
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Project Life!!!!!

I thought I would have a go at making my own Project Life style cards. I had always thought this would be quick but whether its because I made my own with the help of one of two that came from the paper pack or I just moved  tiny pieces paper around I'm not sure but these four pages took longer to do than standard 12inch pages.
My papers are Fancy Pants and there was a sheet of cards but not many I liked and I already had 6pocket page from American Crafts and though it would be easy to start with that size to begin with.  Another problem I hit is I print out on my PC using Epson and it prints out supposedly 4 to a page but that doesn' make them 4 by 6 and they don't quite fit in the pockets.

It got a bit much when using my leftover letters that I started cutting more letters to make up for letters that was missing in random colours. I also not keen on journalling but it gave it more interesting.

But it did help have a few stamps and dies from Simon Says Stamps which were perfect for event I was scrapbooking but at one point I had chairs with stuff of because I run out space to put stuff. The event was my nephew's 40th birthday and I had quite a few pics. I plan to make two normal 12 inch size pages to put either side of these page in my Album.

I also going to call these Wk 32 and 33 because they taken so much time and its still scrapbooking.
Would I do it again probably, would I make my own cards, maybe not.


  1. WHat lovely pages of memories Debby and loved the themed party....


  2. These are fab Debby, especially love the I Scream one! I have the same project with PL ... the premade ones a bit boring, but then it takes aages to make your own. I've sourced some PL sketches that definitely make it easier for me ...

  3. Hi Debby great pages and brilliant photos. We used to holiday on Hayling island when I was very young! As you say, I think 12 x 12 pages are easier, as you have a single backing page, you don't have to cover every inch. Have a lovely Sunday. Carol S.xx

  4. Stunning LO's Debby. Love all your cards too. Always a joy to see.

    Love Karen x

  5. Brilliant layouts! The jury's still out with me as well on project life pages. I've used ready made cards but they didn't really go with my photos so I think making them yourself is probably better. And printing the photos small enough was a problem.

  6. So fun Debby! Love your use of the SSS's exclusives! TFS

  7. Fabulous pages Debby, looks like everyone had a fun time!

  8. These are gorgeous Debby. I think you've done an excellent job making your own PL elements.

  9. They've turned out beautifully.

  10. Gorgeous page layouts Debby and fab photos.
    Lorraine x

  11. Great photos and layouts Debby..looks like a real fun time had by all..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  12. wow so lovely pages
    hugs Pia

  13. Lovely layouts Debby. I suppose the PL layout allows you to use a lot of photos on one page, but the downside is it is rather fiddly. x

  14. These are wonderful Debby. Looks like your family knows how to throw a great party as everyone looks relaxed and happy!
    Great layouts.

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  16. These are all so colourful and fun with obvious special memories.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  17. A fabulous way to keep and share those memories, love the cards.
    hugs Brenda xx

  18. Oh my word Debby these are brilliant love the papers and LO's, they go so well with the lovely family pictures.
    lorraine x

  19. I'm really slow at doing PL pages too - they take me so much longer than a normal 12 x 12 But these are really fab and are a great way of getting more photos onto a page


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