
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Its been a While

Its been a bit quiet on the conversion of a single bricked outhouse to my mini wet room and tiny craft space. The tacker has been and it was plaster boarded. Special plaster board for the wet room

Normal stuff for the craft space

A path and a bit more added to the drive all one level so no trip hazards

The plumber has recently been to sort out the radiators to help dry the floor and do I see plugs.

And lights.

The towel rail works but has been sealed off till the the Tiler's been but we still waiting for the floor to dry its worst than waiting for paint to dry.


  1. Love seeing your progress. Thanks for sharing these photos!

  2. But it will be sooo worth it when it's finished x

  3. Well what a difference Debby it's looking won't be long now when it's finished l'm sure .........looking forward to seeing it

  4. Not too far to go now. Looking good. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  5. Great progress, Debby! It's really coming together well! I'm sure you will be glad when it's finished!

  6. Looks great. You are going to be so happy to have this wet room and level access...So glad you post photos as it is fun to watch the conversion occuring!

    Busy doing the same at my Mums (minus the craft room part). We own it together and although she lives there full time, it is in a touristy area that is our "desert" area in BC. Everything we are doing for her will be handy for me to in the future.

  7. You're getting there. Hope it won't be too much longer before you can 'move in'.
    Beryl xx

  8. Looking good, I so envy you having a wet room, love watching the progress with the photo's, keep them coming,can't wait till you show the ones of the craft room all stocked and ready for action, wonder what your first card will be.
    Hugs Debs

  9. Now that's progress Debby ... your Grand Opening is drawing near.

  10. This has got to be so exciting! Waiting through it all is probably the hardest! :)

    I hope we can do some work this summer on our own home! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Coming along beautifully, I bet you can't wait to get in there now :D xx


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