
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


A couple more pages for my Christmas Album about Gifts old and new. The papers are some old My Minds Eye I think, the pack has long since lost its front cover. Apart from some pink flowers pretending to be poinsettias and some cut out trees.

I cut out loads of trees this time but I think it worked well. The photo was borrowed from the internet I don't think any photos was made when I received the gift although my Sis reckons there is cine film of it!
Not a particular good day yesterday, I had a bit of tumble the day before I fell up the stairs and it has jarred  my body which complained all day. Mr Virgin man working on the boxes outside took out my broadband for  more than a couple of hours and the cold has seeped into my craftroom try making a card wrapped in a blanket. One more day and it's suppose to warm up a bit.
Back at 2pm with the new Simon Says Stamps Challenge card.


  1. Who...Debby!!!
    It's super layouts, I love all these details.
    Big hugs, Mumur.

  2. Two fab LO's Debby, love the gorgeous details.

    Donna x

  3. Great layouts. I love those papers...I have them too! I have a confession to make...I have never cut into them!!! I think I am hoarding them...teehee
    Love the way you cut out the trees to use as embellishments and the wee poinsettias are pretty on this layout!

  4. Fab layout Debby the cut out trees look very effective, you must be very patient to do all that cutting out! Hope you recover from your fall soon xx

  5. Wow what a super layouts Debby. Love the row of trees.
    Kathleen x

  6. Wow, Debby I just love these LO's. Absolutely gorgeous. Hugs, Nicole

  7. Gosh Debby...hope you are okay, Nothing worse than jarring the body, everything ends up hurting...take care.
    Gorgeous scrapbook all the cut out trees, very effective.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  8. I remember those MME papers as well Debby, properly still got some as well if I look hard enough.

    They made a super l/o anyhow.

    B x

  9. Gorgeous Christmas pages Debby. Love the cheerful colours of the design papers.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  10. Such fabulous layouts. I love the cut out trees.
    I hope you are feeling better soon and the the weather warms up a bit!
    Hugs Sue

  11. Both such fun pages, Debby!

  12. Oh poor you, Debby. I hope you soon feel better after your tumble and warmer too. Being cold makes one hurt more because one tends to hunch. I love your two layouts, especially all the pretty cut out trees. Perhaps you could borrow Andrea's pink snuggle to keep you warm! Hugs, Lesley

  13. Two gorgeous layouts Debby. The christmas trees look fabulous.
    I hope you are OK after your fall.
    Lorraine x

  14. I love to see your scrapbook pages Debby and the 'snuggly' made me smile - one of my kids bought me one a couple of years ago and everyone fights over it on the sofa!
    Hugs Laurie xx

  15. Both fantastic hun, love all those trees!
    Oh I know what you mean about cold, we had just over a day with no electric or gas & the drains were backing up as was soooooo cold & I got sooooooo bored lol!!
    Hope you stay snuggly & warm, its snowing here (Stoke) & freezing!
    Hugs Shell xx

  16. Both are fantastic Debby these pages are getting to be so popular and yours is gorgeous x

  17. I just adore your pages Debby!! Loving the papers you used!! xx

  18. Love to see a dedicated card maker, creating memory pages. And of course, like your cards, your pages are wonderful.

  19. Fun page!! Hugs Juls

  20. Great pages. The paper is lovely.
    Hope you are better soon, though my mum always said you're going to a wedding when you fall up stairs. (Never really corresponded for me, but I was always clumsy as a child! )
    I would be away with the snuggle in the craft room.
    Your need is greater.

  21. Great LO Debby!!! Love all of the trees!

  22. Hi Debby these layouts are wonderful! Sorry to hear about your fall hope you are on the mend now.
    Hugs Lynsey x

  23. love these pages Debby, must give this a try soon!


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