
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Owls and Cushions

Something a bit different this morning the moving and sorting of my craftroom is coming at a price and I'm feeling overwhelmed with my hoarding. We are even sorting out normal cupboards to find space for some of my craftstuff!
Anyway last year I saw a mag called Mollie Makes with these cute owl mittens and DD has problems with her wrist that she broke when she was a teenager and suffers when its cold so I promised to make them. I use to knit like a card make many years ago but had to stop because of my shoulders but I thought these tiny things would be OK but yuck its on four needles but a year later they're done.

 I wanted a book cushion for my e reader but could only find one from the US and the postage was awful but google did find a page on how to make your own. All it is, is a rectangle about 10 inches by 14 inches. So making that was easy but using little tiny foam balls without a funnel wasn't funny at least I had the sense to try to outside. In the end my son came to the rescue and he vacuumed the patio afterwards!

I am still making cards just but priority has to be given to my Design Teams and I expect I will have to go down the CAS route for a while as well.

But I will be back I think at 1pm with the new Simon Says Stamps Wednesday Challenge.


  1. How cute are those..........I want some!! They are just fab & tbh it would probably take me a year as well......I'm terrible for finishing things lol. Love the e-reader stand/cushion. I've neglected my e-reader for a while now, I'm quite ashamed tbh :0(

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  2. Two great projects Debby love your owl gloves and such a great idea for your reader


  3. Fabulous makes Debby, hope the move isn't too long and you are back in full swing very soon

    Ali xx

  4. Hi Debs, I have a book case for my Kindle, it stands up like a photo frame, but I think youve done a brilliant job of creating your reader but done forget to make sure you dont actually put the reader onto the material directly or it will get over hot. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  5. Fab projects, Debby! I love that stand - so clever!

  6. These look fabulous Debbie x I am knitting the same wrist warmers too for an owl loving friend.

  7. love your book pillow Debby! I got the same magazine and made up the gloves in a brown chunky yarn from the market, never got around to putting the button eyes on though! They are in my gardening coat jacket, probably with a lot of dried mud from when I last wore them .. .. I think I'll be getting them out and dusted off very soon though!
    hugs, annie x

  8. Hi Debby, wow those mittens are brilliant! Love the little owls! Checked your card with the cute indian girl, adorable!! Hugs Frea

  9. Good morning, here on my virtual visits again just to let you know I’ve taken a peek at your latest makes. Have a good Wednesday.

    B x

  10. You are so creative Debby. I am sure your DD will treasure those mittens. Loving the book cushion too.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  11. Love both of your fabulous projects

  12. Fantastic projects, Debby! Love the mittens and e-reader cushion! I sure could use one of those! Thanks for sharing the cute ideas!

  13. both projects are fantastic but I especially love the super cute owl mittens tho... I struggle with 2 needles let alone 4 altho I haven't been able to knit for years... alas my hands aint what they used to be but at least I can still make cards LOL ;)

    love n hugz Angie xXx

  14. Love the ebook cushion just what I need
    Jenny x

  15. Fabulous owls and just love the cushion, fab project.

  16. Genius! Love that cushion. Would be perfect for my Kindle toting hubby. A christmas make perhaps? Hugs, Wends x

  17. Love both of your makes, Hazel xx

  18. Those mittens are awesome! Love your book cushion, too. Both items are very imaginative!

  19. Cute mittens but wow - what a brilliant idea for a read cushion. Would never have thought of that.
    Beryl xx

  20. Ohhh, I LOVE these mittens Debby! My DD is crazy for owls so I will have to see if I can buy a back issue of the mag.

    LOVE your book cushion. They have them at my local bookshop but they are $50 Australian which is about 29 and a half pounds - soooo expensive so it is good to know that you can make them yourself. I had a giggle at the foam balls - must have looked like it snowed!

    Jocelyn x

  21. Hi Debby I love the mittens, but the book cushion is amazing. Well done you. Xx


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