
Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well this cold as taken the stuffing out of me and I'm finding it really hard to make my body to do anything and apart from the Mystery Kit which I've made something but not really impressed by it I haven't done any other crafting and I'm running out of draft posts.
I have this cute Cheerleader from Mo Manning and a couple of Stampin Up posts left. I do love the Cheerleader Gimme a bee and the LOTV papers are a dream to work with. 
Usual suspect used my favourite Crochet border die from MFT and my retro flower punch with the Cheery Lyn leaves. The sentiment is LOTV too but I stamp it once with versamark onto matching cardstock and then using black onto white and then cut it out missing the a bit of the border so the colour shows.
We've had a builder to look at the outhouse which houses my craftroom its become more apparent that we need a downstairs loo and in the future I may need walk in shower. But not sure we can afford what we would love to do which is to knock it down and build something a bit bigger. The other alternative is to sort the floor levels out and line the inside since its single brick and turn it into the toilet and shower room but that means finding somewhere else for my craftroom or even if I can have one!
Either way I need to move out for a long time or forever and its no good waiting till last minute so I will be streamlining my craftroom and I will have to be ruthless no hanging onto to stuff that I've had for years just in case I might use!
Is anyone having a problem with blogger dashboard it keeps telling I'm don't follow anyone!


  1. Hi Debby gorgeous card I love the image and as always coloured beautifully and the layout is fabulous. Caroline xxx

  2. awesome Debby. Love the purple pompoms

  3. Moving out for ever sounds like a big project.....Good luck with that.
    Sweet card again, it's a cute little girl.
    No problems with blogger.
    Hugs Sinikka

  4. So beautiful card,I love the image and the papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. Cute card!! Love that sweet little image! Blogger said that to me a several times this week too, but when I restart it's oké. Since I started blogging some of the blogs I follow won't appear in my list now and then, don't know what it is. Good luck sorting out your craftroom, Colinda

  6. What a awesome card Debby ;o)
    Great colors and the image is so amazing!

  7. Adore your SSS card below, sometimes it makes a change to try a card without stamping. This is also very cute. Sorry to hear you are still poorly. Eek, no craftroom, still a downstairs loo and shower sounds a great idea. Yes, blogger keeps telling me I don'y follow anyone too, then a few minutes later try again and back to normal! Take care xx

  8. Totally adorable Debby, such beautiful colours and just love the cute image.Gorgeous flowers and papers, and of course stunning colouring...Blogger is a fool and tells me that all the time,I refresh over and over, and find if I click onto a DT blog and then come back, so do my blogs I follow, if not, I sulk, and go outside and mutter...eventually they come back, but it is sooo frustrating.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  9. ooo cute, the details are perfect
    hhmm i think i need to buy new mo's,hihihi

  10. Fabulous card debby, so pretty. Sorry to hear you are having problems and hope it all gets sorted soon.
    Louise xx

  11. Hi Debby

    Fabulous colour combo and such a sweet image.

    Love it!

    Love Jules xx

  12. Gorgeous colour combo card. Fab image. Fab.
    Kathleen x

  13. Adorable card Debby and gorgeous colours ....yes sometimes I do have a problem with blogger...opens up in another page when finishing moderating comments areal pain


  14. Stunning card sweetie, she is a little cutie, and yes, those papers are fabulous! It'd be such a shame to lose your crafting space completely - we need to start thinking of a plan for you! Hugs Sxx

  15. Великолепно!

  16. This is gorgeous Debby. Those poms pms must have taken forever to cut out.
    Have had the no readers problem a couple of times but it comes back if you refesh the page. When it used to happen on the old Blogger it sometimes stayed that way, and it was up to Blogger when I got them back.Just click on the orange 'e' symbol top left of the page.Hope that helps.
    Hope that cold clears up soon - for your sake and for ours - don't want to miss out on your daily posts.
    Beryl xx

  17. This is gorgeous Debby. I love the sweet image and the beautiful colours and flowers.
    Yes, I keep having trouble with Blogger saying I have no-one in my followers list, it is very annoying!
    Hugs Sue

  18. This is gorgeous,love the image and great

  19. Very beautiful card!
    Good luck with sorting out your craftroom.

  20. Great card hun, love the colours & layout!
    Hope you feel better real soon
    hugs shell xx

  21. A fabulous card Debby, I love your design and gorgeous colours. Your image is adorable and wonderful details.

    Heather xx
    I have your Birthday card here - my Son didn't post it for me - I back in the UK on Saturday - I ill post it there - probably quicker than from here.

  22. Hi Debby, wow what a cutie! Love the colours and layout you have used. Sweet little cheerleader! hugs Heidi x

  23. Just too cute Debby, love that image.
    Cathy xx

  24. Fabulous card, this is so pretty Debby. Love the colours and all your details!

  25. Fantastic and sweet^_^
    I love your papers^_^

  26. Oh, she is a cutie!! What a fabulous card Debby! xx

  27. How cute & adorable is this card love the image sweetie.
    I've still all of mine to sort out, the cupboard has just been delivered.......when I see it in boxes I think how am I gonna get my stuff in there lol.
    Hope all goes well for you shug.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  28. Wat een prachtige creatie

  29. supercute Debby - really gorgeous xx

  30. Love your fabulous card, as I always do, do you ever have a duff one??? No! I don't know where I'd have to put my crafty stuff if I had to move it! It's always in a heap! wishing you well (((Lyn)))

  31. Gorgeous card Debby, I like the image the papers the flowers and the design.
    Kevin xx

  32. Hi Debby,
    Sorry have not been around here lately - just seem to have been so busy.
    Love this beautiful card. Adorable image and gorgeous colours and those flowers are so pretty.
    Denise xx

  33. I am totally in love with these colours let alone the beautifully coloured in the world did you layer those pom pom's is my big question!
    I'm have no probs with blogger, touch wood :)S

  34. Awhh! This is a super cute image Debby! LOving your colours too.
    One for my Wish List lol.

  35. Fabulous card, love the colours and of course the image,-))m

  36. Awesome card Debby. Those pom poms really look like they are jumping off the page. Sorry you are still feeling poorly. Crossing fingers while typing this, quite difficult really. Lol!! I haven't had blogger problems yet.


  37. Gorgeous card Debby. I love the image and pretty papers and colours.
    Mr Blogger is always losing my following list too, and now it's got me following myself!!
    Lorraine x

  38. AWW! Debby, this is just as sweet as can be hun!! Love your colors and wonderful design! HUGS

  39. Gorgeous card Debby with great colours and a beautiful LO!
    Maybe it's smarter (and cheaper) to move? Or is that not an option?
    I don't have any problems with Mr. Blogger so far, let me knock that off on wood!
    xoxo Anita

  40. This has to be the cutest ever, Debby! I love the girly colors, pretty papers and adorable image! Superb coloring and details! Hope you feel better and also get your craftroom situation sorted. I have the same problem with Blogger sometimes. I keep hitting refresh and eventually the reading list pops back up.

  41. Cute gorgeous card Debby!!
    XXX Heidy

  42. Totally adorable Debby.
    Gorgeous colours.
    Debs xx

  43. your cheerleader is fabulous, a very cute and pretty card. janex

  44. Awww this is so fun Debby, I love the colours you used.. green purple with the light blue is gorgeous, love it xxx

  45. So pretty Debby and a gorgeous combination of colours :) Donna ♥ x

  46. What a cutie, love the gorgeous fresh looking papers.

  47. This is lovely Debby, such a pretty card! Hugs, Lisa x

  48. Hi Debby, This is just so cute! x

  49. So cute Debby, love the colours. Hope you feel better soon. Aud x

  50. A beautiful bright and cheerful card Debby! hugs, Marlies

  51. Hi Debby, what a cute cheerleader! And such a lovely card! Love the purples! Hugs Frea

  52. So beautiful card and cute card, Debby!
    I love it!
    hugs Ula

  53. absolutely LOVE this Debby! Got to buy this image! Hope you're feeling better soon. x

  54. This is awesome Debby - the pompoms are fabulous- don't know how you've cut those out!! Love your little top about the sentiment too - great idea! Hugs, Juliexx

  55. so stunning debby.the image is so sweet and i love your pretty colours ;D

    xx coops xx

  56. Hi Debby this is so pretty! and the colours so perfect! gorgeous card, hugs me x

  57. Great card Debby and what a cute digi.
    Hugs, Marianne

  58. Super cute card Debby! Love the colors. :-) Hugs!

  59. stunning colours. love the decoupage. very delicate. great image x

  60. Oh gorgeous card and lush papers!!! mr blogger tells me the same thing!

  61. Oh Debby, it's worrying news about your craftroom and I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly with your cold. (I hope you're better now - I'm very behind with my comments!!!) This card is GORGEOUS! Such a pretty image and so beautifully coloured and I love every aspect of your design features. Hugs, Lesley


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