
Friday, September 14, 2012

Warts and all

I'm not having a very good week especially in the crafting dept and now this morning I've woken up a silly o'clock. So I decided to get up and maybe tried to catch up blogging but now I'm having issues with my new glasses they are varifocals and seemed incredible sensitive to movement may have to find my old pair.
So my card today well I don't like it what on earth possess me to use these colours, love the papers but I don't know it just doesn't seemed to work.
I've used the sketch from Sketch Saturday and since the butterfly paper was so busy I couldn't bring myself to cover it up so just used some butterflies.
I was tempted to bin it but since it took a couple of days to make it and I don't have any more cards spare to show it will have to do Warts and all.


  1. Oh Debby,your a bit hard on your self,it's a lovely card!!!
    XXX Heidy

  2. Good Morning Debby! You do not like your card? Why? I think it is a really beautiful one. Okay, the colours are a bit uncommon...but hey, the paper was like this and I think it suits perfect! You have made a really great card!!

  3. Oh, you always make me giggle when you don't like your cards...I think it is great.
    I like the colours and the image.

    Great job!

  4. Such a cute image, this is a gorgeous card.

  5. oh its not as bad as you think.. i love the colours and the gorgeous papers
    Lisa x

  6. Oh wow Debby this is stunning I can't see why you don't like it! I have varifocals and never had a problem getting used to them however I am now trying varifocal contact lenses and that is another thing altogether lol - I think they will soon end up in the bin!! xx

  7. If you are having trouble with your varifocals you need to go back to the optician. I have never had a problem but hubby has and they needed adjusting. What a cute image and gorgeous paper. Love the butterflies. I would just tone down the greeen on the image a bit as it is a bit bright for me, but then I'm not into bright green. Apart from that, love it.


  8. It is beautiful Debby that image is just soo cute.
    Margaret M

  9. morning Debby love this sweet image and wow adore the butterfly papers
    Hugs Kate xx

  10. This is gorgeous Debby. I love the sweet image and the colours are beautiful. Those butterflies are gorgeous too.

    hugs Sue

  11. Hi Debby,
    Sorry about the glasses, makes me crazy when the RX is off, but the card is so sweet. I find sometimes when I feel color is off that I have focused on a color that is in my paper but the eyes see it differently. Try softening the colored bits and you might be happier but I think it is darling.

  12. Hi! Debby I TRULY love it,such a pretty card and design- sweet image too.I think it has been one of those weeks too,
    have a nice day.hugs Lou.xx

  13. I think it is very pretty Debby. That PP with the butterflies is delightful

  14. I think the colour combination is fine Debby and I love your butterfly papers and embellishments.
    Stick with the glasses, it took me a while to get used to my second pair of varifocals but I'm glad I persevered.

  15. A gorgeous creation Debby,love the image,papers and

  16. On no. Don't bin it. I love those colours. The image matches the bp's so well (or vice versa) but you know what I mean. It's gorgeous.
    Beryl xx

  17. Hi Debby, you're being too hard on yourself. Maybe not your usual colours but pretty just the same. Never got on wearing my varifocals for crafting or the computer. They now languish in a drawer and I use one contact lens. A visit to the optician again may be called for Debby. Good luck! x

  18. So pleased you didn't bin this card I think it's lovely.
    Varifocals do take time to get used to but well worth it...although saying that my DH can't wear his...but he is a


  19. What a beautiful card Debby.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  20. We are our worst critics Debby, it is a gorgeous card, such a sweet image and love the colour combo.
    Love the spotty butterflies too.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  21. gorgeous image and I think the colours look fine! Hugs Rachel xx

  22. Gorgeous card Debby i love the sweet image and the colours are beautiful. Stick with the varifocals you will get used to them. Have a lovely weekend. luv gina xx

  23. Don't know what you are talking about WOMAN!!! This is gorgeous and I would be very proud if I had done it.


  24. This is gorgeous Debby, fab image and papers and colours.
    Wish I could make cards like you!
    Lorraine x

  25. You silly's beautiful and I seriously don't know why we bash ourselves like that. You matched the colours in the papers, the only thing that might be bothering you is perhaps the bright red border, perhaps try going with a more muted red instead. I'll bet that makes a difference. Either way it works for me, lovely image who created this one?

  26. Debby je kaart is prachtig hoor

  27. Debby nothing wrong with your card at all. Another gorgeous creation .xx

  28. Nothing wrong with this card at all Debby the colours go alright together and such a sweet image. You will need to have a sleep in the afternoon today you will be shattered. Hope you get used to your new glasses. Aud x

  29. Debby, Your card is gorgeous and the papers and imges fit in truly well together so beautifully coloured too! x

  30. Good afternoon sweetie I think this is gorgeous as always hun, love the colours. Hope you manage ok with your new glasses hun.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  31. OOOOh look at these 2, so beautiful coloured and gorgeous papers Debby!
    I know how it is with those glasses, don't move your head too fast and focus on what part you want to look through otherwise you feel very seasick!!!!! Takes some time but you will get there I'm sure!!!

    Hugs, Irene

  32. Don't be so hard on yourself Debby, I think it's a lovely card :)Anyone would love to find this in his mailbox!
    xoxo Anita

  33. Oh you poor thing, you sound miserable! I love the details on this card - the butterflies and the design of the background. Hope things are looking brighter for you and you get the glasses sorted.

  34. so gorgeous debby.really sweet image and i love your colours ;D

    xx coops xx

  35. Oh Debby, this is lovely and sweet hun. Maybe the new glasses need working in a little! lol :) I love the cute image and your papers are just gorgeous!



  36. Your card is gorgeous Debby, fabulous image and papers, love the combo
    Kim xx

  37. Gorgeous card hun, love the colours. Hugs, Claire x

  38. Why on earth would you bin this,, it's lovely. All the colours work well and the colouring is perfect as always.

  39. Gorgeous card Debby, love the image and design.

    Donna x

  40. Matbe it is your new glasses that are not seeing the card right, but this is really lovely, cute image, lovely papers and the colours are fine.

    Kath x

  41. No warts on this one Debby it looks fine to me. Really cute image and love the papers and design you have used
    Eileen x

  42. It's a gorgeous card Debby, I think it's lovely.
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  43. hope you get your glasses sorted out! I love crafting in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.. (plus it means that no little fingers will be stealing my stuff :)) Love the tiney butterflies.. the colours look great to me, that DP is lovely x

  44. What a beautiful card. Gorgeous image and paper combo. X

  45. A lovely card, Debby! Gorgeous papers! Thank you for coming to play at Sketch Saturday this week! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow (well, today actually)!!! Hugs, Lesley

  46. Don't be so hard on yourself Debbie!! Lots of us would love to share a card as sweet as this one! Do you colour with Prisma's or Copics.....just out of interest?

  47. Oh Debby, I think it's lovely and that you are far too hard on yourself...S x

  48. AWW! I just adore these images Debby!! You've done a gorgeous job coloring them!! :) Have a fabulous weekend my dear!

  49. Such a sweet image and love the pretty papers!
    Helen x

  50. I think its beautiful.. beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


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