
Friday, May 17, 2013

Back to the drawing board

So I had in my mind a Less is More Coloured Card challenge and I decided to hunt out some pearlescent paints that have been hiding in a box where they're now been put back for another decade. Much prefer my prism or polychromo so I shall stick with them in future.
But basically stamped and embossed with white painted them in, drew around the card and bit of ribbon to finished then hated the the centres so added some micro beads which I also hate.

Now the next few cards were another idea using my favourite Hero Arts stamp which was to emboss in white and silver. It doesn't look half bad until you photo it and it looks odd.
I stamped and embossed the sentiment because it doesn't show up well in the white embossed flourish.

This is one that worked the best but I stamped it on a smaller bit of card so it had to be backed with silver.
Looking forward to the next challenge.


  1. Awesome creations Debby, and I know the feeling of sticking to what we know the best lol.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. Great cards Debby, but I did laugh here at your indignant squeaks of 'I hate' whilst making the first card.....which I love BTW!

    Hugs, Di xx

  3. Stunning cards Debbie.
    Kathleen x

  4. They are all fabby, but i especially like the first one, as it's a little different, Luv Sam x

  5. all of these are lovely. Really love all the flourish ones.

  6. A gorgeous selection of cards Debby, great designs and beautiful colours
    hugs Sue xx

  7. blimey you have been busy and they are all beautiful
    Hugs Kate xx

  8. Lovely creations Debby, its nice to try different things isn't it we can then always go back to our safety blanket :)
    jacqui x

  9. This post really made me smile Debby because the card you hate I love! I think we all get a bit trapped in our comfort zone and our cards can get a bit samey sometimes. Doing something really different really introduces new ideas again. Keep on challenging! Jane x

  10. Stunning cards, I love them all but the first one just a little bit more!
    xoxo Anita

  11. OMG, these are so pretty and elegant.

  12. Your new creations are wonderful.

  13. All very pretty but really like that flourish.

  14. I am happy to report that I have this stamp at last - and it does stamp beautifully doesn't it. Love the different effects you've got with all the different colour cards.
    Beryl xx

  15. Hi Debbie...that is one of the most beautiful flourish stamps I have seen! And I really like the mix of white and silver embossing...I've never thought to do that so I might give it a go! Great cards!
    Dot x

  16. It does us good to try things Debby and you are never afraid of doing that I really admire you! That flourish stamp is stunning and love the cards you made with it! Susan x

  17. Well Debby I think all are just wonderful. I thought the first one was made out of material, on my screen the flowers look as if they have been cut out with lace and the purple background looks like felt, how odd is that, but it's gorgeous, kate x

  18. Wow Debby, They are all so beautiful x

  19. I absolutely love your first card Debby! It is gorgeous. Funny how we all start to doubt ourselves sometimes. Although I like all of your other cards the final version really stands out because of the mirror card. All in all not a bad days work at all Debby!
    Best wishes
    Lea x

  20. I think all your cards are beautiful and anyone would be over the moon to receive them :)

  21. I love your first card and the microbead centers! I have the stamp you used for the next cards and I can never get a good impression from it but your cards are perfect! Very pretty colors too!

  22. Oh wow, they are all gorgeous Debby! Love the silver embossing especially!

  23. I love that flourish stamp. Its a must have.
    Clarissa. X

  24. What a wonderful cards Debby.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  25. These are stunning Debby, I love that Hero Arts stamp, so simple but stunning. Have a wonderful weekend. Pami x

  26. These are all gorgeous creations. Hugs, Claire x

  27. Wow great cards, great stamping!!

  28. Love them all, You are braver than me as I threw my creation with sparkly paint in the bin as it was rubbish for the LIM Challenge. Love all your creations they are super, Love Hazelxo

  29. Stunning, stunning, stunning Debby. I love each and everyone. Have a great weekend. Hugs Nina

  30. Stunning congratulations cards!

  31. Hi Debby,lovely cards...the first one especially. S x

  32. I really like these, Debby, the flowers on the first one look great, and the embossed flourishes on the others are gorgeous!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    love Mags B x

  33. Wow Debby, you have gone to town with this challenge and these are all superb!
    Wonderful stamping!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  34. Love all of these fabulous cards

    Kath x

  35. Wow you've been busy, lovely cards, great stamps love your congratulations one.
    Hugs Debs

  36. are certainly not a very happy bunny with your creations today Debby. They are beautiful!I happen to love the one you don't :o Love the embossing too.
    have a super weekend xx
    hugs Mau xx

  37. realy stunning cards Debby.
    i have this stamp too , and so nice to see the different ways that you made with it.
    great colors and design.
    greetings from Ann

  38. They're all nice cards, Debby. I LOVE that flourish stamp, embossing is the perfect thing to do with it :-) Very classy, Donna xx

  39. you make me laff x pretty cards as always x

  40. theses are stunning, you do cas as well as your gorgous detailed cards.

  41. Such stunning card, they are gorgeous xxx

  42. I really love the first card! I love the others too and I have that stamp. I hadn't used it to emboss. Now I will for sure!

  43. Fab selection of cards!! I love challenging myself to use things in my stash that I have gone off using ... & like your flower card. The swirly cards are gorgeous 2!! Hugs Juls xxx

  44. Hi, what is the name of the big Hero Arts Flouish stamp you used for all of the most beautiful cards you made. I LOVE LOVE them all and would like that stamp. Hero Arts are my favourite stamps.



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