
Tuesday, December 09, 2014



I might not have been making cards but I had to make tags. My first one was the the card shape, I do prefer these because I put a bit of double sided tape on the back and they seem less likely to fall off. Here I used the trees from Be Joyful stamps and I used the Stitched Square wafer and stuck on a small card shape.
The second made like a proper tag of stripes of Christmas patterns I used Simon Says Stamp Be Joyful and Present and Ornaments sets.

The last pair was quickly made for my DD who need two and it just so happened I had a couple of Lawn Fawn Penquins left over from a card. I used the Simon Says Stamp Stitched Slopes and Hills which one layered over each other I then used the Stitched Square die over it all so that I got the stitched all round the square including over the stitched snow mounds.
You may have realised I have no card for the new Everybody Art Challenge thats because I'm taking a break this week to take the pressure off but if you pop over to the challenge you will see its Sketch week.
Also I have had really issues commenting on peoples blog. I use Bloglovin and open several blogs at a time and then discover those with pop up comment blogs sometimes Mr Blogger won't let me comment,  mine included so I have now embedded comments my blog.
I may also started a bit of panic over the fact I don't have word verification, again if you have pop up comments you will discovered that some of you now have it even if you settings say you don't. I believe this is a Chrome and Mr Blogger hiccup. One of my DT team-mates has found out if you don't have the word verification settings and it appearson your comment page you don't have to use it to comment.
I pleased to say I made two cards yesterday, well they still have to glitterzise had to wait till the glue dried, fingers crossed and couple more today.


  1. A fabulous selection of tags Debby, I love the red trees.
    I have noticed that if you just ignore the word verification that the comments still publish.

  2. Lovely tags, I need to make some more. What a nuisance this blogger is at times. I prefer my reading list to Bloglovin' always seems easier to me x

  3. Gorgeous tags Debby, l need to have a tag day - all pressies wrapped just need tags x Susan x

  4. Wow, wonderful cards and tags.

  5. Your card and the tags have become totally beautiful! I love her !!! Thank you mentioned EAC, although you exposed this week. Have a treasure!
    Very, very big hug

  6. Absolutely adorable!
    Loved this your work!
    A creative week for you!

  7. Some lovely sets of tags Debby.

  8. Loving your tags Debby!! Fantastic! xx

  9. Hi Debby what lovely tags I've still to make mine. But your are brilliant. I'm having trouble with my blog it says I've got more comments that are showing so do you have any ideas in what's happening.

    Debs xxx

  10. Hi Debbie,

    your tags are so wnderful


  11. Gorgeous tags Debby, real little gems and I love them all. x

  12. Oh my word!! I need to take notes from YOU!!! The tags are adorable and I haven't even had a chance to play with this Christmas kit yet!! AGH! :) I just love everything you do Debby, you're very inspiring! HUGS

  13. These look fantastic hun! xxx

  14. Gorgeou tags Debby... I really should make my own tags with all the scrap of card I have....might just start in January for next Christmas...


  15. These are fab Debby.
    I am always 'going to' make my own but never do
    Anne x

  16. Gorgeous tags Debby - Love them all!

  17. Don't you love computers? Hang in there. I love your tag/cards.

  18. A fabulous selection of tags... haven't started on mine yet!

    Hugs, Kat x

  19. Fab tags Debby, love them all :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  20. Fantastic gift tags. The penguins are adorable. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  21. So pretty Debby are your tagsxx

  22. Outstanding creations, each and everyone of them! I especially like the trees, love the simplicity!

  23. These are all so cute!

    I thknk my fave are the last those penguins are so darn adorable!

  24. Your tags looks! They're really beautiful and so well done!

  25. These are all gorgeous Debby fabulous designs. Susan x

  26. Good morning sweetie, these are gorgeous, I am still making cards Lee keeps coming up with more for me, I have not even started the wrapping of tags, I think this year has gone super super fast and as it is mild it doesnt seem real that it will be here soon sigh hugs Pops x x x

  27. Awesome hun, love the different designs. I think the tag shaped ones with the Merry Christmas written on are my favourites!
    Hugs Shell xx

  28. Fabulous tags Debby, love your designs
    hugs jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  29. Your tag stamping is soooo neat, Debby, and beautifully done. I especially like your cute penguins and the stitched hills. Hugs, Lesley

  30. These are all really lovely, especially love the cute penguins


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