraine x

  11. I love the swoosh of colour behind those awesome trees Debby...fabulous card.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Love the trees and the perfect background. Gorgeous card Debby. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  13. Love the green brush strokes, looks charming with the trees. Pretty card!

  14. This is lovely and the stitching effect really brings the picture together x

  15. This is beautiful Debby! Love the touch of colour ... so pleased this restuck for you!


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