
Monday, May 05, 2014

Nearly there

A friend mention to me last weekend that its all gone quiet on the conversion of the outhouse. Here is the culprit it takes 6 weeks for the floor to be properly dried before the flooring can go down. Poor chap had a hell of a job to fit it in such a small place but he did a good job.
The poor Tiler wasn't well but if you self employed you don't get sick pay, you don't work you don't get paid and he had a senior moment the result is several tiles missing!

So the tiler popped back and finished of and then it was a week before the plummer had a slot for me  to finish his part. 

You know you going round the bend no pun intended but I got very excited about the fact the new loo worked! The plummer was impressed with the tiny sink with its plug, he kept pressing it so it would pop up.

So here' the pic of a very exciting shower! Hubby needs to finish painting the ceiling and I need the actual door fitted.


  1. Lookin good Debby :-) almost there !! :-)

  2. Wahoo Debby - it's coming along. I hope you have a big pink or red ribbon to cut and a bottle of bubbly to crack open :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. Not long to go now!. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  4. It's nearly there Debby, it's going to be really great. x

  5. Looks very smart and practical! Jo x

  6. WOW this is looking good Debby! Isn't it amazing what those "handyman" can do.........just as gifted as we are with our paper crafts!!!

    xx Irene

  7. Its looking fab Debby, it will be amazing when its complete. Xxxxx
    Hugs Mau xx

  8. Ooh it's looking good, I bet you will be glad when it's finished now.

  9. Debby it's look good!! x

  10. It's so much fun to see your progress. Thanks so much for sharing these pics!

  11. Thanks for sharing Debbie! I am in the midst of organizing a reno of my Mum's place...putting in a wet room as she is 90 and getting frail Like you, I wanted it for when we need it.
    We own it together and if I ever chose to retire there for part of the year (the wine country part of the year) then I would eventually need those reno's too!

    Love your sweet little sink and that lovely towel warmer...they are not common here and considered a real luxury to have a hard wired one!

  12. Wonderful indeed Debbie... thanks too for the blessing of your blog. Shaz in Oz.x

  13. Oh good, I wanted to know about your renovations. It'll be fabulous when it's all finished.


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