
Wednesday, December 08, 2010


WOYWW nothing even the floor clear of scraps!!!!!

But thats because it all the dining room table and on all the chairs too.
I think I need to emigrate to warmer climates.


  1. That's absolutely the way it looks at my table. I have to craft on my dining table and it's always chaos on it. *lol* One time a day I try to tidy up, but 5 minutes later, it's all the same again.


  2. lol Debby you had me thing what a lovely tidy work space.... then seen your second pic absolutely fab! But still looks organised to me! Jo (24) xxx

  3. oh lol.. that dining room table looks very similar to the one here!
    Lisa ;)

  4. lol,,,,,, aww Debby you are more than welcome to come and stay with me hunny :-) it was 24 degrees here today !! If you came I could just watch how you make your wonderful cards too ,,,!!! :-)

    hope the weather improves xx

    Lols x x x

  5. Lol! That's a way to keep your desk clean!!!!

  6. Hee Hee. you are a hoot. My crafting space is always in the dinning room, but I am a tidy freak, everything gets put away each time, I have heaps of cubes on their side to store my stuff right behind me plus looking after 4 grandkids every day after school makes me tidy up.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  7. my dining room table is always looking like that!!!!!!

    Liefs, Wanda

  8. now that was a big tease debby....had me thinking that you were all up to date with the crafty list....thanks for the snoop...hugs kath xxx

  9. Trying to catch us out there Debby! I craft in our sunroom and it's rather parky in here tonight. Carolxx

  10. Geef toch een goed gevoel alles weer netjes is. Ik geniet elke keer weer als alles weer even op z'n plek is
    Groetjes Marian

  11. heheheh - I love it. It must feel nice to have your craft desk clean though, lol.

  12. You almost had me fooled and couldnt believe how tidy you were, then I scrolled down. Hugs Pam x

  13. I saw the desk and thought "not possible!" and then I saw the dining room! LOL! Warmest wishes, Lesley

  14. Morning Debby, you had me fooled, I thought oh my goodness Debby's finished making all her cards and then your second photo came in view and I thought thank goodness! made me feel at home again. I'm getting fed up of the cold too. I'm a spring person. Big Hugs JO.xx *22*

  15. Thanks for sharing your crafty space. Sometimes a crafters gotta do whatever it takes to Hugs, Marjo #45

  16. LOL...thats a different way to keep your craft room tidy .Have fun!hugs judex###6

  17. Ha ha, that's exactly what has happened to my craft space this week, too cold in the 'proper' one!

    Alison x (39)

  18. Hee, hee, my dining room table looks very much the same as yours ;-)
    Luckely we always eat at our kitchentable, so I don't have to tidy it up every day. Sometimes I do, and afther making one card, it's all the same mess again ;-)

    hugs, Elly

  19. Hi Debbie, I have to admit that the photo was a bit of a shock... but then the second one explained it! Stay warm!
    Chrissie #7

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