
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

WOYWW and Scrapbooking Wednesday

I think you can work out some work in progress this WOYWW and I've actually pulled out 3 pages out of Stampin Up pad of 12 by 12 paper that I've had for months was close to hyperventilating at the shock.
Mmmmm some Woodware stamps and a Brilliance inkpad which gave me awful trouble stamping last night when I realised that it needed reinking. I don't use it for stamping images but when I paper piece (there's a clue) or stamping sentiments I much prefer the depth of colour with the black or coffee bean brilliance pads.

Here's a few scrapbooking pages I've done recently I had these pics of J for ages. I made a kit with the papers I wanted to use but it still took forever to actually make the layout.
I'm giving my Sis 10 out 10 for her photos of J here and I tried to match the rope at the top to give an impression its all one rope, Kind've tricking your eyes well it does for me!

The crate papers that I've had for sooooooo long are perfect for these photos, going to have to make the most of these photos cos he's not keen on photos being taken now.


  1. WOW...................What a beautiful LO's did so well!!!!!!!
    Dutch Tulip

  2. Love your scrapbook pages Debby, looking forward to seeing what you are working on now.
    Luv, Babs xo

  3. Your scrapbooking is fab. I keep saying that I will do some one day, but been saying that for 8 years! Ali x

  4. interesting desk, looking forward to seeing your paper piecing and love the layouts. my boy went off having his pics taken until I told him he wouldn't be in my layouts, now sometimes he will smile happily!
    Happy Woyww, Debxx #14

  5. Wauw this is beautiful Debby, nice photos .

    Hugs Suze xxx

  6. fabulous layouts Debby, and a tidy desk too!
    hugs, annie x

  7. Hi Debby, just love your scrapbook pages, it's something I've never done but may have a go one of these days. What wonderful keepsakes, it tells a story about the picture.
    Hugs Sue W.

  8. Love your layouts Debby!


  9. Beautiful layouts, love the tidy desk as well. )

  10. These are gorgeous LO's Debby, Love the photos especially the rope bridge.

    Donna x

  11. WOW stunning LO's Debby, they are all gorgeous :)

  12. Oh wow! Your work space is so tidy! Lol nothing like mine! I am a messy pup hehe. Love your pages, fab layouts and such a vibrant and energetic feel to them all, fabulous
    Lindsay xx

  13. 3 super duper layouts - love them all but especially love how you have managed to match up the ropes in the series of photographs.

    Karen x

  14. Love your layouts Debby!

  15. Beautiful page layouts Debby! Jo xxx

  16. I love your layouts!

  17. Fabulous scrapbook pages Debby and your right brilliant photo's too
    Hugs Laurie x

  18. wow, awesome layouts! as always, waving from the beautiful hills of North Carolina :)

  19. These pages are lovely Debby and a nice change from cards. Aud x

  20. Your scrapbook pages are great! Love everything about them.

    Happy WOYWW

  21. Fabulous layouts Debby, they all are beautiful with great pics, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  22. Wow your layouts are absolutely amazing. You are a real natural when it comes to the layouts Debbie. Brilliant photos too.

  23. Fantastic pages. You displayed the photos very professionally. Your desk is very organized and I know the feeling of not being able to breathe when you are considering a favorite paper. Let it go and something new will come your way....I just know it :-)

  24. Wow! Those layouts are all beautiful. Great job!

  25. wow! fabulous layouts, Debby! love the cute photos and details!

  26. Loving these pages,Debby....and the rope trick works perfectly.

  27. Gorgeous layouts, every one of them! Susie x

  28. Beautiful scrapbook pages and the neutral makes turned out great too.

    ** Kate **

  29. I can't use new paper until it's at least a year old! (have to 'stroke it' !) Lovely layouts! Have a great crafty week. Happy WOYWW!
    ((Lyn)) #26

  30. Look at you, Ms. all Productive 'n stuff. I can't even say which layout is my fave because they are all three so darned good. Please post me some motivation as you've obviously got excess. Awesome pages, Debby.

  31. What fab pages! Take care & enjoy this week's WOYWW, it's now Friday & I'm still snooping! Zo xx 60

  32. such fabby pages! Hugs Juls

  33. Hi Debby, lovely desk and your layouts are fabulous. Love what you did with the rope in the photos and your titles are really good - sometimes the hardest part of the whole process is thinking up the title. Just taking time out from my craft room move :) Elizabeth x #21

  34. Great did a fab job on them
    Your desk looks good...but what is the image of the horse just left of center. My grand daughter is mad for horses. i look for stamps that I stamp off and she colours them. Only 5 but very good at staying between the lines! She would love this little pony!

  35. Wow, your LO's are great!

  36. Love your layouts and the photos are just great. You have a busy desk. #36


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