
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Wednesday Morning

A couple of more pages of my Christmas Album to tied you over till 2pm when the new challenge on Simon says Stamps challenge starts.
The papers are October Afternoon, fairly simple so nice and quick. Doesn't my nephew look pleased with his Christmas Jumper!

Also a pic of my latest Granny Square Blanket, the white stitches should have been a cluster but I couldn't work out the how. Of course if I took the time to you tube it I would have probably found out but my DD is happy with it.
A close to show that its Purple, Lilac, White and Black.
I'm now using a pattern to make a shawl from a crochet magazine, I've lost count how many times I've unpicked it but now I'm happy how it turning out but not convince its the actual pattern.


  1. Lovely layout Debby .Love the jumpers especially the pudding one.

  2. Wow Debby I don't know how you fit all this in! Wonderful layouts the jumpers are right out of Bridget Jones! Your blanket is fab I could never do a whole blanket I am full of admiration! Susan x

  3. Two lovely pages Debby I've never tried scrapbooking
    jacqui x

  4. Fun pages, and I LOVE your blanket. Hugs Juls xxx

  5. Great LO's you made....Fun with so many gifts.
    And I love you blanket, it is almost the same a friend of mine made for me....mine is purple and white and I love it.
    Hugs Sinikka

  6. Fabulous scrapbook layouts Debby, and he does look thrilled with his blanket is gorgeous, well done, I'm still learning...and getting no where fast.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  7. Great pages Debby - and a fabulous blanket.Well worth the time and effort I think.
    Beryl xx

  8. Oh your nephews face is priceless! Great pages Debby.

  9. Hello my dear friend, I want to apologize if I can not comment on all your beautiful work, but I finally found a full-time job ^_^
    Will I be able to visit you on weekends only .. in Italy today is Labor Day and we are all at home^_^
    You have done a marvelous creation as always
    Have a wonderful day^_^
    Big hug,

  10. Gorgeous scrapbook page Debby, and the jumpers and blanket look fabulous.
    Lorraine x

  11. Hiya Debby. Brilliant Christmas pages. I did have a giggle at those Amazing jumpers!!
    I have just finished a blanket very similar to yours in lemon for a Baby blanket. (Forgot to take a photo of it tho'!)
    I was taught years ago by an Aunt, but only to do squares and then sew them together. Do like doing it, but often think if only i could change the stitch and do a shawl. Once you know how to crochet the stitch is the same isnt it?

  12. Wonderful projects Debby. Your nephew's face is a picture, Jumpers are fantastic.

    Love the scrapbook pages, something I don't do and your blankets is absolutely gorgeous. Kate x

  13. Love those Christmas pages. Ha ha at your nephew's face. That made me smile.
    What a gorgeous blanket - beautiful colours.
    My gosh you are soooo talented.
    Caroline xxx

  14. wouwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww your Granny Square Blanket is so beautifull
    luv elly

  15. Oooo great scrapbook pages and blanket - am so loving those papers and layout, Luv Sam x

  16. Great LO, gorgeous blanket a d I'm LOVING the Xmas pud jumpers!!!

  17. beautiful scrapbooking
    and I love your crochet shawl/blancket
    hugs andrea

  18. Great layouts.
    Love the blanket. Looks cosy.

  19. Two lovely layouts - I love those christmas jumpers!!


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