
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Penny Black Dies

I love this wrought iron gate die from Penny Black the sides when you cut it out stay attached so you can make a hinge but this time I cut it off. I also added another layer which was very fiddly.
Then the card got left because I didn't know what to do even now I'm not sure it all works. I used the Penny Black flourish die and added the Prima Flower with the large pearl brad.
I just so happened I had brought the Simon Says Stamp Butterfly Friends and I took the smaller butterfly stamp and stamped and embossed with WOW white embossing powder and then cut using the matching dies. You can just about see it but it looks much better in RL.
Well my bags are packed and I have some idea of what I scrapbooking fingers crossed I get some done.


  1. Beautiful card Debby. White on white always looks so elegant.
    Have a great weekend.
    Toni xx

  2. Beautiful white on white card Debby


  3. Oh so elegant Debby, just wish I was brave enough to work with white and create the stunners you do with it.

    Hope you have a good weekend.

    B x

  4. Simply classy, Luv Sam x

  5. So elegant and gorgeous Debby..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  6. So delightful and lovely;-))m

  7. This is gorgeous Debby, your design is so beautiful and elegant.
    I hope you have a good weekend.
    hugs Sue xx

  8. Oh I LOVE that die, so pretty and endless in possibilities....gorgeous card Debby....
    Enjoy the week-end.x

  9. White on White I love it...Stunning card. Hugs, joann

  10. Beautiful and elegant. Love it.

  11. A beautiful card Debby, such an elegant design.
    Have a fabulous weekend.

  12. Wow Debby, this is great, I do love white on white and this is beautiful!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  13. Gorgeous Debby, love it.

    Kath x

  14. Another beautiful card!

  15. Beautiful card Debby ... you make the best 'white' cards in blogland! :)

  16. Beautiful card, love white on white, always so elegant! Have fun scrapbooking, looking forward to seeing what you create!

  17. These is gorgeous sweetie I have a huge thing for white cards this one is stunning, hugs Pops x

  18. Hi Debby, what an elegant card! Love the design!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  19. Deb by I just love this. Fab white on white card x

  20. I'm catching up as I have been away and I adore this WOW look with the pretty PB gates and flourish and then the SS butterflies and matching die to cut them with finish it so beautifully. x


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