
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Up to Date

I'm a week behind so this week you get two layouts. The first one is a bit wishy washy but looks fine in real life. Love how the Baby Shower layout turned out can't believe it was a year ago that the photos was taken.
The papers are Echo Park, sorry no idea of the name.

I suppose really this is pretty close to being CAS layout well for me anyway. The choice of papers of which I have no idea whose they are but I've had them for years what decided on because of my nephews shirt. Fresh Foliage from Memory Box for some embellishment and the chervons are a Stampin Up punch.


  1. Great layouts!

    Sorry I haven't been by to visit. Mum has been poorly and I am trying to go there every third week and stay a week or ten days to give my sister a break from looking after her. It is a 4 1/2 hour journey each it is impacting my visiting about!

  2. Fab. The baby shower one is such a cute take on shower

  3. Hi sweetie these are just gorgeous I would love to learn how to do this, hugs Pops x x x

  4. Two gorgeous layouts Debby. I love both of them. The shower one is so sweet, your Daughter looks gorgeous on it. The "boy" page is great where they are pulling each others ears....naughty boys!

  5. Debby both are stunning x

  6. These are wonderful Debby. I love the photos and fabulous layouts.
    Hugs Sue xx

  7. They are both lovely pages....but I really love all the layering on the first one.

  8. These are gorgeous layouts Debby. Love the mother to be and such cheeky boys.
    I have some candy on my blog if you would like to join in.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  9. I like both of the layouts and your choices of papers and embellishments are perfect for the occasions!

  10. I think both layouts are fantastic! Nice work.

  11. Beautiful LOs Debby. x

  12. Your layouts are both wonderful, but the shower one where you have placed your photos so that they become one with your words and embellishments is perfection!

  13. Wow both wonderful, i am trying to do these myself now so looking to you for inspiration!


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