
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bowled Over

I'm really not sure on the banners, yes the fish tail works but the the other one not so sure but I do love the trees in the Doodlebug paper. Also not forgetting Mr Dunderton poor chap definitely looks henpecked. Well the Missus let him out for a couple of hours to play cricket and since she has no interest at all in the fair game she nicked his credit card and off to do a bit of shopping.
This was going to be my son's birthday card but decided on another it also reminds me my nephew went on a stag do that included playing with Devon Malcolm couldn't have been much fun dressed up as Kermit.
Obviously Mr Dunderton is from Dr Digi and the sketch is from Sketch Saturday a couple of weeks ago.
I've managed to make a card for next weeks Simon Says Stamps Wednesday Challenge had to be a quick one cos we took MIL to Wisley yesterday. Today we're going to Bird World which we haven't been for years so be interesting to see how its changed. We had thought of going to Marwell but since its a full house of family and a hot car and three adults squeezed in the back for an hour and half might not be a fun idea.
Sorry I haven't been able to blog hop but hopefully after this week I might be able to track down the goodies I had put aside for a candy. Just wish I could find them.


  1. Such a fun image Debby - love the card.

    Toni xx

  2. I think the banners work well Debby, the change of shapes makes a nice change and colours coordinate perfectly.

    B x

  3. Lovely fun card, great image and colours and those papers are gorgeous. Glad you are having a fun week x

  4. What a great it!! HUGE cricket fans here and what a lucky chap your Nephew was to get to play with Devon Malcolm, even dressed as he was!! Love both the banners too!! xx

  5. Fabulous card Debby. I love the fun image and wonderful papers. I think the banners look great too!
    Hugs Sue xx

  6. Brilliant card Debby fabulous image and colours


  7. Fantastic card Debby, great image x Susan x

  8. Hi Debby

    I LOVE this fabulous card for an ageing cricketer!!

    Christine x

  9. Fabulous card !!!
    I love the humorous side of your card, Debby!
    Hugs, Mumur.

  10. Dr Digi's images are so much fun and I love the papers too. A super card Debby. Enjoy your day.

  11. Fabulous card Debby and the banner works really Mr.Dunderton and love the tree papers too..fabulous card.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  12. Just fab in every way, love the old guy and the bright fun papers and card design. janex

  13. Wow this is Fantastic Love the Banner it all works so well!

  14. Great image and love your design and colours, hugs Kate x

  15. Great card Debbie. Enjoy Bird world! I took grandsons there in April - it must have been 20 years since I'd been. Certainly changed a bit with the addition of a children's farm which the boys seemed to enjoy more than the birds!

  16. Another fun male card Debby, this image is great and love the papers. Your cards are always full of interesting touches. x

  17. Gorgeous card Debby. I love the image.
    Hugs Trudy

  18. What a fun image Debby, would love to use it but not much cricket played in Canada! Your images always look so dashing with your fabulous paper piecing! Beautiful card!

  19. This is fantastic Debby and I love everything about it even the banner.


  20. You do such a wonderful job when it comes to images on cards. Great to look at your talent. Your cards are so cute!

  21. I love everything about this fun card, Debby! Fab colors and cute image! Hope you had a good day!

  22. Such a lovely image, great 3 D effect too, the banners are great, both of them.

  23. stunning male card debby.fabulous fun image and i love your banners and papers :D

    xx coops xx

  24. A brilliant card Debby, I love your image and fabulous papers.

  25. Well, even if Mr. Dunderton is henpecked, he still looks very sure of himself and his Cricket skills. Bet his muscles ache in the morning! Awesome card!

  26. A brilliant card Debby. love the image and need those papers!!
    Lorraine x

  27. Lovely card, very funny image

  28. What a fab image Debby. Love him! Great card with great elements x

  29. Brilliant fun card Debby. Great image and perfect for this time of year. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  30. Mr. Dunderton looks fabulous and he always makes me smile! Thanks for using a Dr. Digi Stamp!

  31. I love this card. Its adorable! You do such a fantastic job on your cards and they are a delight to see !

  32. Mr Dunderton is a hoot, Debby and so perfectly popped. And I love the banners! It's always great to see you play along with one of our sketches even if you missed the deadline. Hugs, Lesley

  33. A fantastic card - a great image and I love how you've used those fab papers!


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