
Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Sad Day in Guildford

This is the sight of the 18th Century Clandon House which this morning its been confirmed it was damaged by fire 100%.
It nearly two years ago that I spent a lovely day there celebrating Verity and Chris's Wedding and I feel for all the couples who have booked their Wedding to take place there this year and next.
Here's a pic from the Wedding showing what a beautiful house it was, who knows what the future lies for the it now. All the beautiful rooms now gutted.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have just watched this on the local morning news. Such a shame Debby. I immediately thought of all the couples with their weddings booked, as well as the loss of such a beautiful house :-(

  3. So sad Debby. However, if it helps - near to me is Orsett Hall a wonderful old country manor house that has been used for weddings since the registrar laws changed. It suffered a terrible fire that smouldered on for days. It has been rebuilt and looks beautiful. During the period the house was unavailable they offered couples who were booked with them the choice of finding them somewhere else or providing a marquee in the grounds with a buffet (no kitchens available to provide a full "sit down"). Hopefully Clanden House can be rebuilt as it would be a shame to lose such a wonderful building.
    Toni xx

  4. I just saw this on the news Debby, such a terrible shame it was a beautiful building - thankfully I don't think anyone was injured.

  5. It's so sad Debby, as National Trust members we have visited Clandon many times and have such wonderful memories of this elegant house. The contents were extraordinary and I think everything went up in flares. Such a loss to the country but at least no one injured x

  6. OOOH Debby, what happened, do they know???? I've grown fond of all those gorgeous National Trust and Heritage-places in your lovely country...wish we would do the same in Holland with the few we've got.

    xx Irene

  7. Its such a shame that something that's been there for so long as just gone with in hours. I really feel for the couples that have booked there wedding there and how have to start over to find a venue.
    My heart goes out to them.

    Debs xx

  8. What a tragedy.... we we visit there last year such a beautiful house...such a shame for all those that have booked events there....


  9. What a dreadful shame for everyone, past and present, who are some way or another involved in this fabulous building. :0(

  10. We visited if once many years ago when we lived in Surrey but they obviously didn't conduct weddings there then. So sad that it has been gutted like this and awful for couples having to find a new venue at short notice! It must be really difficult for you to see it like this Debby as you have experienced a wonderful family wedding there. x

  11. Oh Debby, this is really sad, we have had two clients of our have fires this year, one completely gutted listed cottage, beautiful it was, the other a manor house that luckily someone was in and alerted the fire service one room gutted and lots of smoke damage but repairable, also listed......

    Very very sad.

  12. So very sad for all. Hopefully they will repair and rebuild!

  13. What a dreadful shame.

    Kath x

  14. Oh such a horrendous thing to happen to a lovely old building !
    Your card do is so cute ! Love it when a toddler trying on there mum's
    shoes and walking around, bless them :-)
    Hugs Maria x

  15. So sad. A piece of history that will never be the same.


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