
Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Favourite !!!!!! of 2011

I have failed my Five Favourite cards of 2011 in fact I've narrowed down to 11 but two cards are similar so I've counted that as one but that still leaves me with 10. 
Someone commented I could call it Top Ten cards of 2011 and I think I like that suggestion but rather change the challenge in mid flow I'm leaving it as it is but next year I'm definitely calling it Top Ten.
So my first card is an Easel card and Sarah Kay you can't go far wrong with that combination.

I just love how these colours works together.
Love the bunny with his fluffy bobtail

Love Mo's Babies and this one is no exception.

The CAS challenges have been a real headache sometimes but I love the simplicity of this card even though the bike was a bit of pain to layer and its perfect for those pesky men cards.

There had to be a Tilda since I love how she is easy to colour and layer and often helps out when
Mr Motivator has left the building.

Now these two I count as one, yes I know its cheating but its my challenge and I'm making up the rules as I'm going along. But they are the same style of card with the help of Magnolia its mostly High Hopes stamps.

I love the inverted frame and I love the adorable Kiss image from Mo and think I may have to remake her in red for Valentines.
Love the fairies from Sugar Nellie and love how with a simple sketch they both turn into a gorgeous card.
I had to have a favourite Penny Black card which was really hard since I could easily have all my favourites Penny Black but I do love how this tall card worked out and I held out nearly all year before I posted it out.

Here's the candy for this challenge, yes that my favourite papers at the moment and was incredible difficult to part with.
 Now all you have to do is to choose your Five Favourite Cards or more make a post and link it to Mr Linky.
Can I remind everyone this isn't a candy to just add your name too.
I will draw for the prize on Friday 6th January.


  1. Wow, great cards you have chosen. All your cards are fantastic, so I would be the choice was very difficult.
    Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy.
    Wish you a happy new year.

  2. Hi Debby, Wow such a stunning selection of cards. I don't make half as many cards as you and found it difficult to narrow down to 5 so i'm not surprised you found it mission impossible!!!

    Thanks for all the inspiration you give me throughout the year. Look forward to visiting your blog in 2012!

    Best wishes for the New Year!

    Lisa xx

  3. Hi Debby, I really missed a lot of great cards overhere. The two cards that count for one ( you didn't cheat :-D ) are GREAT!!!!! and I love the swirl you used with the adorable kiss card. A must have, so please tell me the brand.
    Hope you will have a great start in the new year.
    HUgs Sinikka

  4. I have a bit more and pickes one for each month but I think/hope I can still join in the fun??? Could not pick a favo from your list, they are all just sooo lovely. Your colouring and papers are absolutely stunning!!!
    Have a lovely New Years Eve and I look soooo forward to your creations in a hopefully super 2012!!!

    Hug, Irene

  5. Oh Debby I am so glad you chose 11, ehem 10 as I have ben thinking that I will never be able to narrow it down to 5. I'll be playing along later. You know which my fave is out of your cards and of course it is the SN image in purple. A really fun thing to do and I shall look forward to choosing mine and checking out what everyone else has chosen. Happy New Year. Marianne x

  6. Hi Debby

    so fab to see a review of your work, thank you for all your inspiration, Cant wait to see what you make in 2012!

    Hugs Juls

  7. wow these are all fantastic debby.really stunning images and designs.i do love your sidestepper cards, so much detail :D
    thanks for the fun again this year, i have enjoyed playing along.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year.

    xx coops xx

  8. Oh boy that was tough this week, Loved a lot of my cards so difficult narrowing it down, Thanks for hosting, Hope you have a wonderful 2012 when it arrives, Love Hazelxox

  9. Ah what a generous lady you are all your cards are so worthwile to pop along to your blog and admire x
    happy new year to you and your family
    Suzie Qx

  10. This is definitely an amazing top ten. I love the cards.
    Hugs, Sandra

  11. Wow Debby,thet are all gorgeous!
    Happy New Year!
    Big hugs Heidy

  12. They are ALL so gorgeous Debby, no wonder you couldn't get down to five!!

  13. They are all so fabulous Debby.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Suzi x

  14. Hi Debby, thanks for hosting...again. What beautiful cars you have made. I couldn't limit mine to 5 either...hope that's ok...See you in the New Year...Love S xxx

  15. Brilliant cards Debby, no wonder you had a difficult decision. I love the simplicty of the scooter one, maybe because male cards are always hard for me!
    Thanks for doing this challenge, it has given me LOTS of inspiration looking at all the cards.
    Happy 2012.
    Love Sheila

  16. Oooh what a great bunch of cards you've made this year! I totaly understand that it was difficult for you to just choose five of them as your favourites!

    I will of course take part in this challenge too! Thank you so much for having these great "show off's"! ;D

  17. A wonderful selection of cards hun! xxx

  18. Your top 10 or 11 LOL are all fabulous and there were quite a few of my faves in there too. Look forward to taking part later. Hugs, Claire x

  19. What a treat Debby - love your top picks! Jo x

  20. All your favourites are really gorgeous Debby, but then again I love all your cards, thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous candy,will now pop around everyones blogs to see their favourites...Happy New Year.
    Wendy xx

  21. Love all your cards Debby, how can anyone chose, they are all so purfect!
    I'll go and hunt out my (ugh!) favourites and join in. Happy New New Year!

  22. What a lovely top 10, Debby! Wish you a Happy New Year, thanks for all inspiration in 2011!
    Hugs Kjersti

  23. Great cards way I could choose just 5 of your cards. Have a great New Year. Hugs Sally xxx

  24. Замечательные открытки! Я большая ваша поклоница, всегда с удовольствием рассматриваю ваши творения.Удачи в новом году!

  25. I'm going to try to put my favourite Top 5 or more, lol, on my blog. The price you're going to give away is again splendid. Have a great NewYear's Eve. Hugs, Nicole

  26. Hi Debby
    I had fun doing this, it was alot harder than I thought it would be though! :D
    Thank you for the chance to win these lovely goodies!
    Have a fabulous New Years Eve :)

  27. Absolutely gorgeous cards Debby, I've done my top 5, it's not as easy as you think is it? lol. Happy New Year. Hugs Teresa xx

  28. Fabulous cards Debby - I love them all. Now if only I had known you were going to cheat then I could have cheated too LOL!!!! It was so hard trying to choose only five so I look forward to a top ten next year. Thanks for organising it has been fun joining in with both of your challenges.

    Happy New Year to you and I look forward to you sharing all your lovely craft inspiration for another year.

    Karen x

  29. Thanks for the opportunity to share our fave cards, Happy New Year xxx

  30. Hi Debby
    Gorgeous cards, I can't blame you for not narrowing it down to five. I don't know how you have managed to just pick 11. Wishing you a Happy New Year xx

  31. Lol...I'm not surprised you found it hard to choose just 5 cards...all of yours are always fabulous Debby! My favourite form your selection is the PB one...of course!
    Will be back later to link mine...I may be gone some time! lol
    Happy New Year!
    Helen x

  32. Debby all cards look fantastic. I like your cards for children and unique 3D image coloring. I wishing you a Happy New Year. Lily Anuska

  33. Such a fab bunch ... and I know you have more! I'm coming soon with mine, happy new year, Miria xx

  34. Hi Debby, thanks for doing this again, its fun to see everyone's top 5! Have a wonderfu new year. Pami x

  35. Such adorable cards Debby, I only wish I was half as talented as you. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year.


  36. Hi Debby

    Thank you for setting this lovely little challenge and for making me back track over a year of creations. I really enjoyed the walk down memory lane.

    Love your favourite makes .. .. but don't know how you managed to choose.

    Have a brilliant 2012!!!

    Love Jules xx

  37. Hello!

    This is going to be hard to choose but I will try! Happy New Year Debby! I wish you all good things in 2012 and look forward to another year of your wonderful creations!


    Barbara Diane

  38. Stunning set of cards. Especially like the first one and the Magnolia High Hopes cards. Happy New Year! Julia xx

  39. Thanks for doing another one - I'm glad you kept it to 5 for I'd have struggled with more.
    Paula (PEP)

  40. Wishing you a very happy new year Debby when it comes, this is a great idea for an end of year challenge.
    Carol Ann xx

  41. Hi Debby. Love the cards you have picked. Not surprised you couldn't pick five. Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2011. Donna

  42. Hi Debby, Wow these are truly amazing:) Sandra H

  43. You are so generous Debby and your cards are gorgeous. A very happy New Year to you.
    Margaret M

  44. Fantastic list Debby! Love them all!

  45. Well Debby, what a fantastic showcase of cards, I would have put your big fish one in as well as I just loved that card.
    I was totally opposite to you, I had trouble finding 5 that were half decent.
    Happy new year to you.

    Kath x

  46. Great choice of cards Debby, love the pirate and jungle ones. I've had great fun joining in with your favourite card challenges, thank you.

    Hugs Christine x

  47. I love all of your cards - I can see how it was difficult to pick just 5 ;-)
    I think the Mo Baby one is my fave ;-)

  48. Stunning selection Debby!! Fabulous in every detail and so unique!! Wishing you a very happy 2012, hugs, Juliexx

  49. Well I'm glad I'm not picking lol, I want them ALLL!!Haahaa.But I agree TOP TEN is perfect!!Totally missed the Xmas one but get my butt in gear and do this one

  50. Big wow Debby these are all so beautiful and your style is unique to you, I'm sure Debby fans everywhere can spot a Debby card a mile off lol.
    Wishing you a Happy & Healthy 2012 hun
    big hugs Mandy xx

  51. absolutely fabulous work, Debby! thanks for all the inspirations!! Happy New Year to you and yours! =)

  52. I imagine you would find it difficult to choose your fave cards.. all these cards are stunning and so sweet. Love the pirate and jungle one so much, remember them :) xxx

  53. Great selection. Love the way you layer your images, Hugs

  54. Fabulous collection of cards Debby, all so different. I have really enjoyed looking back over my makes of 2011, I am pretty critical of my work but have found a handful that I actually really like. Happy new year, hope your 2012 is full of fun, love and nice surprises x

  55. Hi Debby
    Gorgeous stunning cards is hard to choose 5.....Happy new year
    Hugs sylvie

  56. Gorgeous cards!! Love all the dimension and beautiful colors!! I could not narrow mine done to five. So, I picked 25. LOL Happy New Year!!

  57. Debby these are all amazing! WOW I am in awe over all of the beauty!!! Gorgeous work!
    Hugs~ Kim

  58. Dear Debby, I wish you all the best in the New 2012 Year!
    I always admire your work and I'm happy to share my selection with you and this gorgeous company!

  59. Dear Debby, I wish you all the best in the New 2012 Year!
    I always admire your work, and I'm happy to share my selection with you and this gorgeous company!

  60. Debby you know i love ALL your cards, always a pleasure to come and look in your blog, thanks for the inspiration you give to me.
    I picked more than 5 cos i couldn't decide!! lol!.Also thank you for the chance to win gorgeous goodies Happy New Year too!!!

  61. Decisions, decisions! Love all of your choices Debby, but I also know that I love all the ones you didn't pick too!! Have a wonderful 2012, looking forward to more great inspiration. And good luck for continuing the diet, you're looking even fabbier than usual!


  62. Fabulous cards Debby! The card of yours that sticks out in my mind is your Magnolia ice skaters card... I'm gonna make that this winter! hehe Thanks for the fun! Linking up!

  63. Happy New Year!:)Great selection.

  64. Hello!

    As you found out, it was not easy to choose just 5 cards! :<) I love your choices but then I love everything you do!!

    Wishing you a great week! Thank you for this opportunity!


    Barbara Diane

  65. Hi Debby - I've really enjoyed looking at your favourites of 2011. I adore the motor scooter and the birthday card with the cat. Great dimension in your cards!

    Thanks for the chance to win too!

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  66. All your card are fab Debby! i had such a hard job picking mine lol.
    Happy New Year to you and yours. luv gina xx

  67. Happy New Year,Debby!
    Ivanina Vasileva

  68. Hi Debby!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I left you a message but its not here! doh!!! did I dream I left you one! odd!! theheheee!! I did not do it New years eve either! haha! anyway!

    LOVE your cards all of them love your blog and your style I really admire how you decoupage your cards awesome!

    Hope you have a fabulous new year hugs me xx

  69. Hi Debby, thanks for having this again, just love it. ... finally I managed to narrow mine to just five! Wishing you all the best for the new year. Hugs xxx

  70. Happy new year! Your cards are really stunning. I love the way you decoupage. To narrow your choice into top 5 card would be very difficult. I would pick Sarah Kay, Whiff of joy, Bunny, pirates and jungle animals, fairies Sugar Nellie.

    Have a great day!

  71. Hi Debby, what a great idea, I'm abit late doing mine (Christmas and kids), but loved going through all the cards I've made. Yours are just brilliant, blow mine right out of the water!
    Happy New Year.
    Jo x

  72. What a beautiful selection Debby ... it's always a joy to pop over to your blog to see your creations!

  73. thank you for the lovely idea of a top 5, love the 3D effects on your cards

  74. so much fun to think back and see the styles and cards you made for the year - great idea!

  75. i love all your cards.. they are all stunning!! :) and hard to picked.. but Love Mo's Babies made me smile - soo adorable image and great colouring... happy new year debby!

  76. This is such a great idea to reflect on one's creative work of the past year. Wishing you all the best for 2012.

  77. Hi Debby,
    Thanks for the opportunity to share our faverite cards. Love your selection too :)).
    A loot of love in New Year!

    Love from Slovenija !!

  78. it's lovely to revisit card makes over the year :)

    thanks for this, lots of fun :)

  79. All gorgeous Debby. Happy New Year. Kim

  80. Hi Debby!

    Thanks for all the inspiration the past year.

    Your cards are fab and I like the selection you're showing. It must have been very difficult to choose between them as you make so many cards. I wish I had a little of your creativity.

    All the best for 2012!


  81. Great idea to pick up top 5 of 2011. Your cards are beautifull.

  82. Wow! Debby, your fave cards are all so gorgeous hun. Thanks for doing this and for offering such a scrummy prize.

    Donna x

  83. What a great idea, nice one for a candy! Such beautiful cards you make, wow!!!


  84. Wonderful cards all them Debby and all of your other cards as well. Don't know how you managed to pick just a few!


  85. Super gorgeous cards - 'ditto' - I too wonder how you could pick just a few when all your cards are amazing. Best wishes for 2012.

  86. Simply love all your creations Debby. It would be almost impossible to pick favourites. Thank you for the inspiration.

  87. Debby, your cards are so gorgeous! Way to go girl! :)

    The challenge is fabulous thank you for inspiring us to look back:)

  88. Debby, Happy New Year! Great idea to pick up top 5 of the past year. Your top 10 are all gorgeous!

  89. What a brilliant selection! However do you manage to pick your favourites out of all of your wonderful creations! Happy New Year, Debby! I have plans to be a better blog commentator this year but already I'm behind! Hey ho! Hugs, Lesley

  90. Your cards are amazing - I'm speechless and its not often that happens :)

  91. You made some respectable points there. I appeared on the internet for the difficulty and found most individuals will go together with together with your website.

  92. Your cards are absolutely "AWESOME". The colors and designs really compliment each other. I love looking at them and hopefully not afraid to attemp to try and make some. Great job.


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